Christianity says not to curse God. But we have no civil or societal law that punishes those fools who do so.
As a Christian outsider who lived and worked in Pakistan 1963-1965 and have Muslim friends to this day here in the US who came directly from Pakistan in recent years as new US Immigrants...I observe that it is wrong and disrespectful to all other religions parcticed inside Pakistan to dare to have a "law" which would seek to impose one faith's beliefs, Islam, on those who are not Muslims there.
Further, I likewise think such a blasphemy law is merely a tool for radical religious folks, be they mullahs or politicians, to seek to punsih and threaten those who do not support them.
Pakistan needs real democracy, which includes protected freedom of all religions, as was provided for in the original 1950 Pakistan Constitution.
The turn toward radical Islam in the 1970s and since is absolutely wrong! It is the ruination of Pakistan, and for that matter, of Afghanistan.
Shame on the cowards who would use and hide behind the blasphemy law. Islam means peace. Our Jesus Christ stood for peace as the propiation for all mankinds sins, as our Savior, as the son of our in common God on high.