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Pakistan suffers $100bn losses in ‘war on terror’

........ This WOT would have been over years ago had not the PA been running with the hare and hunting with the hounds with the ultimate aim of achieving 'strategic depth' in Afghanistan.....!

very very very simplistic and thus childish argument.

Hate to bring this to you my dear dear dear poster.

Insurgencies take years to diminish and even that to a manageable level (instead of disappearing completely).

When Sri Lankan Sinhala Bhuddist army took 25 years to deal with Tamilian Hindu/Chritian terror, would you jump up and down and say SLA is running with Tamil rabbits?

Or Maoists in India have been active for almost 35+ years, would you jump up and down and say Indians are running with Mao rabbits?

When British army fought decades long war in Northern ireland, would you jump up and down and say Brits are running with IRA rabbits?

When Basque insurgents besieged Spaniards, would you jump up and down and say Spanish LEA are running with Basque rabbits?

I can give you 10s of more examples.

But for some reasons, otherwise intellectual and sane Indians will leave their brains home when it comes to Pakistan and Pakistan army.

Just leave the brains home.


You my dear have not studied insurgencies, you have not studied the region called Wazirastan. its history, geography, and its social environment.

And thus spreading ignorance in such an arrogant way, like an obese over-eater consumes 20,000 calorie diet and then stinks up the whole damn dining hall.

Please be smart and avoid overindulgence and you will save yourself and others from the terrible "side effects".

Why blame only the Yanks? This WOT would have been over years ago had not the PA been running with the hare and hunting with the hounds with the ultimate aim of achieving 'strategic depth' in Afghanistan. If they had demolished the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Mullah Omar) instead of helping them in fighting the ISAF by providing military help, this war would have been over long ago and Pakistan would have been spared the loss of billions of dollars.

And the unfortunate spin-off has been the rise of the TTP that has created mayhem resulting in the flight of capital and near zero foreign investment due to security reasons.

The fact is that PA's generals have been controlling defense and foreign policies especially in relation to Afghanistan and India which has led to this situation that has put Pakistan in dire straits. In hindsight, using militant groups as 'strategic assets' (as Kayani himself admitted to his American counterpart) was a disaster of epic proportions.

So why put the entire blame on the Yanks? Pakistan is equally responsible for the mess it is in. Period!

Spot freaking on! - to add, IF you are always having to have ' a crutch' like previously w/ the Americans for that singular benefit = upping India in the region, you cannot being on the road of being self reliant. Now it is w/ China... the circle of dependency continues. That leads to the Islamist having a bigger voice. Terrorism comes from a place of poverty and ignorance
PA's calculations are very cold blooded, and to me, unnecessary. PA could not strike a deal with the US and has nto been able to for the last 12 years, so why should we imagine that it will be able to do so within the next or 10 years? And all of that means that ordinary Pakistanis, civilians, paramilitary and army, will continue to be killed by the Islamist enemy without the PA delivering the knock out blow, that I am convinced it could deliver at will,
very very very simplistic and thus childish argument. Hate to bring this to you my dear dear dear poster.

Insurgencies take years to diminish and even that to a manageable level (instead of disappearing completely).

When Sri Lankan Sinhala Bhuddist army took 25 years to deal with Tamilian Hindu/Chritian terror, would you jump up and down and say SLA is running with Tamil rabbits?

Or Maoists in India have been active for almost 35+ years, would you jump up and down and say Indians are running with Mao rabbits?

When British army fought decades long war in Northern ireland, would you jump up and down and say Brits are running with IRA rabbits?

When Basque insurgents besieged Spaniards, would you jump up and down and say Spanish LEA are running with Basque rabbits?
I can give you 10s of more examples.

But for some reasons, otherwise intellectual and sane Indians will leave their brains home when it comes to Pakistan and Pakistan army.

You my dear have not studied insurgencies, you have not studied the region called Wazirastan. its history, geography, and its social environment.

And thus spreading ignorance in such an arrogant way, like an obese over-eater consumes 20,000 calorie diet and then stinks up the whole damn dining hall. Please be smart and avoid overindulgence and you will save yourself and others from the terrible "side effects".


