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Pakistan should be a Secular State

Batter you less talk about Saudi. Your country Pakistan is much batter than Saudi. They people get small children steal. They get it byte by camels and makes fun out of that. Arabs are bigest drinkers and found of girls and prostitutes. They beheads people for small crimes. And most of them are Pakistanis.

How Mahedi is against Islam? It is batter that still old culture of India prevails in Pakistan. The day when you try to Arabs, you will see even worst days.
I don,t adore or i am not a big fan of saudia arab i was just throwing an example.Only the rich arabs mostly from the royal family drink and use prostitutes and in their private places.More than 90% of the country wealth(from oil) goes to the royal family.

Batter you less talk about Saudi. Your country Pakistan is much batter than Saudi. They people get small children steal. They get it byte by camels and makes fun out of that. Arabs are bigest drinkers and found of girls and prostitutes. They beheads people for small crimes. And most of them are Pakistanis.

How Mahedi is against Islam? It is batter that still old culture of India prevails in Pakistan. The day when you try to Arabs, you will see even worst days.
I don,t adore or i am not a big fan of saudia arab i was just throwing an example.Only the rich arabs mostly from the royal family drink and use prostitutes and in their private places.More than 90% of the country wealth(from oil) goes to the royal family.
Nothing of this sort was recorded, provide evidence.

Muhammad Ali jinnah said in his Muslim league address on 18th June 1945:
"Pakistan does not mean freedom and independence only, but the Islamic ideology as well which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift."


no where in the world today islamic rules are applied. we need good rulers who can fully implement islamic laws. there are shehnshaiat badshahat. force full islam or extreme islam (we saw that in afghanistan during taliban erra) and we have many others. but true islamic laws are not being implement in todays world. since a long long time. still people critisize islam.
Batter you less talk about Saudi. Your country Pakistan is much batter than Saudi. They people get small children steal. They get it byte by camels and makes fun out of that. Arabs are bigest drinkers and found of girls and prostitutes. They beheads people for small crimes. And most of them are Pakistanis.

How Mahedi is against Islam? It is batter that still old culture of India prevails in Pakistan. The day when you try to Arabs, you will see even worst days.

I have stated before that we need no Indian to tell us how we should run our country. You people are so hypocritical that it stinks now, on one side you want to establish 'hindutva' and end whatever secularism is left in India and on the other side you want to have a secular Pakistan. Thats cute!
Please provide me the following.

* ONE book named 'Sharia Law' that describes 'every' function of the state.

* ONE example of a country that is 'governed by that Sharia Law' that you think Pakistan should look like.

We will have further discussion if you provide me the above two.

how was hazrat umar r.a running the state at that time ???
The events as they have unfolded over the past few months have once again underscored the need for Pakistan to be a constitutionally secular state.

Instead of getting into the debate as to whether Pakistan was meant to be a secular state (which I believe it was but that is not the point here) or a modern Islamic state (whatever that means), let us be very clear- it was NOT meant to be a state where rogue raggle taggle groups like the Taliban would challenge the writ of the state and then establish its own system of “justice” based on a misinterpretation of Islam. Islam is not the problem here. I tend to agree with the interpretation of Islam that is favored by Allama Ghamidi but the question that comes up is “which Islam?” Ghamidi’s? Or Israr Ahmad’s? Rahman Baba’s ? or the Taliban’s? Iqbal’s? or Maududi’s?

Since easly 70s we’ve seen a steady erosion of fundamental rights in this country, all justified by the Islamic provisions of the constitution.

Now therefore we must learn a lesson from this. Islam is a rational and pragmatic religion which aims to create a just and egalitarian society. It does not favor any exclusivism of any kind and treats faith as a matter between man and god. Islam also does not favor form over substance. A state does not become Islamic simply because it is called Islamic. Similarly a state meets certain criteria of social justice, equality and human solidarity, it is perfectly Islamic, even if there isn’t a single Muslim living there. ”. The issue of what constitutes an Islamic state has no consensus and therefore it much more advisable to strive for a just society that Islam claims it seeks to create.

So let us not forsake the substance for form. Only a secular state which saves Islam from manipulation by various contending groups in this country can truly fulfill the aims and objectives of Pakistan as a prosperous and egalitarian state. This is no paradox. It was no paradox that the Muslims of South Asia chose as its leader someone like Jinnah who was so obviously disdainful of religiousity for anyone else would be too partisan or sectarian. The same principle applies on a state level.

Let us say this openly: Pakistan needs to be a secular state to survive. There is no other way. True Islamic principles of equality, fraternity and justice dictate it.

As Jinnah's own famous words go by : Religion should not be allowed to come into Politics….Religion is merely a matter between man and God”.
Pakistan needs to implement the approach adopted by countries like Turkey , Malaysia so that real progress can be achieved instead of creating an army of defenders of faith who cause more damage to the nation than do anything for its progress practically .

