Good post.
A tiny fringe in Pakistani journalism have such opinions which even a self-proclaimed 'liberal' like myself sometime find too much, as the quoted lady in OP. They maybe wrong some time but to equate them with a Harami like Khadim Rizvi, who not only blocked out parts of Pakistan's capital but also openly boasted about resistance until his so-called 'martyrdom' is going too far. These liberals are not doing too much damage to Pakistan. They are NOT inciting violence. Heck, some of them will come to YOUR rescue if they see that something is being wrong to you. Imagine sectarian mullahs crying over the deaths of the Hazara Shias? They wouldn't. Liberals generally cry over the death of just about anyone. ANYONE. And lest you come to wrong conclusions--I am not Shia, not that it should matter.
Pakistan cannot be and should not be a country which muzzles dissent. These articles and tweets are but another shade of the flower garden of Pakistan's discourse. We don't want to be like Iran or Saudi Arabia or even India, for that matter.
I think you're underestimating liberals bro. These guys breed slowly and then you will reach a point where they take over the thoughts of people.
Look at the west. 30 years ago, lgbt propaganda was banned in schools in Britain. Theresa May (current prime minister) herself voted against it back then. Even 10 years ago, most people thought being gay was iffy. But over time, slowly these liberals changed the minds of people through the media and "human rights" organisations. Now LGBT is massively pushed in schools to even young children. People now don't even know how many genders there are anymore lol and anyone who speaks out is at risk of losing their job and livelihood. Even from Pakistan, I see websites like Mangabaaz openly writing pro gay garbage and dawn news openly pushes feminist ideals.
Don't equate damage as only being physical as through riots or blockades or even murder. Damage to people's values, religious beliefs and societal culture is far worse.
There is nothing wrong with muzzling liberals. These guys should not be described in some flowery language as being another another shade of us. These people are freaks and nothing like the rest of society.
Believe me, whether a person is sunni or shia, they would rather die in a bomblast than have their kids leave Islam and become pro lgbt or some other liberal garbage. Losing a loved one to death can hurt but that isn't the end of a Muslim. We have Jannah and even the worst Muslim will enter Jannah one day. However losing a loved one through their actions of become liberal and adopting anti-Islamic beliefs is far worse because that may lead to them potentially going to hellfire forever.