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Pakistan second-worst country in gender equality: WEF

Lil Mathew

Aug 19, 2013
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Pakistan ranks as the world’s second-worst country in terms of gender equality and equitable division of resources and opportunities among men and women, says a report published Friday.

The Global Gender Gap Report 2013, published by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with faculty at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley, assesses 136 countries, representing more than 93 per cent of the world’s population, on how well resources and opportunities are divided among male and female populations.

According to the index, Iceland tops the list with the most equitable sharing of resources among the sexes, followed closely by north European countries such as Finland, Norway and Sweden.

Pakistan comes down at 135, followed only by Yemen, and its score has fallen three spots since the study was conducted last year.

The comprehensive annual report measures the size of the gender inequality gap in four areas, including economic participation and opportunity (salaries, participation and highly skilled employment), educational attainment (access to basic and higher levels of education), political empowerment (representation in decision-making structures), health and survival (life expectancy and sex ratio).

According to the index, Pakistan ranks second-worst in economic participation and opportunity, eighth-worst in terms of equal access to education, 13th from the bottom in terms of health and survival.

Surprisingly, the magnitude of disparities is much smaller in Pakistan when it comes to political empowerment and representation in decision-making structures among the two sexes, with a rank of 64 among 136 countries.

Among neighbouring countries, China ranked at 69, Bangladesh at 75, India at 101 and Iran at 130. Afghanistan was not included in the study.

Global gender gap narrows slightly in 2013

According to the report, gender disparity narrowed slightly in the current year on the back of definite if not universal improvements in economic equality and political participation between the sexes.

Overall, the report found Iceland the most advanced country in the world in terms of gender equality for the fifth year running. It, along with Finland (2nd), Norway (3rd) and Sweden (4th), has now closed over 80 per cent of its gender gap. These countries were joined in the top 10 by the Philippines, which enters the top five for the first time, Ireland (6th), New Zealand (7th), Denmark (8th), Switzerland (9th) and Nicaragua (10th).

At the global level, the report found that in 2013, 96 per cent of the health and survival gender gap has now been closed. “It is the only one of the four pillars that has widened since the report was first compiled in 2006.”

The global gender gap stands at 93 per cent in terms of education, with 25 countries having closed their gaps completely.

The report says gender gaps for economic equality and political participation are only 60 per cent and 21 per cent closed respectively, although progress is being made in these areas, with political participation narrowing by almost 2 per cent over the last year.

In both developing and developed countries alike, relative to the numbers of women in tertiary education and in the workforce overall, women’s presence in economic leadership positions is limited, it adds.

You obviously have to be kidding.

nope..i haven't seen such a hypocritical theory as 'feminism'

fine i agree with certain points here that women should have easy access to education and jobs etc...

but when these FEMINISTS start yapping about equality and start working for women rights showing men to be the only perpetrators... i really hate that thing!
Among countries with Muslim majority, Bangladesh was ranked 75, Saudi Arabia 127, Iran 130, Turkey 120, Malaysia 102 and Indonesia 95 whereas Iraq and Afghanistan were not included in the report. Congrats Bangladesh....
nope..i haven't seen such a hypocritical theory as 'feminism'

fine i agree with certain points here that women should have easy access to education and jobs etc...

but when these FEMINISTS start yapping about equality and start working for women rights showing men to be the only perpetrators... i really hate that thing!

No you are right about that indeed feminism is in no way equivalent to granting women their rights. Maybe its an equally forceful rebellion to a patriarchal society and an equally absurd one as well though we still have a long way to go in terms of granting women their rights.
It's a shame that India did not even make it in the top 100. In 1947,we had more female politicians than Great Britain and after 66 years we all did enough to screw ourselves. Good to see two tiny countries,Bangladesh and Srilanka are surging ahead of India & Pakistan silently in all aspects of social ratings.
Among countries with Muslim majority, Bangladesh was ranked 75, Saudi Arabia 127, Iran 130, Turkey 120, Malaysia 102 and Indonesia 95 whereas Iraq and Afghanistan were not included in the report. Congrats Bangladesh....

