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Pakistan should recognize taliban.

This is by the way interesting that we hear every now and then by our government that Mehsud is behind everything that is going wrong inside pakistan from suecide attacks to the murder of BB, yet somehow they always comeup short of acting against him or for that matter Mehsud tribe. Why is double standards being shown here, its beyond understanding.

Ice dear we are not short of action but to say that we should punish the entire Mehsude tribe for sins and terrorism of one R.AT than that is not fair nor justified.
The Mehsud tribe is not composed of just few people who are with Mehsud but it is a large tribe and 99% of Mehsuds are peacful patriotic Pakistanis.

Now why we failed to get Mehsud ? well we all know who is protecting him.
You can expect a predator to kill even a wedding party including childern and women but to expect one would be used for getting Mehsud by the same power!!! well not likley.

One thing is for sure that if we believe US is going to do so for our sake, we are so sadly mistaken. Every country has their own interets and priorities and killing Mehsud isnt for sure one of them so far.
That is the main reason this R.AT is still alive.
mehsud is not supported by his tribe, rather by uzbeks and other foreigners. therefore, it would be wise to take the guy's a** out. they are causing way too much fitna, even other pak taliban groups are distancing themselves away from him. we should take advantage of the situation.
Ice dear we are not short of action but to say that we should punish the entire Mehsude tribe for sins and terrorism of one R.AT than that is not fair nor justified.
The Mehsud tribe is not composed of just few people who are with Mehsud but it is a large tribe and 99% of Mehsuds are peacful patriotic Pakistanis.

Now why we failed to get Mehsud ? well we all know who is protecting him.
You can expect a predator to kill even a wedding party including childern and women but to expect one would be used for getting Mehsud by the same power!!! well not likley.

There is no doubt that the whole of Mehsud tribe is certainly not behind him however there are few that actually are from the same tribe and we need to take them out one way or the other. By the way if mehsud tribe for somereason are not handing him over to the authorties, then according to LAW they are also responsible for giving him support even if that is limited to shelter only. Support is afterall a support and ones supporting mehsud in whatever manner are equally responsible for his actions.

That is the main reason this R.AT is still alive.

If that is the reason, relying on the US to take him out then we are nothing more then a bunch of ignorant fools. Like i said before US will certainly not kill him. IF they wanted they would have had uptill now. This means that we are left with two options.1) we take him out on our own and people that support him or 2) we continue to suffer like we are and like we have in the past.
i have a nice video interview of zaid hamid that is current, i'm going to post it in multimedia section.

Suddenly our indian members over here are coming to the rescue of america over the securing of afghan border---seems like they have found a new religion---.

Is it pakistan's problem that the u s does not have enough troops on their side---it seems like, that it is intentional to keep the troop levels down---amzaing isn't it---here is the killer of 3100 americans hiding in this area---and the u s does not have enough troops to secure the border---it doesn't seem plausible---my brain is doing cartwheels---what is the deceit behind it---.

Pakistan didn't have enough troops to seal the kashmir border---why didn't you guys come to our rescue.

Salim---there is no flaw in Qureishi's article.
i've posted the interview of zaid hamid in the multimedia thread, i think everyone should check out. I admit, ahmed quraishi gets a little paranoid, but that's only his articles. zaid hamid gives a very good understanding of the current situation. i encourage everyone to please check it out.
hmmmm i think i agree with your suggetion specially the reason why he should take action agianst Baitullah.

But i dont think so it is feasible at the moment as Umer better concentrate in his own country.

Plus the powers behind Baitullah are stronger than Umer.

So lets wait for appropriate time

There is a famous song by Sinatra (I think) or was it Dean Martin, which goes, "Domani never comes!"

Suddenly our indian members over here are coming to the rescue of america over the securing of afghan border---seems like they have found a new religion---.

Is it pakistan's problem that the u s does not have enough troops on their side---it seems like, that it is intentional to keep the troop levels down---amzaing isn't it---here is the killer of 3100 americans hiding in this area---and the u s does not have enough troops to secure the border---it doesn't seem plausible---my brain is doing cartwheels---what is the deceit behind it---.

Pakistan didn't have enough troops to seal the kashmir border---why didn't you guys come to our rescue.

Salim---there is no flaw in Qureishi's article.


