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Pakistan says India defence buildup to disturb regional stability


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Pakistan says India defence buildup to disturb regional stability
Friday, February 26, 2016
By: Samaa TV

Pakistan’s Foreign Office Thursday said the defense buildup pursued by India would disturb strategic stability in the region.

Addressing a weekly news briefing here, the FO Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said Pakistan seeks peace in this region and is therefore against any arms race.

He also voiced concerns over exceptional treatment being meted out to New Delhi by Nuclear Supplier Group.

To a query, the spokesperson categorically rejected any obstacles in the way of Pakistan-India foreign secretary level talks.

He said both the sides are in touch with each other to work out mutually convenient dates for the talks.

When asked about Pathankot incident, Zakaria said that special investigation team will shortly visit India to collect evidences about the airbase attack.

To another question, he said Kashmiris’ movement for their right to self-determination is indigenous which enjoys popular support. He said it cannot be linked with any terrorism.

He said the launch of final phase of Zarb-e-Azb operation in North Waziristan is a clear manifestation of Pakistan’s resolve to root out the menace of terrorism.

As regards the Afghan peace process, the spokesperson said all the Afghan groups including Taliban have been invited to direct talks with the Afghan government.

He said it was decided that no pre-conditions will be acceptable for the peace talks.
LOLL... the country which working round the clock and increasing its Nuclear Weapons and sending terrorists IN india and Afghanistan is talking about Disturbing Regional stability

So why was India was whining like a mad b!tch on the sale of F-16 ???????? buy anything you want we will keep working round the clock and will increase our nuclear Arsenal.

@MaarKhoor @The Eagle

That's why we should invest in research projects at large scale.
So why was India was whining like a mad b!tch on the sale of F-16 ???????? buy anything you want we will keep working round the clock and will increase our nuclear Arsenal.

Increase the useless nukes no one care.... but at the same time stop whining about regional stability when you're the one who is destabilizing it.
Increase the useless nukes no one care.... but at the same time stop whining about regional stability when you're the one who is destabilizing it.

So what will Bharat achieve from anything she procure ???

they will also remain showcase products like our nukes.
India's military buildup is motivated by hegemonic ambitions instead of actual security needs. Pakistan should be thankful for India because they are making a full fledged SINOPAK military alliance all but necessary.
India's military buildup is motivated by hegemonic ambitions instead of actual security needs. Pakistan should be thankful for India because they are making a full fledged SINOPAK military alliance all but necessary.
Pakistan's Military buildup is motivated with the dream to give 1000 cut's to India, and the suspicious mentality of India planning to invade Pakistan. China should be thankful for India because of her, its defense Industry in the quest to increase its share in global arms industry will get orders, and a launch customer.
Actually Pakistan's breakneck speed in producing nuclear weapons - the fastest growing nuke arsenal in the world - is what disturbs regional stability.
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So why was India was whining like a mad b!tch on the sale of F-16 ???????? buy anything you want we will keep working round the clock and will increase our nuclear Arsenal.

@MaarKhoor @The Eagle

That's why we should invest in research projects at large scale.

Our policy is defensive and everyone knows that who started the arm race including N thing so definitely caused the instability in this region though someone is having another bad time after fail of cold start doctrine etc and the same will be happening. Pakistan is on the right path though had some turbulence in past but started to attain the right pace. The instability reasons are visible and comparable while looking at the defence budget of both countries and procurement programs which clearly indicates who is affected with war hysteria. India's national duty is to oppose whatever mentioned Pakistan so why shouldn't we start to tell the world that what more exactly happening in this region.
Pakistan says India defence buildup to disturb regional stability
Friday, February 26, 2016
By: Samaa TV

Pakistan’s Foreign Office Thursday said the defense buildup pursued by India would disturb strategic stability in the region.

Addressing a weekly news briefing here, the FO Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said Pakistan seeks peace in this region and is therefore against any arms race.

He also voiced concerns over exceptional treatment being meted out to New Delhi by Nuclear Supplier Group.

To a query, the spokesperson categorically rejected any obstacles in the way of Pakistan-India foreign secretary level talks.

He said both the sides are in touch with each other to work out mutually convenient dates for the talks.