3rd Line
Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed
Wherein the Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Holy Quran and Sunnah;

So Much for being secular

I just dont know What idiots like him want, Pakistan was created For Muslims So they Can the Live according to the teachings Of islam , and it becomes a model islamic state Not modern islamic state but a islamic state if we were not able to creat it model state its our mistake Bcz Our forefathers Done their job they given us a State a Place which we can proudly call our home Rest up 2 us were 2 dumb
Its perfectly fine with me if you wish to believe in something you read on a blog. However if this topic is to be debated to the fullest, i would have to ask tough questions which i am unsure if you are either prepared/equipped or both to answer.

If i answer your questions then that will be a never ending discussion because my point of views are a way different than yours..I am not forcing anyone here to agree with me.You have a right to hold your opinion as long as you want to and the same applies to me.THIS IS CALLED SECULARISM.
I have stated before that we need no Indian to tell us how we should run our country. You people are so hypocritical that it stinks now, on one side you want to establish 'hindutva' and end whatever secularism is left in India and on the other side you want to have a secular Pakistan. Thats cute!

You seems to so obsessed with India. You are not able to tolerate if an Indian say something good about your country. Or are you one of those who believe that Arabs were your ancestors?

If you hate India so much than do not write your Bullshit comments on ant Indian Topic.

We also do not want your expert opinion on hindutva and secularism on India. Hindutva is a way of Life. Hindutva has a lot to offer to this world. People have to embrace Hinutva to live peacefully. That is why a Pakistani has opened this thread. You will see more and more people finding it good even in Pakistan. Perhaps you may be one them in future. Who knows?
how was hazrat umar r.a running the state at that time ???

That was almost 1400 years ago [One Thousand Four Hundred Years] - It is not applicable to the modern world as Omar [RA] didn't face the challenges we face, the socioeconomic fabric of the society was totally different. Lastly i feel the need to remind you again to provide me with 2 requests i have made from you.

If i answer your questions then that will be a never ending discussion because my point of views are a way different than yours..I am not forcing anyone here to agree with me.You have a right to hold your opinion as long as you want to and the same applies to me.THIS IS CALLED SECULARISM.

Its not called secularism, its called freedom of independent opinion and speech. I would encourage you to answer my query without any 'assumptions' about me or 'assumptions' on my critical thinking abilities. I for one love, long discussions as long as they are fruitful.

Nothing of this sort was recorded, provide evidence.

Muhammad Ali jinnah said in his Muslim league address on 18th June 1945:
"Pakistan does not mean freedom and independence only, but the Islamic ideology as well which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift."
How the hell you can be so sure that nothing such statement exists??? This is a lame answer by most Pakistanis today and a best way to hide the truth and distort your history.The nations who try to distort their history get themselves distorted.
You seems to so obsessed with India. You are not able to tolerate if an Indian say something good about your country. Or are you one of those who believe that Arabs were your ancestors?

If you hate India so much than do not write your Bullshit comments on ant Indian Topic.

We also do not want your expert opinion on hindutva and secularism on India. Hindutva is a way of Life. Hindutva has a lot to offer to this world. People have to embrace Hinutva to live peacefully. That is why a Pakistani has opened this thread. You will see more and more people finding it good even in Pakistan. Perhaps you may be one them in future. Who knows?

As Hindutva is your way of life, [which is perfectly fine with me] Islam is our way of life. I expect Indians to stick to their way of life while we stick to ours.
That was almost 1400 years ago [One Thousand Four Hundred Years] - It is not applicable to the modern world as Omar [RA] didn't face the challenges we face, the socioeconomic fabric of the society was totally different. Lastly i feel the need to remind you again to provide me with 2 requests i have made from you.

i'll answer these two questions but first come to the point. then i'll give you the answer.
so it means Quran is not a complete way of life for a muslim??
since it was revealed 1400 (one thousend four hundred years ago ) its is not relevent in todays world. so should we change it.???
and what do you think about pakisan's constitution when its says(hakmiat ala sirf ALLAH k pas hai) i think you got the point.

Quran and hadith provide all the laws which are needed now and which will be needed till end of the world.
How the hell you can be so sure that nothing such statement exists??? This is a lame answer by most Pakistanis today and a best way to hide the truth and distort your history.The nations who try to distort their history get themselves distorted.

Can you provide an 'Audio visual evidence' of the August the 11th speech, so we can discuss it further? - Only then we can establish 'who is indulged in aberration' of Qaid's statements.
You seems to so obsessed with India. You are not able to tolerate if an Indian say something good about your country. Or are you one of those who believe that Arabs were your ancestors?

If you hate India so much than do not write your Bullshit comments on ant Indian Topic.

We also do not want your expert opinion on hindutva and secularism on India. Hindutva is a way of Life. Hindutva has a lot to offer to this world. People have to embrace Hinutva to live peacefully. That is why a Pakistani has opened this thread. You will see more and more people finding it good even in Pakistan. Perhaps you may be one them in future. Who knows?

Hari prasad bhai)) I did not open this thread after getting impressed from hindutva lol.Actually this is the first time i am listening about hindutva.
Don,t forget that pakistani culture also prevails in india and india culture prevails in pakistan because we are same people.We have different religions but we are connected to each other by thousands of years old traditions and culture of the subcontinent.Like same dress,language,food and traditions etc.Plus i can,t find any religion 100% in purest form in the subcontinent because local culture and traditions affects all of us.

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