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Pakistan Succesful Test Fired Hatf-VIII Ra'ad ALCM

The point you are making is not backed by facts.

Why would Americans mistake a 'sub launched Babur' as Harpoon, considering the fact they did not supply Pakistan with sub launched harpoons in 80s?

The only way that is possible is that, Pakistan might have tested was a ship launched weapon not a submarine launched weapon.

Stationary targets at sea? You mean an oil rig?

When America was satisfied Pakistan didn't modified any old or new harpoons after inspecting complete inventory , how can you insist Pakistan still modified it ?
When America was satisfied Pakistan didn't modified any old or new harpoons after inspecting complete inventory , how can you insist Pakistan still modified it ?

I am not claiming either, wether Pakistan did or did not modify the Harpoon missile..or if Americans were or were not satisfied .

I am claiming 'IF' (and it is a big if) Pakistan tested any missile at sea, it wasn't sub launched Babur for then it wouldn't have been mistaken for a surface launched Harpoons, that American provided you in 80s.

Besides As per wikileaks Americans had turned down Pakistani request to supply them with Harpoons equipped with Coastal target suppression system, perhaps that is why, Pakistan might have felt compelled to modify its existing harpoon missile to attack land targets.

We have and will deny arms sales that we believe would upset the regional balance of power, as we have with the recent GOP (Government of Pakistan) request to buy the Coastal Targeting Suppression System, which enables Harpoon missiles to be fired at land or near-land targets using GPS technology,” reads the cable titled “Saving the F 16 Program”."

Cable: 09ISLAMABAD586_a
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I am not claiming either, wether Pakistan did or did not modify the Harpoon missile..or if Americans were or were not satisfied .

I am claiming 'IF' (and it is a big if) Pakistan tested any missile at sea, it wasn't sub launched Babur for then it wouldn't have been mistaken for a surface launched Harpoons, that American provided you in 80s.

Pakistan aren't bound to tell you CM launches, How many times you have tested Sea launched BM under the garb of Agni 1 ? SLCM babur was being tested from offshore facilities back then or in shallow water through a poontoon. We never know until Pakistan discloses it
Pakistan aren't bound to tell you CM launches, How many times you have tested Sea launched BM under the garb of Agni 1 ? SLCM babur was being tested from offshore facilities back then or in shallow water through a poontoon. We never know until Pakistan discloses it

I agree Pakistan is not bound to tell about cruise missile launches, but that does not prove that Babur SLCM has been tested.
I agree Pakistan is not bound to tell about cruise missile launches, but that does not prove that Babur SLCM has been tested.
A 2008 interview of Dr.samar is posted in this thread. He clearly says Pakistan has sub launched Babur.
A 2008 interview of Dr.samar is posted in this thread. He clearly says Pakistan has sub launched Babur.

Well what can I say to that logic,

Samar Mubarakmand does make a lot of loud claims, for example in his interviews he also claims
that India only has Prithvi missile, and no foreign satellite have picked us successful test of any Agni missiles.

And mind you this is 2008, when Agni 1 and 2 had already been inducted and Agni 3 has had three successful tests. Indo -Russian Bhramos which had been tested at least two dozen times by then has no proven capability.

Only one way to find out for sure huh? ;)

Well why don't you try it then?

There is still a chance, a subsonic missile like Babur or RAAD can be shot down by missile defenses(Barak 1, 2 , AAD, Akash) or gatling guns or even CAP aircrafts, how will you stop Indian supersonic missiles or ballistic missiles?
What I'm referring to is a major upgrade, something like a second version in the series. The basic Ra'ad (350 km) & Babur (~500km) are already in production.

No idea about that.

Not yet. For now, the current systems suffice.

It will also use radar too and it will be part of NCW environment so guidance is not a big issue, and your Mig-29Ks will have to run for their money to save your CBG as there is no air defense missile in IN which can hit more then 180 to 220 kms (safe distance to launch AShM) and PAF will be in luxury to launch Ra'ad from 280 km away and CM-400AKG from 200 km away while they will be able to protect them too and IN will have to relie on Mig-29Ks as they will be very far from Indian coast. Also remember that IN will keep distance from Pakistani coast as PN's coastal defense batteries can hit very long at sea backed by FACs. PN may not be able to go on offensive on Indian assets at coasts but they can defend their sea lines and coast line.

A Longer ranged SAM with a range of 200-250 km is on the drawing board.
Saurav Jha's Blog : Interview with Dr Avinash Chander, DRDO Chief and Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister
He also confirmed that a new Long ranged SAM with a range of 200-250 km is on the drawing board, which is likely be a spin off our ABM technology .
Dr Avinash Chander Talks about NEW Missiles

Advanced Air Defence (AAD)

Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missile being launched during Electronic Target Trials on 2 December 2007 from Wheeler's Island Test Range in Odisha.
Type Endoatmospheric Anti-ballisticmissile
Place of origin India
Service history
In service
Under development
Produced 6 December 2007
1,200 kg
Length 7.5 m
Diameter <0.5 m
Detonation mechanism
Kinetic Kill (Hit-to-Kill)
Engine Single Stage[19]
Propellant Solid fuel
Flight ceiling 30 km

SAM operational range = 150-200 km
Mach 4.5

Inertial Navigation System
Mid-course update
Active radar homing (Terminal phase)

Tatra TEL 8 × 8

manoeuvrability g-limits=between +25 to +30g[20]
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