When asked about Pathankot incident, Zakaria said that special investigation team will shortly visit India to collect evidences about the airbase attack.

To another question, he said Kashmiris’ movement for their right to self-determination is indigenous which enjoys popular support. He said it cannot be linked with any terrorism.

He said the launch of final phase of Zarb-e-Azb operation in North Waziristan is a clear manifestation of Pakistan’s resolve to root out the menace of terrorism.

As regards the Afghan peace process, the spokesperson said all the Afghan groups including Taliban have been invited to direct talks with the Afghan government.

He said it was decided that no pre-conditions will be acceptable for the peace talks.

India's military buildup is motivated by hegemonic ambitions instead of actual security needs. Pakistan should be thankful for India because they are making a full fledged SINOPAK military alliance all but necessary.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

There is no "buildup" there is regular military expenditure in accordance with how all nations spend for their own protection. The recent increase in military spending is, guess what, fuelled because India's economy has balloned massively in the past decade but as a proportion of GDP is at its lowest level since 1962 at just 1.78% of GDP and 13% of the national budget. India's ability to spend more in real terms on defence is directly propotional to the size of its economy and it is enjoying the fruits of its hard work.

Pakistanis who want to make this totally absurd point need to ask why they, on the other hand, are spending >3% of their GDP (and >25% of their national budget) on defence?

So Pakistan, if you are so concerned about India's "arms buildup" how about you stop having the same GDP as one of India's cities and do the hard work of developing yourselves.

@PARIKRAMA @nair @AUSTERLITZ @Taygibay @SpArK @MilSpec @Levina @Echo_419
Our nuclear build up is temporary and its because our military is too thinned out fighting two full fledged insurgencies - our main focus and resources are being spent on Operation zarb e azb. Leading our Eastern front in danger. Our Armed Forces is honestly more than enough to thwart any invasion.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

There is no "buildup" there is regular military expenditure in accordance with how all nations spend for their own protection. The recent increase in military spending is, guess what, fuelled because India's economy has balloned massively in the past decade but as a proportion of GDP is at its lowest level since 1962 at just 1.78% of GDP and 13% of the national budget. India's ability to spend more in real terms on defence is directly propotional to the size of its economy and it is enjoying the fruits of its hard work.

Pakistanis who want to make this totally absurd point need to ask why they, on the other hand, are spending >3% of their GDP (and >25% of their national budget) on defence?

So Pakistan, if you are so concerned about India's "arms buildup" how about you stop having the same GDP as one of India's cities and do the hard work of developing yourselves.

@PARIKRAMA @nair @AUSTERLITZ @Taygibay @SpArK @MilSpec @Levina @Echo_419
I'm pretty sure this is hard work. List of development projects in 2015 alone.

And watch us reach 7-8% growth in several years. 4% of our growth is held back because of power cuts and undocumented economy of 40% - which the Government has pledged to solve by 2018. So then, imagine our growth.
I gone by flight turkish airlines-Found bollywood movies on flight,Found list of cities for tourism and information all around the world with Delhi and Mumbai included, but not found any pakistani cities.Then later attended a meeting in europe in which every scientific/technology companies have branches and eying indian market further but no body talking about pakistan.

In fact every seminars they group Middle east and India.They never talk any thing about pakistan.So the whole world looking for indian market and do business further but unfortunately pakistan worried about india and stability in region !

Food for thought to many pakistani's

@Ammara Chaudhry @Zarvan @RiazHaq @Areesh @Muhammad Omar @Neutron @haviZsultan @DemirkanTR @Jazzbot @Tipu7 @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Spring Onion
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Considering what Horus said and what Abindonboy replied, one is left wondering ...

could the problem actually be compounded by a third party?

For "hegemonic" purposes, a given actor is pressing the region into an arms race
by pushing outwards.
In response, many South Asian nations are building up their militaries, Bharat incl.
Of course, Pakistan wants to ensure safety and does that with nukes because its
conventional forces are already fighting insurgency and terrorism in-house!
And when it does buy conventional weapons, that given actor profits from it ...

In question form, it goes :
If the South China Seas were calmer and attacks on India from the North less frequent,
would either Bharat or Pakistan spend so much on weapons or would they spend those
moneys on infrastructure?