I am not canvassing for the US. I am merely stating that it is indeed a ridiculous thought that civilians conjure that any border can be 'sealed'. It is like believing that the Moon is made of cheese!

I have always held that securing the border is a bogus statement since no borders can be secured, least of the High Altitude or mountainous borders! If I am not mistaken, I have also explained as to why, on this fourm.

As far as if the US is intentionally keeping troop levels down, as you claim, your guess is as good as mine. I haven't any idea.

It is not Pakistan's problem that the US does not have, nor will have, enough troops to 'seal' the borders.

But, it sure is Pakistan's problem that US Predators fly at will and Pakistan merely condemns such actions in most strongest of terms. Has a démarche been given? Has the US Ambassador been hauled over the coals?

Have you any idea what it takes to even come anywhere near 'sealing the border'? With 80,000 troops out there, Pakistan nor the Pakistani Army has not been able to do so! I am sure the Pakistani Army is interested in stopping the infiltration of terrorists as much as Musharraf is. Likewise, the creation of the border fence.

It is one thing to desire and it is totally a different kettle of fish to implement the same. It is time that the population understand the realities and not feel that Govts and their Armies are not doing their job. It is a very tiresome, difficult and lonely job they are doing.

Haven't understood this:

Pakistan didn't have enough troops to seal the kashmir border---why didn't you guys come to our rescue.

I am not canvassing for the US. I am merely stating that it is indeed a ridiculous thought that civilians conjure that any border can be 'sealed'. It is like believing that the Moon is made of cheese!

I would like to disagree with it. The reason is that though i agree the whole border cannot be sealed however by sealing even if we can restrict 50% of the afghan population crossing over and vice versa (and it will be more then 50%) its still something better then nothing. This will have a huge effect on crossborder infiltration why because if you see Pak-Afghan border Mr. Salim you will notice that people are moving here and there like they are going through another market and not into another country. Having a border fenced and mined, only people with proper documentation and pakistani visa can get along through proper way and not the way that is happening at the moment with a complete open and unprotected border. Besides if fencing a border was that useless then india would have not been doing so with pakistan. Even if this procress isnt 100% successfull, yet you cannot deny the significant decrease that it can bring on the number of illegal immigrants and terrorists.
Sealing the border completely is possible if both countries try hard. The 38th parallel is one good example. no one but highly trained elite commandos have any chance of penetrating that border.
I would like to disagree with it. The reason is that though i agree the whole border cannot be sealed however by sealing even if we can restrict 50% of the afghan population crossing over and vice versa (and it will be more then 50%) its still something better then nothing. This will have a huge effect on crossborder infiltration why because if you see Pak-Afghan border Mr. Salim you will notice that people are moving here and there like they are going through another market and not into another country. Having a border fenced and mined, only people with proper documentation and pakistani visa can get along through proper way and not the way that is happening at the moment with a complete open and unprotected border. Besides if fencing a border was that useless then india would have not been doing so with pakistan. Even if this procress isnt 100% successfull, yet you cannot deny the significant decrease that it can bring on the number of illegal immigrants and terrorists.

Yes, you are right that there will be a reduction of the infiltration.

Mines actually, as is the experience on the LOC, does not really deter since quite a few are blown up by animals and some are deliberate blown up by infiltrators burning the grass on the slopes which in turn blows up the mines. Fences too can be circumvented as is the experience on the LOC.

However, yes, it will reduce the infiltration and so that extent you are correct.
However, yes, it will reduce the infiltration and so that extent you are correct.

So perhaps we should do it even if it isnt 100% successful rather then to just wait and see while infiltrators continue to move freely on both sides of the border. I dont know what the hell does the GOP is thinking? it should had been done by now rather just waiting for the green light to be shown by the US.:angry:
If Mullah Omar has said that he has no links with Fazullah and Baitullah, then why should ke not take action against them?

Interesting, what?

My understanding is that the afghan taliban are also hunting Mehsud and Fazlullah.

Theres no point in fencing the border in my opinion....waste of time and money,it only takes a dozen or so people to get across the border at any point and cauce havoc.
The israelis have built a wall and they cant stop the bombers!
The money should be spent on intelligence gathering ,smart weapons and better trained police.
it's strange, but in the past when pakistan made peace agreements with these groups, airstrikes followed.

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