WASHINGTON, Oct 3: Pakistanis, in general, are happier about their lives than both Indians and Americans, says a survey released on Wednesday.

The Happy Planet Index 2012 ranks Pakistan 16th among 151 countries, ahead of both India and the United States ranked 32nd and 105th respectively.

The HPI measures human wellbeing and environmental impact of a country’s development to determine its rank. The index was introduced in July 2006 by a British NGO, the New Economics Foundation, which also has a branch in the United States.The HPI 2012 ranked Costa Rica as the happiest country in the world, followed by Vietnam and Colombia.

Costa Rica has consistently been among the top Latin American countries in the Human Development Index, ranked 69th in the world in 2011. In 2010, UNDP cited Costa Rica as one of the countries that have attained much higher human development than other countries at the same income levels.

And in 2011, UNDP included it among good performers on environmental sustainability, with a better record on human development and inequality than the median of their region. It was also the only country to meet all five criteria established to measure environmental sustainability.

Costa Rica is ranked fifth in the world, and first among the Americas, in the 2012 Environmental Performance Index.

Costa Rica constitutionally abolished its army permanently in 1949. It is the only Latin American country among the world’s 22 older democracies.

The Happy Planet Index is calculated using life expectancy, wellbeing and ecological footprint of the countries with data collected from various sources including UNDP and Gallup.

The life expectancy and experienced wellbeing of Pakistan was found to be mediocre, but the ecological footprint was termed “good”. The total HPI of Pakistan was calculated at 54.1.

Israel landed just one spot above Pakistan, with “good” life expectancy and wellbeing, but a “poor” ecological footprint.

Bangladesh was higher up on the scale at 11, with the first two factors termed mediocre and the footprint as “good”.

India showed mediocre life expectancy and wellbeing but a “good” ecological footprint. India’s total HPI was 50.9.

The United States scored low because of its ecological footprint which was worse than the “poor” category. The life expectancy and well-being were, however, ranked “good”.Afghanistan was ranked 109.

The countries which landed at the bottom of the Happiness Index were mostly from Sub-Saharan Africa.


All this despite the problems our Nation has been facing since mid 2000s...
I dont get the point of you posting this article. Are we supposed ot be impressed that Pakistanis are happy litle suicide bombers ?
Yes that is right we are all happy little bombers, surprisingly when you have full tummies and don't have a culture that actively, as part of the country's raison_d’être to repress, depress, and condemn people based on their birth, gender and religion. Yep funny that when people are treated worse than cows, they tend to be unhappy little slum dogs.
It's a shame how we engage each other in such mudslinging over social evils just to rub it in. Be it about rapes/gender equality/poor/hungry people. I would love to see both of your countries engage a war on such social evil.
nope..i haven't seen such a hypocritical theory as 'feminism'

fine i agree with certain points here that women should have easy access to education and jobs etc...

but when these FEMINISTS start yapping about equality and start working for women rights showing men to be the only perpetrators... i really hate that thing!

Mother must be proud of how you feel about women. :coffee:
No you are right about that indeed feminism is in no way equivalent to granting women their rights. Maybe its an equally forceful rebellion to a patriarchal society and an equally absurd one as well though we still have a long way to go in terms of granting women their rights.
why is feminism absurd? a few have gone overboard by blaming men for everything, but the movement surely emancipated majority of western women, who used to live like women of our countries.
Overall, it had a positive influence on society.
why is feminism absurd? a few have gone overboard by blaming men for everything, but the movement surely emancipated majority of western women, who used to live like women of our countries.
Overall, it had a positive influence on society.

Well everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion i never said the the aspirations of the movement were absurd but like most movements, they sidelined the main issue by not just blaming men but urging women to act like men to prove to them how they are just as capable as men are. Women emancipation can work pretty effectively even otherwise without leading to misandry. Thats where it went wrong according to me.
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