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Pakistan should be worried whenever there is a terror attack in India: Air Force Chief

With Modi at the helm threat of IAF strike into Pak territory as payback is very real.
no it is not -
unless modi is till waitng for mahorat - 1 year and counting -
You forgot about Pakistan also closed it's airspace for next six months after the Feb event. So you can guess what worries Pakistan.

Closing the air-space is something any sensible country would do. The rationale behind it, is the chance of sudden escalation leads to all out war. It also helps prevent that (who shut down it's air space to civilian air traffic) from shooting down civilian aircraft.

If some people here ever bothered to read or remember the Malaysian Airliner shot down over Ukraine, when the latter country was embroiled in Civil War (still is). Or when Iran shot down a civilian airliner, when tensions were high and zionist-america was beating the war drums.

And of course, the more "un-cluttered" the air space is, the less there is any chance of shooting down one of your own. Like in the case of hindia, who shot down its own helicopter, mistaking it for Pakistani fighter jet. Personally, I cannot begin to question the professionalism of hindian military, who failed to distinguish between a slow moving helicopter from a fighter-jet which moves at least one and half times the speed of sound.
worried that we might have to kill them as they come flying and racing towards their deaths :butcher:
LOL Last time IAF drop bombs in 60KM inside in Pakisan in the KPK province, next time it can be somewhere else more important.

Surya my high caste Hindu friend here's the thing, the threat of another misfire on some imaginery civilian launch pads is very real but a swift retort will be paned out on Indian military assets within a matter of hours, not counting those iaf jets falling down from the sky after coming into contact with the paf .

You see any regional power worth her salt would have responded immediately after getting direct hits on the main land from an enemy seven times smaller its size but we know for a fact that Sharma and Varma are only good at lynching untouchables and minorities under police escort. Oh BTW it's been almost a year an half and your Suppa trillion $ military still owes us a counter strike

worried that we might have to kill them as they come flying and racing towards their deaths :butcher:

Sharma and Varma feelw no shame in churning out propaganda fed to them by the rss nazis media wing. they are reduced to only issuing empty threats. We'll see what mainland military targets we gonna engage in broad light in response to any surgical strike on imaginery civilian launch pads. Rest assured the brahman military will cave in without making much noise. Atleast this what has been established from Kargil to 27 Feb.
You forgot about Pakistan also closed it's airspace for next six months after the Feb event. So you can guess what worries Pakistan.


That is a safety for civilian aircrafts. Remember how Russia shot Malaysian civilian aircraft, or how Israel bombed American ship, or Iran shot Ukrainian civilian aircraft. We care for human lives which is something unknown to Bharti terrorists.
Is this all Air Force Chief RKS Bhadauria does - make statements.

Is he actually gonna live up to any of 'em?

Has it even occurred to the Indians that if this time around they get a bloody nose (again), how do they intend on explaining that to 1.2 Billion Indians & the rest of the World that they actually beat Pakistan?
Pak military has been rendering a terrific spanking to Brahman army since its inception . From 1948 to Kargil to 27 Feb every action took place in Indian mainland and all these Indians have ever achieved is a miss fire on 26/19 - - - - -.
Worried that we'll have to shoot down more Indian fighter jets.
India always wanted to fought at LOC because India knew that collateral damage will only hit Kashmiri Muslims on both sides of the border which always be Pakistan loss on both ends. Therefore in case of any mid adventure from India, Pakistan should retaliate at Gujrat border. Remember both Modi and Shah belong to Gujrat and damage in Gujrat will hurt them big time.
Can someone please inform this IAF chief that the IAF has No Clothes!!!

Seems like all these 'Indian chiefs' have instructions to issue 'hot air' on weekly basis!

People seem very desperate to stay relevant. Their Economy, that they were so proud of, has taken a very severe beating. This tells me that the figures published in the last couple of years were heavily inflated.

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