or kashmir issue fauj solve hony nhi degi
Chacha, once before yeh fauj ghutne par gire huwe thein. At that time, certain solemn assertions were made, certain solemn commitments made - by that same fauj that you speak of so fearfully. For 13 years after that, they kept their word. It is easy to take the cynical view that they had their hands full with the murderous battle for Afghanistan; it was a Pakistani battle, and your fauj was involved in every way short of deploying in order of battle. The honorable and dignified view is that the fauj kept its word until its leadership changed. From 1989 onwards, those promises and commitments became not worth the paper they were written on, or the breath spent in speaking them. From then on, it has been the unremitting objective of the fauj, the boys, as one of your best journalists calls them, to keep India in a state of turbulence and turmoil, and it has deployed a series of alphabet soup terrorist organisations to achieve its ends. Terrorist not to our reckoning; terrorist in the eyes of world multilateral bodies, terrorist in the eyes of its closest ally in the ongoing war for Afghanistan. These organisations included the Lashkar e Toyyaba, the Harkat e Mujahedin, the Jaish e Mohammed, among the most prominent.
Never, ever has Pakistan admitted that these are terrorist organisations; they have always been exempted on the grounds that they were not terrorists for the Pakistani people. They killed only outside Pakistan.
This is the hypocritical part of the ISPR vapourings.
The fauj itself has explained what can be the future, and will be the only future. What they do not admit on their own, without compulsion, without threat, and their cavalier treatment of commitments and undertakings, can only be imposed on them, and in a manner that will not be dependent on anyone's word or verbal or written commitments. It is not being suggested that India should do it. It is just to point out to you and to others that they have left the rest of the world only one single option. Nobody else is responsible for this but they. As for the future, Che sara, sara.