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Pakistan spends $2.5 billion a year on its arsenal: report

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan spends $2.5 billion a year on its arsenal: report
DAWN.COM | 4 hours ago
According to a news report published in The Hindu, Pakistan is estimated to be in possession of more nuclear weapons than India and is currently spending about $ 2.5 billion a year to develop its arsenal.

The report titled ‘Assuring Destruction Forever: Nuclear Modernisation Around the World’, states that Pakistan is moving from an arsenal based wholly on HEU to greater reliance on lighter and more compact plutonium-based weapons, which is made possible by a rapid expansion in plutonium production capacity.

According to the findings of the report Pakistan is estimated to have 90-110 nuclear weapons.

The report also signifies that Pakistan has a number of short, medium and longer range missile road-mobile ballistic surface-to-surface missiles in various stages of development.

On the contrary India is estimated to be in possession of 80-100 of nuclear warheads.

The report also states that India is also developing a range of delivery vehicles, including land and sea-based missiles, bombers, and submarines.
Pakistan spends $2.5 billion a year on its arsenal: report | DAWN.COM
Complete Report : http://reachingcriticalwill.org/ima...odernization/assuring-destruction-forever.pdf
That's good. And before people raise questions regarding development for the citizens, let me state that Defence Budget isn't an issue for our economy, corruption and tax evasion is our real problem.
so let me get this straight , they spend 2.5 $ billion ever year over their annual defense budget?
that is why their arsenal is more than India's:woot:
if we too spent 45% of our budget we would also have been growing very fast....
that is why their arsenal is more than India's:woot:
if we too spent 45% of our budget we would also have been growing very fast....

Pakistan's defence budget is less than 25% of total budget and India's defence budget is more than the entire budget of Pakistan. So dont say that you would grow very fast :P
''if we too spent 45% of our budget we would also have been growing very fast....''
Go a head as if some one's stopping you.
2.5 Billion isn't 45% of our GDP...

Our GDP is reaching 500 Billion PPP wise, and nominal wise it's 200 Billion.
Instead of criticizing Pakistan for its spending on arsenal they should look at India which is on window shopping spree since the 90s. Third largest weapon buyer in the world. Nukes assure Peace because both know that it will be disastrous to go to complete war. If Germany and Japan had these weapons in WW2 than war would have dragged on.
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