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Pakistan should Give Palestine and KSA Its Nuclear umbrella

for that Palestine should endorse our position on Kashmir
We don't even have enough nukes ourselfs we can't afford to give them away!!! Our enemy enjoys a much larger mass area which will require incredible fire power to destroy .
Can we protect our own people first? how about protecting Kashmiris being bombarded by indian shelling or protect our people from terrorism. how about helping the people of iok gain their freedom?

We seem to care more about Arabs than they care about themselves.
I dont think that kashmiris want to be part of pakistan . We should rather help our balochistan.

On topic .:

If KSA supports us financially then they can have our nuclear umbrella . I've no problem with that .

Please convey my purposal to saudia , if they agree then we can have any further negotiations . Thanks for reading it . Jazakallah. Allah hafiz.
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That s good for Pak to get the leadership in Islamic world.
But it is also a hard way to go through.
Nuclear umbrella against who ??

Israel which is backed by U.S or the U.S itself ?

Come on guys, I'm not trying to downplay Pakistan capabilities, but I bet there will be no Pakistan nor KSA even before trying to carry a nuclear attack. :lol:

U.S early warning system are every where in the ME linked with a complex network of radars and satellites providing them with the most advanced BMD on the planet which can intercept Pakistan toys in its early stages, and not to forget the Israeli ones !

Where Pakistan and KSA have no such capabilities !

Ask the Russians why they're so angry from spreading the U.S air defenses around them.

Could Pakistan and other Islamic countries start diplomatic relation with Israel upon condition if they accept two-state solution and give Palestine its due freedom ?
Never, the inner circles of paksitan have only one swt objective and that is the decimation and caputulation of the zionist state with the zionists expelled out of middleeast back to europe..

Pakistan should finally move beyond its problems ,Doesn't meant it shouldn't act or forget.
We know that problems like poverty aren't going anywhere when our leaders take around Gigantic Mercedes and protocol,Its time we should make laws to Improve this system.
A poor nation led by one of its wealthiest?
On a larger scale we know that Pakistan doesn't anywhere near holds the International importance and recognition as it used to,During the cold war and Iron curtain Pakistan was the only state that took hold of communist foray by aligning itself with the Western superpowers along with that the fall of East Pakistan also happened due to the very reasons
Yes our Government made their own mistakes which contributed to the fall of East Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to make itself heard on the World stage and stop pretending like Nothing,We've the backing of Iran(future superpower and Important regional player)Turkey and China.
Most Secular Pakistanis hold KSA to a Disregard and blame them for Wahaabi Mullana's,Whatever that is should be forgotten as NAP is working on this.
KSA holds outstanding significance to all muslim's around the world,It is a country with own self importance,Given the fact we already would act if its threatened with aggression,Why shouldn't we take the Saudis under our Nuclear umbrella?
The Saudis would help us in our Future Nuclear ambitions and that could cover a range of developments.

We Already know the problems with Palestine,Moving our nukes into Jordan to provide Palestine a umbrella would be a win/win situation for everybody.
First step should be to hold talks with the Israelite,Convince them that we're here to solve this problem,Just get them in the game,Tell them we don't want to talk about how you made Palestine your home with all the Askenzai and Oranzai whatever jews,We just want peace for Palestinian people,Tell them that a huge chunk of radicalized terrorist groups exist because of this country where you live peacefully that contributed to a sense of betrayal for the rest of the world.
Second step would be to convince Anti-Zionist groups like hamas to lay down arms. Once they do you can create a Palestinian defense force (PDF) and let em protect their borders.

