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Pakistan stands with their Bengali brothers over terrorist attack in Dhaka

Its sad some of them cannot put politics and history aside and simply stand with another group of people when they have faced a dastardly terrorist attack.

Ok we can be enemies ideologically and politically or whatever....but I for one will always stand with Pakistanis when they suffer at hands of terrorism....even if they claim it was India behind it.

I do not think it is right to not stand with the regular people of a country (even "enemy" country) that have been made victims by those that have complete opposite of virtue.

It saddens me that this seems to be prevalent all across the subcontinent....but it gives me hope when I see that some do stand and are able to put aside differences and feel remorse and a gentle sadness for innocent lives lost in such a cruel way....and offer a shoulder for what are ultimately other human beings....whether friend or enemy in politics and history!

In the past I've seen BAL supporters who should be your allies clashing with you because you stated a fact, a fact only a sycophant can deny. The fact didn't suite his purpose so he didn't hesitate to clash with you. This shows the kind of societies we live in. For scoring a few points some of us are ready to lie and spread hatred as if being like Goebbels is everything in life. It is sad but this is the reality, this is the kind of world we live in.
In the past I've seen BAL supporters who should be your allies clashing with you because you stated a fact, a fact only a sycophant can deny. The fact didn't suite his purpose so he didn't hesitate to clash with you. This shows the kind of societies we live in. For scoring a few points some of us are ready to lie and spread hatred as if being like Goebbels is everything in life. It is sad but this is the reality, this is the kind of world we live in.

I've clashed with the anti-BAL people as well.

What to do, politics (Esp with regard to India) is a very heated subject in Bangladesh. I only hope one day we all come out of the mutual suspicions and distrust ...and live side by side in peace and progress.
Shud up OP you're not Pakistan -- you only speak for yourself. Bengalis are NOT my brothers nor do i stand with/against anyone over shiit happening in Bangladesh. :bad:

This!!!!!............most Pakistanis would agree with you but won't admit to it publicly. If Pakistanis are going to start to stand with nations that have got nothing to do with us then we may 1st begin to stand with the Eskimos from the north pole who are declining in number and having their way of life diminished. I find that much more troubling than what's happening in Bangladesh. We need to start a Pakistani-based movement to revitalise the Eskimos of the North Pole.

PS When Pakistan suffered an imposed covert war by the americans and huge daily terrorist attacks between 2002-2014, A LOT of Bengalis were jeering and tacitly supported this. Many said we deserved it. So I could not care less what happens in their country. They are as alien to us Pakistanis as the Sub-Saharan Africans are to us.
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This!!!!!............most Pakistanis would agree with you but won't admit to it publicly. If Pakistanis are going to start to stand with nations that have got nothing to do with us then we may 1st begin to stand with the Eskimos from the north pole who are declining in number and having their way of life diminished. I find that much more troubling than what's happening in Bangladesh. We need to start a Pakistani-based movement to revitalise the Eskimos of the North Pole.
You will antagonise Scandinavians needlessly.
You will antagonise Scandinavians needlessly.

But we cannot continue to allow the Eskimos to diminish rapidly. If us Pakistanis don't stand shoulder to shoulder with them and do not help then who will?
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But we cannot cintinue to allow the Eskimos to diminish rapidly. If us Pakistanis don't stand shoulder to shoulder with them and do not help them then who will?
Well as a human and as an individual I would like to raise my voice but it has not to be only Pakistans but other nations too. But not the state or nation of Pakistan.
Well as a human and as an individual I would like to raise my voice but it has not to be only Pakistans but other nations too. But not the state or nation of Pakistan.

Raising our voice is not enough. We need to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Eskimo brothers and help them PHYSICALLY now. If we don't do this immediately then it maybe too late. STOP ESKIMO GENOCIDE NOW.
This!!!!!............most Pakistanis would agree with you but won't admit to it publicly. If Pakistanis are going to start to stand with nations that have got nothing to do with us then we may 1st begin to stand with the Eskimos from the north pole who are declining in number and having their way of life diminished. I find that much more troubling than what's happening in Bangladesh. We need to start a Pakistani-based movement to revitalise the Eskimos of the North Pole.
yeah paks won't admit it publicly, especially the PDF kind. :lol:

i had never heard of them before so just did a quick google search. they seem like a cute people with an inserting culture and are indeed in dire need of support.
thanks for adding to my knowledge. :)
Raising our voice is not enough. We need to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Eskimo brothers and help them PHYSICALLY now. If we don't do this immediately then it maybe too late. STOP ESKIMO GENOCIDE NOW.
i wish you best of luck..Just do the favour to us..when you do that, post some of your pics helping them PHYSICALLY. Enough of the words...No more discusson from me
Raising our voice is not enough. We need to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Eskimo brothers and help them PHYSICALLY now. If we don't do this immediately then it maybe too late. STOP ESKIMO GENOCIDE NOW.
my shetani dimagh tells me one could make good money selling Eskimo cause. :D

it'd take a Sharmeen Obaid though.
@Mohammed Khaled Jeez,bro...these people here ( Except @Nilgiri ) don't know any history ... Surely they failed in history....
In Pakistan a different version of history is taught. Just like Japan about ww2. In same case a different version of history is taught in India about 65s 60s war. It's to be expected. Nothing to be surprised of.
In Pakistan a different version of history is taught. Just like Japan about ww2. In same case a different version of history is taught in India about 65s 60s war. It's to be expected. Nothing to be surprised of.

Yeah,in Japan during WW2,they taught in geography that the whole Asia belonged to Japan,the whole Africa belonged to Italy,and the whole Europe ( except Italy ) belonged to Germany....The Pakistanis seem to be taught in this manner about 1971...
Yeah,in Japan during WW2,they taught in geography that the whole Asia belonged to Japan,the whole Africa belonged to Italy,and the whole Europe ( except Italy ) belonged to Germany....The Pakistanis seem to be taught in this manner about 1971...

Japanese still have some very questionable interpretation of their role in WW2. You can especially see it in their imperial war museum in Tokyo.
Shud up OP you're not Pakistan -- you only speak for yourself. Bengalis are NOT my brothers nor do i stand with/against anyone over shiit happening in Bangladesh. :bad:
Yeah feeling's mutual- Pakistanis like you aren't my brothers either. Thanks for making it clear. No love for people like you hehe.

This!!!!!............most Pakistanis would agree with you but won't admit to it publicly. If Pakistanis are going to start to stand with nations that have got nothing to do with us then we may 1st begin to stand with the Eskimos from the north pole who are declining in number and having their way of life diminished. I find that much more troubling than what's happening in Bangladesh. We need to start a Pakistani-based movement to revitalise the Eskimos of the North Pole.

PS When Pakistan suffered an imposed covert war by the americans and huge daily terrorist attacks between 2002-2014, A LOT of Bengalis were jeering and tacitly supported this. Many said we deserved it. So I could not care less what happens in their country. They are as alien to us Pakistanis as the Sub-Saharan Africans are to us.
Yeah its mutual- no love for you people either. I always thought otherwise. My friends in Jamaat should see your comment hehe.
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