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Pakistan Should Increase it's Defence Budget to Atleast 20 Billion dollars

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Only 3% of the nation's GDP accounts for the military, and our current defence budget is around 8 billion dollars.

If we increase that to 7%-11% of our GDP, we can easily maintain a military budget of over 20 billion dollars.

This would dramatically allow us to procure 5th generation fighter jets, newer rifles (better than the outdated G3), establish adequate SAM's and Missile defence, and invest in research and technology that will allow us to produce military equipment and technologies indigenously.

Countries like Oman uses 11.4% of it's GDP, Qatar 10% of it's GDP, Saudi Arabia 10% of it's GDP, Iraq 8.6% of it's GDP, Jordan 8.6% of it's GDP, and the colonialistic entity called Israel 7.3% of it's GDP on military expenditures.

So why not Pakistan?

3% is far too little.

Source: List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It does not make sense to increase defense spending without a strong economy to support such increases.

Besides, Pakistan government's total tax receipts and revenue account for only ten or eleven percent of GDP, vs 17% in India and 34% in US.

And Pakistan's economy is currently stagnant, and tax collection is down.

Tax evasion is rampant in Pakistan. The agriculture sector (i.e. feudal lords) is totally exempt from income taxes.

Haq's Musings: Comparing US and Pakistani Tax Evasion
Tax evasion is rampant in Pakistan. The agriculture sector (i.e. feudal lords) is totally exempt from income taxes.

That is the case in India too and it should be the case as long as Indian agriculture is dependent on rainfall and timely monsoons.

That is the case in India too and it should be the case as long as Indian agriculture is dependent on rainfall and timely monsoons.


We cannot........
we have too be self sufficient in food first......we have to feeding 1.2billion people......Agriculture must be first priority...more then 60% people are engagen in agriculture
...We have to produce more states of Punjab.....

In 1970s & after Punjabi farmers started earning more money.....& it boosted whole of punjabs economy......from 1974 no village in Punjab is without electricity.........today Punjab has the best infrastructure & state's infrastructure is more then twice as better then national average......

Punjab is getting the no.1 state India Today award from 4-5 years in a row.....beating many states like Gujarat ,Maharastra ,AP etc.
We cannot........
we have too be self sufficient in food first......we have to feeding 1.2billion people......Agriculture must be first priority...more then 60% people are engagen in agriculture
...We have to produce more states of Punjab.....

In 1970s & after Punjabi farmers started earning more money.....& it boosted whole of punjabs economy......from 1974 no village in Punjab is without electricity.........today Punjab has the best infrastructure & state's infrastructure is more then twice as better then national average......

Punjab is getting the no.1 state India Today award from 4-5 years in a row.....beating many states like Gujarat ,Maharastra ,AP etc.

I think we are agreeing but your initial statement says the contrary.
I was gonna be more Pakistani than Pakistani... Why do we not make defense budget 40b?
Was not the entire point about having nukes that we could divert resources to education and health once we had the nukes?
Complete waste of money in my opinion.....spend it on the poor!
We should focus on three way of economy
  1. Export goods by given task to our ambassador that at least 3% trade increased with its stationed country
  2. Import raw or half manufacture goods so that our own Industries develop and we pay less for our imports
  3. Maximum utilization of our natural resource because without it no nation will rise

and our priority should be

trade & economy
education (include high tech research and development)
foreign affairs (currently we are very week)
Military (we are average)

then :pakistan: become :flame:
Not one single penny should go to any armed wing of this country till education has been prioritized. We have the nuclear deterrence, just make it clear we will use it, and to some extent we have done just that (without getting too personal). No country is planning of invading us. Any country that has evil designs against us will win not fighting us from outside or our borders but most probably within. I say forget expensive useless tanks and planes, restructure the ISI and invest heavily in small arms and defiantely keep R&D going. All those things will not cost 20b. Buy a few things here and there, but first get an economy that when we issue a tender we will be taken seriously and not laughed at when we are discussing how to please the IMF on our next loan. But if you want to join the looney zaid hamid in a jazwaehind type of deal then I shall end my argument right this min.
our budget can easily be doubled if our government invest half of that "$20 billion" into energy and electricity sector!!!
build some frikin solar panels and wind turbines!!!
i heard gov scrapped the kalabagh dam!!!!
no need to increase now becoz it will have impact on poor people of pakistan
Yaar, we need to spend money on Education. If our R&D is strong, both our economy and our defence would pick up as a natural consequence.

Metric education's standard is so dismal. Cheating is rampant. Teaching in Pakistan is literally a concept of "Those who can't do, teach".
How can we spend 20 billion dollars on defense when we are facing a shortfall of more than 4500 Mwatts of power. Our industry is getting domed as a result of this. Industry and industrialization is the back bone of any economy, no economy can sustain without it. Economy cannot survive on funding by IMF; our government has to take concrete steps towards improving the economy and providing basic necessities to people. Once economy is strong and people do have basic necessities only than we can say that our defense budget should be 20 billion dollars, till then no way.
Bad math.

Also, the economy is nothing to be worried about here, atleast fiscally speaking.

The problem lies mainly in who runs and operates the economy... If we get rid of these feudals and corrupt politicians and business men who operate the agricultural farms and mills (in many cases corruptively) then most of our economic problems will be solved.

Increasing military expenditures will not detriment the economy, instead they will likely increase the amount of jobs and at the same time give us adequate defence.

Defence of the nation should be first priority... If war breaks out, the economy will be one of the last things on our mind if we are worried about a nuclear or ballistic missile threat from nafarious forces around us.

Pakistan is in a tough spot at the moment. With increasing demand from the West, the Kerry-Lugar bill which aims to diminish military trade between Pakistan and the US, and Indian belligerence; our military should be ahead of the game.

We lack adequate SAM's and Missile defence shields. We have no 5th generation fighters (and Indians are planning in the next decade to procure a stealth Pak-Fa Russian fighter, which may render many of our radars insufficient)...

We MUST increase our defence budget! Honestly, the clock is ticking.

In the next decade Indians are planning to get 126-200 MRCA 5th gen fighters, and over 200 Su-30 MKI 5th gen fighters. They also have Anti-Ballistic Missile technology!

The time is now! 8 Billion is no where near enough for a large nation like Pakistan.

We are ranked 23rd for goodness sake in amount of military expenditures... an increase to atleast 20 billion dollars would suffice for our needs, especially in the long run.

nope....new jobs ? for whom americans ,chinese,french? you will only give your money away!!!!!!even the little that you have!!!!!

economic development is the most important aspect of a nation......if you can earn the money ...you probably can buy anything..
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