Oh wow! Just cool it dude! Yours are specious arguments my dear FaujHistorian! Your flowery language doesn't impress me one bit!! :no: How much experience do you have in COIN ops? Insurgencies don't always have the same template. They differ in degree depending on various factors.

So, how do insurgencies sustain and take years to diminish, if at all? Because of the simple reason that WITHOUT OUTSIDE SUPPORT IN THE FORM OF WEAPONS, AMMO, LOGISTICS, SAFE SANCTUARIES, FUNDS AND LOCAL SUPPORT, no insurgency can survive for long. Period!

Now, where do you think the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) is getting all this from? No prizes for guessing. Where the TTP (a spin-off from the WOT) is concerned, it is the US of A (CIA) and probably Afghanistan's KHAD, Maoists mainly get their sustenance from China (which has the grand design of breaking up India into a hundred parts), as well as terrorist groups based in BD and controlled by hostile intel agencies abroad.

The Kurdish insurgency in Iraq collapsed in 1975 when the Kurds’ principal supporter, Iran, reached a diplomatic accommodation with Iraq. Deprived of arms, supplies, and sanctuary, the Kurdish insurgency crumbled within two weeks.

Now the question is: Who is providing arms, sanctuaries and supplies to the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) that has allowed them to sustain their war against the ISAF for more than a decade? Depriving them of these inputs and the Taliban would have collapsed like a house of cards years ago. The WOT would have been over within a couple of years and Pakistan would have been spared the loss of billions of dollars and thousands of lives. Challenge me on this!

But then the grand design of ‘strategic depth’ would have come a cropper! The PA needs to have a pliable dispensation in Afghanistan to achieve this. And thus the support to the Haqqanis and Omars. But it’s surprising why this mirage is still being propagated! Is there still hope? With a civil war looming large in Afghanistan, once most of the US troops depart, with a dozen countries trying to jockey for space (CARs, Iran, China, USA, India, Pakistan, Russia, Taliban, 'Northern Alliance' etc) using the scores of warlords as their proxies, there is no way of installing a pliable Taliban (Haqqani) government in Kabul as per the desire of the PA for attaining 'strategic depth'. Pakistan would then be reduced to just a bit player, never mind what so called 'analysts' have to say.

Now go breathe some fresh air, bhaijaan! You seem to be on fire! I've probably touched a raw nerve!! :P :lol: Bad for ones' blood pressure! :D

And yes, my brain is firmly ensconced in my skull and not lying at home!! Yours? :P
PA's calculations are very cold blooded, and to me, unnecessary. PA could not strike a deal with the US and has nto been able to for the last 12 years, so why should we imagine that it will be able to do so within the next or 10 years? And all of that means that ordinary Pakistanis, civilians, paramilitary and army, will continue to be killed by the Islamist enemy without the PA delivering the knock out blow, that I am convinced it could deliver at will,

PA or Indian armies do not calculate at their own.

Please see Wazirastan history all the way to 1943-45.

.... Your flowery language doesn't impress me one bit!! ....

But you do get impressed by Islamists and leftist propaganda and their flowery language.
In return, Pakistan had so far received around $15bn through official channels on account of over $10bn in shape of Coalition Support Fund (CSF) compared to official losses of $68bn till fiscal year 2010-11, so only 14% losses were reimbursed by the US.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...rs-100bn-losses-war-terror.html#ixzz2VXGKocRQ

I was very amused by this claim and statement. It seems to suggest that US should pay for the ill's that pakistan has created.

It seems to wonder, how is it that we have festered, supported, trained and funded " good terrorists" even after the Russians left- for the sole purpose of our " afghan policy"; that Pakistan under Zia started a turn towards harsh Islamist ideology, and now those snakes we put in our neighbors garden are coming back to bite us in our house.

It seems to wonder how is that 1/4 of the country not under its rule ( NWF and Tribal parts), where following the constitution means jack and Pakistan in fact encouraged them to use more backward laws vs civilized laws - that people within those areas could possibly turn inward and towards terrorism.

The true enemy of Pakistan is not outside , it is within your " establishments"... protect them, make excuses for them, refuse due to small thinking to demand changes from them, refuse to ask them to come under democratic leadership - that 100 billion will be 500 billion in 5 years.
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