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Pakistan seeks bigger Saarc to counter India’s influence

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan seeks bigger Saarc to counter India’s influence
WASHINGTON: Pakistan is exploring the possibility of creating a greater South Asian economic alliance to counter India’s controlling hold on the eight-member South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc), diplomatic observers say.

A parliamentary delegation from Pakistan, which is now in New York, pitched this idea during its five-day visit to Washington last week.

“A greater South Asia is already emerging,” said Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, in one of his interactions with the media. “This greater South Asia includes China, Iran and the neighbouring Central Asian republics.”

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He described the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as the key economic route linking South Asia with Central Asia. The Gwadar port, he pointed out, would be the nearest warm water port, not only for China but also for the land-locked Central Asian states.

“We want India to join this arrangement as well,” said Mr Hussain, an offer Indians are unlikely to accept as they are comfortable with the advantage that Saarc provides them.

Last month, India used its influence in Saarc to isolate Pakistan when it announced that it would not attend the regional group’s 19th summit, scheduled in Islamabad on Nov 15 and 16.

India cited Pakistan’s alleged involvement in the Sept 18 terrorist attack in Uri as the reason for its decision to boycott the summit. Pakistan strongly denies the Indian allegation and India has provided no evidence to support its claim so far. Yet three other Saarc nations — Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan — joined the boycott.

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The boycott led to an indefinite postponement of the summit and exposed Pakistan’s isolation within the group where it once played a key role.

Among the eight Saarc nations, Afghanistan and Bangladesh are India’s strong allies while Bhutan, surrounded by India from all sides, is too small to resist any move from New Delhi.

The Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka have good ties with Pakistan, but they are not large enough to take on India.

“Apparently, the showdown forced Pakistan to conclude that in its present shape, Saarc will always be dominated by India. That’s why they are now talking about a greater South Asia,” said a senior diplomat while confirming reports that Pakistan is actively seeking a new regional arrangement.

“Pakistan hopes that this new arrangement will give it more room to manoeuvre when India tries to force a decision on it,” said another diplomat.

Diplomatic observers in Washington say that the proposed arrangement also suits China as it is also worried about India’s rapidly growing influence in the region. They argue that China can play an important role in persuading Central Asian republics and Iran to join the new arrangement.

But the observers warn that Saarc members will have little interest in supporting the idea. There is not much benefit for Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka in joining a land route far from their borders and Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have their own ports.

The member that is likely to get the most benefits from a greater South Asian alliance is Afghanistan, which is technically a land-locked Central Asian nation. Any trade route that links South and Central Asian regions is good for Afghanistan.

But observers believe that Afghanistan is too closely linked to India to join any arrangement that hurts India’s interests.

Afghanistan’s presence in Saarc, however, justifies Pakistan’s argument that Central Asian nations can be included in a greater South Asia.

Afghanistan applied for Saarc membership in 2006, generating an interesting debate on the definition of South Asian identity because Afghanistan is a Central Asian country.

Saarc member states imposed a stipulation for Afghanistan to hold general elections, which were held in late 2005, enabling the country to join the group as its eighth member in April 2007.

But, as a South Asian diplomat pointed out, even if a greater South Asia became reality, there’s no guarantee that its members would support Pakistan in its disputes with India.

“Many Central Asian states have strong ties with India and Iran too has problems with Pakistan,” the diplomat added.

Published in Dawn, October 12th, 2016

Pakistan is free to create a new country grouping for South Asia or whatever region without India.

India is busy working on BBIN, BIMSTEC, Iran-AFG-India (+ Central Asia) and India-Iran-Azerbaijan-Russia/Georgia groupings.


Saarc is dead and useless, but we will definitely not let it expand in any way since we are busy burying it completely.
This is one of the silly ideas that some in Pakistan have. Not only do they think they could form an organisation inviting other countries into a group but don't seem to have a vision for that group. If it is a trading bloc & they want India in, they will still have to give trade concessions which they don't want to. To imagine all these countries joining a bloc merely to serve as another talking shop makes no sense. The point of complaining about Indian dominance & then trying to create an organisation to undercut that while also expecting India to join Pakistan in that effort seems to be an idea that cannot have come from a rational mind.
Pakistans real issue is that it is hostage to its hatred based policies of controlling their people. Hence incapable of course correction.

Ok forget India, India is run by kafirs... remember when Ghani was taking power in Afghanistan? Pakistanis were like hey just wait till 2014 and see what happens.... as if the world shares Pakistans hate filled unreasonable glasses. Ghani tried his best, went to pakistan first, met with army chief before nawaz, did everything possible to show positive intent. But pakistan is singularly incapable of course correction. That's a fact no amount of making excuses will change.

