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Pakistan says India defence buildup to disturb regional stability

Let's say as you outlined that India spends reasonably to prepare for a two front war.
What if China is kept busy by its own goals or by American pressure on it?
Sure sir, it could happen but clealry India cannot rely on that- hope for the best, prepare for the worst as they say.
So that if you guys are worried by a possible two front war, the disparity means that PAK
is authorized to be just as worried by a one front one with a neighbour so much bigger
than itself? Q.E.D.

And Pakistan has the right to take any step it sees fit to protect its interests, I would simply assert that at a time when they are living from one IMF loan to another and relying on soft loans from China to bail them out that spending 25% of their national budget on defence is not the best use of scarce resources. India can easily sustain its current defence spending and is growing at a healthy rate, Pakistan on the other hand is living far beyond its means and their defence spending very much is taking food off the table for other, more vital, areas such as infrastrucutre, healthcare, education etc.

My only issue is the point that many are quick to make that both India and Pakistan are engaged in unsustainable spending and an "arms race" when the evidence doesn't support this at all. India is simply able to spend more because its economy is growing, in proportional terms it has actually reduced its defence allocation in recent years. Oh and sir, I don't have to tell you that even what is allocated by the MoD is not totally spent by the armed forces in India- year on year they return billions in unspent funds so the notion that India is actively building up its military with evil designs is simply absurd and a not so clever spin by the Pakistani side to cover up the growing economic disparity between the two. India has earnt the ability to spend more in real terms by growing healthily in the past 2 decades- Pakistan has tried to match India's defence spending but has not sought to develop its economy to sustain such an effort and thus is suffering the consequences.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

There is no "buildup" there is regular military expenditure in accordance with how all nations spend for their own protection. The recent increase in military spending is, guess what, fuelled because India's economy has balloned massively in the past decade but as a proportion of GDP is at its lowest level since 1962 at just 1.78% of GDP and 13% of the national budget. India's ability to spend more in real terms on defence is directly propotional to the size of its economy and it is enjoying the fruits of its hard work.

Pakistanis who want to make this totally absurd point need to ask why they, on the other hand, are spending >3% of their GDP (and >25% of their national budget) on defence?

So Pakistan, if you are so concerned about India's "arms buildup" how about you stop having the same GDP as one of India's cities and do the hard work of developing yourselves.

@PARIKRAMA @nair @AUSTERLITZ @Taygibay @SpArK @MilSpec @Levina @Echo_419
If India's defence build up disturbs Pakistan then what about their nuclear arms pile up?
If India's defence build up disturbs Pakistan then what about their nuclear arms pile up?
The Pakistanis would spin this as a response to India's aggressive arms build up and that their nukes provide a "stabilising factor" in the region. Sadly this is exactly what many of their leaders would have us beleive.

The question of how India is engaging in an "arms build up" whilst consistently spending less than the global average on defence (as a proportion of GDP) never seems to arise- no, it is India=aggressor, Pakistan= hapless victim according to them. They are also taught that India has started every war with them and Pakistan has won all of them.

Logic be damned.
I don't have to tell you that even what is allocated by the MoD is not totally spent by the armed forces in India- year on year they return billions in unspent funds so the notion that India is actively building up its military with evil designs is simply absurd

Well, mate, you and I and everyone or almost know that if the procurements went smoothly ...
the notion would stand.
Of course, I don't partake in the evil designs story so it balances somewhat. In particular the IN
and IAF should get what they need. Considering the naval arms race nearby, I fully understand
why India feels the need to complete a sufficient armada to defend its huge maritime sector.
Still, let's be honest, failure to implement an arms buildup doesn't disprove the intent to do so!

I wonder if a mechanism could not be set forward to revert unallocated funds to best performing
programs ( research or active )? Have an independent evaluation done and automatically award
unspent money to top performers; that should be an incentive to attain results both for programs
and procurements. Something along the line of use it or lose it ...

but we're straying from OP subject there.
Read you soon, Tay.
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India's military buildup is motivated by hegemonic ambitions instead of actual security needs. Pakistan should be thankful for India because they are making a full fledged SINOPAK military alliance all but necessary.
What Buildup, if anything there is depletion of strength, Our Air assets are getting decommissioned faster than we can induct new platforms, all acquisitions are marred with delays, indigenous projects are at snails pace and we don't have big brothers or CSF/ EDA pool to arm us.
Pakistan should stop itself from comparing with India. The relations with India and China are not good too, then there is huge Indian ocean for India to exert itself
Pakistan is working round the clock and increasing its Nuclear Weapons and sending terrorists IN india and Afghanistan is talking about Disturbing Regional stability
Nuclear weapons arent fired away like bullets whenever one feels like getting rid of old rounds like the BSF does.
The rest is just the pot telling the kettle (71 Indian terrorism and infiltration via Mukti Bahni, KHAD in 77)that its black.

What Buildup, if anything there is depletion of strength, Our Air assets are getting decommissioned faster than we can induct new platforms, all acquisitions are marred with delays, indigenous projects are at snails pace and we don't have big brothers or CSF/ EDA pool to arm us.
Disagree vehemently. The big brother isnt even a factor here; our coffers arent even a minuscule fraction of yours.

The jets falling out of the sky and rusting machines are a direct result of the needless and ridiculous bureaucracy involved that puts even the US congress to shame.
Nuclear weapons arent fired away like bullets whenever one feels like getting rid of old rounds like the BSF does.
The rest is just the pot telling the kettle (71 Indian terrorism and infiltration via Mukti Bahni, KHAD in 77)that its black.

India has no hegemonic design on Pakistan and you guys know it. It is Pakistan that initiated all wars with India with the latest being Kargil. The context of India's intervention in East Pakistan is different. You cannot deny political rights to so many people that are detached from the main land by 1000's of km and not expect backlash. You have your power hungry politicians to blame and not Indians.
I would say India should increase its defence spending further. Regional stability will be there when there is only one power in the region and every other nation knows it through and through. Till then no such thing as stability in this part of the world. Hard rules but rules nonetheless. Se we will be fools to not to have hegemonic designs in this day n age. Whether we achieve that with hard power or soft power, up to the recipient itself.
If chinese are trying to sneak into IOR then its their capabilities and our weakness if Indians can't reciprocate.
If pakistanis are continuing with their self destruct policies to hurt India, we will win when they self destruct but till then, its our weakness that they can mange to hurt us.
Let's assume there was no India in South Asia. Now with whom Pakistan would seek regional stability ? China ? Bhutan? Nepal ?

Without India Pakistan and China would have eaten these small countries. There was never any regional stability. It's all farce.

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