What's in it for Pakistan?
Besides peace for the region,We would create strategic depth for our country and our nuclear arsenal. If Palestine issue comes to a stop,One part of Middle east is automatically going to be repaired,We can demand favors like Military bases in Jordan and Saudi-arabia.
Pakistan can ultimately get its much needed Geo-political significance on the world stage,As currently we're busy cleaning up the mess in our own country but it should be noted that since 1948 we've been fighting war's so our Country is used to it.
Not right now, this would be a very aggressive and stupid move, we need to get our economy on track, have a gdp of about 2 trillion, 40-50 billion usd being spent on defence, a huge navy, than we can slowly start posting our army and assets in saudi arabia and sit on top of israel but mot right now, maybe after 20 years...
Never, the inner circles of paksitan have only one swt objective and that is the decimation and caputulation of the zionist state with the zionists expelled out of middleeast back to europe..
We all know that is not going to happen and neither any one have that capability. I am talking here about the workable model which could end the sufferings of Palestinian people.
We all know that is not going to happen and neither any one have that capability. I am talking here about the workable model which could end the sufferings of Palestinian people.
Why dont u think that will happen, what is this defeatist mindest?, with enough time and enough conviction anything can happen, havent we succesfully thwarted every israeli attempt to break up pakistan?, havent we succesfully thwarted every israeli attempt to create greater israel in the middleeast, the day of the satanic zionist is swiftly passing, things are changing, geo political glaciers are moving, israel's hegemony was only gonna last as lomg as the Us was the only undisputed power in the world, that has changed, the world is 3 polar now, israel's days are limited and guess what they know it, that is why the state if israel has gone from offensive to defensive in this past years, thier way of subversion and deception is over, the world has gotten to smart now , too experienced to thier vile tricks, remember how the assasination of the russian ambasador to turkey had no effect, both sides knew what was happening, compare that to ww1 and a similar act led to a global conflict, countries are now aware of the 5th gen proxy warfare tactics, we know that they wont be able to use them against pakistan anymore cauee we have smartened the hell up in the past 15 yrs, if u would but open ur eyes u would know that the israeli grand plan was stlet in montion after 9/11, their objective was the decimation of the states of syria, egypt, iraq and specially pakistan, than the second ohase was isis which would soften the local populations up and turn them against islam, than fhey would have taken control of the area which they designste ot the greater israel of solomon, they failed, they couldnt curtail the islamic nuclear bomb, pakistan still stands and more powerful than ever this war a blessing in disguise for us if u knw what i mean, iraq fell yet the seocnd phase of isis failed there, syria was the turning factor where the allies and the zionists got defeated and because america was focused primarily on the middleeast for the past 17 yrs hence russia and china went unchecked and hence russia was able to rise again, china turn into a real global power, now its too late for the zionists and americans are backing off, didnt u hear how trump is anti nato and pro russian etc, so trust me the zionists time is limited, they wont go without a bang that for sure but they are now surrounded by an ocean of angered muslims and one only has to turn that anger towards israel but only when the time is right and that is after atleast 15 yrs...
And what will Pakistan get for giving palestine nuclear umbrella? kiya pakistan na thakah lagaya howa hai nuclear protection ka? Pakistan political parties are worst then Zionist occupation of palestine so first pakistan needs to provide nuclear umbrella for its citizens before they can even dream about helping someone else.
Never, the inner circles of paksitan have only one swt objective and that is the decimation and caputulation of the zionist state with the zionists expelled out of middleeast back to europe..

Not right now, this would be a very aggressive and stupid move, we need to get our economy on track, have a gdp of about 2 trillion, 40-50 billion usd being spent on defence, a huge navy, than we can slowly start posting our army and assets in saudi arabia and sit on top of israel but mot right now, maybe after 20 years...
Israel has 35 Jericho III missiles range of 6000KM, few Dolphin submarines with 16 cruise missiles on each Sub with missile range 1500km.... They Israel have Nuclear Triad, Zionists ain't going to be expelled when they seem to have more firepower than even Pakistan and all the other middle eastern nations.
Israel has 35 Jericho III missiles range of 6000KM, few Dolphin submarines with 16 cruise missiles on each Sub with missile range 1500km.... They Israel have Nuclear Triad, Zionists ain't going to be expelled when they seem to have more firepower than even Pakistan and all the other middle eastern nations.
Nothing is confirmed about thier nuclear missles just hearsay, im not sayin that they dont have massive firepower but so does pakistan and we only know what the army reveals concerning our missles and judging from the fact that pak defence circles are one of the most secretive in the world, we have a lot more than we let on, in a nuclear exchange israel cannot match pakistan due to its little size, moreover in a full blown conflict we would've russia and china in our corner while israel would've nato, a ww3 is coming pal sure as judgement day, maybe 10 yrs maybe 20 yrs maybe 40 yrs into the future but its coming and it may come as a surprise to u but bigger and more supreme powers than Us and israel have fallen in history when their.meters ran out, what makes u think that israel will dominate indefinately or maybe ur a submissive little bitch that has the habit of bieng a mouth peoce for whatever side seems stronger on paper, we will get our objective, we draw our strength from our ideology and we will accompish our mission even if the odds against us are a million to one and if we are to be defeated we will be defeated like men standing on our feet ...
Sir's Close the effin thread down ,The discussions on this thraed are over..
@waz @Oscar
Falasteenis are the lowest breed among arabs..and they open support India on Kashmir..why are some Pakistanis sucking of to this wasteland of scum?
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