Get rid of your hatred, terrorism addiction and become a responsible country. Sorry there is no shortcut. Not even CPEC lol!
Pakistan is free to create its own grouping. It will be better for SAARC and India too.

Pakistan is free to create a new country grouping for South Asia or whatever region without India.

India is busy working on BBIN, BIMSTEC, Iran-AFG-India (+ Central Asia) and India-Iran-Azerbaijan-Russia/Georgia groupings.


Saarc is dead and useless, but we will definitely not let it expand in any way since we are busy burying it completely.

Out of all groupings...BIMSTEC has the most potential because of direct land route.
Pakistans real issue is that it is hostage to its hatred based policies of controlling their people. Hence incapable of course correction.

Ok forget India, India is run by kafirs... remember when Ghani was taking power in Afghanistan? Pakistanis were like hey just wait till 2014 and see what happens.... as if the world shares Pakistans hate filled unreasonable glasses. Ghani tried his best, went to pakistan first, met with army chief before nawaz, did everything possible to show positive intent. But pakistan is singularly incapable of course correction. That's a fact no amount of making excuses will change.

Get rid of your hatred, terrorism addiction and become a responsible country. Sorry there is no shortcut. Not even CPEC lol!
Why Bigger South Asian when most of the countries comprising South Asia will not join.
Why doesnt Pakistan make Middle eastern countries group? After all Pakistan sees themselves more aligned with the Arabs...Also, most of the existing South Asian countries have boycotted Pakistan (as a country) not the SAARC. So does not mattter if you create SAARC A , SAARC B , or what ever, Pakistan will remain isolated if it does not leave its state policy of terrorism, terror, violence, cross border interference etc.
Their is no need to create greater SAARC with Central Asian states, Iran or China when SCO exits. We should focus on that.
The EU has been a success because at the top it has got several nations of a similar economic stature i.e Germany, France, Italy. In SAARC only Pakistan can act as some kind of a balancing act to India, and the latter uses all of its weight and influence to prevent this from happening (as was made evident in the latest postponed SAARC conference). In essence it becomes a one man show, which is why SAARC is bound to fail. ASEAN again has been a success because at its top it has similar sized nations i.e. Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam. It was the balance of power in the Italian city states that allowed the Renaissance to emerge and flourish. Parity ensures stability and security. Unfortunately that is too much to ask from SAARC.
In lieu of CPEC, ECO can be rejuvenated through new trade opportunities and pertinent frameworks and trade agreements. Pakistan should offer FTAs and include countries of south Asia into its lap minus India if necessary or even India can be included under certain conditions.
Trade will play a decisive factor in the future geopolitics and Pakistan has plenty to offer and benefit mutually with other nations.
Saarc without Pakistan participation is not an ideal situation for the grouping. I don't think they will abandon the grouping because of their ties with Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh.Saarc can still expand eastward by including Myanmar and Thailand.

Central Asian countries are landlocked and Iran does not share border with India, so the trade and travel will not be significant. I don't think they will make the right fit with Saarc.

The new grouping that Pakistan is mulling are all Islamic countries expect China. So, they will more likely succeed than Saarc ever was. Afghanistan should join this grouping too because it is in their best Interest to join new comity of nations in their nation building.
I would like to suggest PACNATUC name Pakistan-Arab-China-North Korea-Turkey Coperation in which Pakistan would be the Key player in the center Stage, and should have VETO power among all members, because CPEC, the most valuable and revolutionary thing in the World is in Pakistan.
who says EU has been a success ...it was and is a failure and brexit is a result of that and many more frexit and nexit r coming anyways ....Pakistan has ECO and it should focus on that and Pakistan must integrate into Central Asian countris as well as Iran & Turkey and ECO is a the best platform .... let india have saarc and let them play there with bhutan, nepal, bangladeh

I would like to suggest PACNATUC name Pakistan-Arab-China-North Korea-Turkey Coperation in which Pakistan would be the Key player in the center Stage, and should have VETO power among all members, because CPEC, the most valuable and revolutionary thing in the World is in Pakistan.

Awwwwww getting jealous of us having cpec?? where is the proof of ur surjikal strike???:P
He described the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as the key economic route linking South Asia with Central Asia. The Gwadar port, he pointed out, would be the nearest warm water port, not only for China but also for the land-locked Central Asian states.

CPEC will create the necessary integration between Pakistan with the land locked Central asian countries. If Iran joins this grouping then Chabahar will provide the warm water port for their imports and exports. This will help India in getting much needed resources from the central Asian countries. TAPI pipeline is more or less dead
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