Maybe the problem is neither here and not based on the old enmity.
Maybe the problem is not us or you but them?

I trust you guys know whom I'm referring too?

It would not be the first time that nations are pushed into a vicious cycle
by a wider geo-political evolution that concerns neither.

Just thinking out loud, peace out, Tay.
Pakistan with 1/7 th of power rating is unnecessarily comparing itself with India. Balance of power is highly tilted in favor of India since a long back. Neither Pakistan can match India in conventional weapon nor in Nuclear weapon.
Our nuclear build up is temporary and its because our military is too thinned out fighting two full fledged insurgencies - our main focus and resources are being spent on Operation zarb e azb. Leading our Eastern front in danger. Our Armed Forces is honestly more than enough to thwart any invasion.

I'm pretty sure this is hard work. List of development projects in 2015 alone.

And watch us reach 7-8% growth in several years. 4% of our growth is held back because of power cuts and undocumented economy of 40% - which the Government has pledged to solve by 2018. So then, imagine our growth.
Good for you, then you'll be able to reap the benefits of economic devlopment also instead of whining about India's.

Considering what Horus said and what Abindonboy replied, one is left wondering ...

could the problem actually be compounded by a third party?

For "hegemonic" purposes, a given actor is pressing the region into an arms race
by pushing outwards.
In response, many South Asian nations are building up their militaries, Bharat incl.
Of course, Pakistan wants to ensure safety and does that with nukes because its
conventional forces are already fighting insurgency and terrorism in-house!
And when it does buy conventional weapons, that given actor profits from it ...

In question form, it goes :
If the South China Seas were calmer and attacks on India from the North less frequent,
would either Bharat or Pakistan spend so much on weapons or would they spend those
moneys on infrastructure?

Maybe the problem is neither here and not based on the old enmity.
Maybe the problem is not us or you but them?

I trust you guys know whom I'm referring too?

It would not be the first time that nations are pushed into a vicious cycle
by a wider geo-political evolution that concerns neither.

Just thinking out loud, peace out, Tay.
It's a fair point but it includes a lonstanding gripe of mine- false equivalency between India and Pakistan and assumptions that both have similar interests.

India is spending well below most in the world and most in the region as a proportion of GDP on defence (around 1.78%) whilst Pakistan is spending >3% of GDP on defence but this is what is publically stated- we all know that the nature of Pakistan's military means they can effectively spend as they like and have their own revenue streams entirely seperate from govt allocation- the situation is entirely the opposite in India.

Addtionally, the amount India spends on infrastructure, education and healthcare is many (MANY) times what it spends on defence so even cutting India's defence budget by half would not result in huge improvments in the other areas. For instance in the NE alone the GoI has allocated >$15BN for 2015-16 for highway devlopment (about 1/3rd of the defence budget).

The situations in Pakistan and India are very, very different, India is growing at >7% every year (roughly double what Pakistan is growing at) which suggests vast investments are being made into infrastructure and "important areas", poverty is decreasing rapidly in India (it is increasing in Pakistan), literacy rates have vastly improved in India (not so with Pakistan), India has carried out widespread health programs and social welfare schemes for its people (not so in Pakistan and Pakistan remains inflicted with many deseases India has eradicated) etc etc.

I am constantly hearing that if peace prevailed it would benefit both nations equally and both would then be able to spend less on defence and more on more important areas but that is already the case with India and is it reasonable to expect a nation such as India with global aspirations such as it to continue reducing defence allocations below even the historically low levels they are at today (1.78% of GDP)? I don't think so when you consider that to be the power India aspires to be will require copious "hard power"- this is what history has shown us.

@PARIKRAMA @ranjeet @anant_s @Echo_419 @Koovie @Levina @kurup @knight11 @MilSpec @nair @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ @noksss
Agreed Abingdon mate but that disparity also explains part of the spending in Pakistan.

Let's say as you outlined that India spends reasonably to prepare for a two front war.
What if China is kept busy by its own goals or by American pressure on it? Bharat would
then be free to turn around and jump Pakistan especially as it is not yet a US ally.
So that if you guys are worried by a possible two front war, the disparity means that PAK
is authorized to be just as worried by a one front one with a neighbour so much bigger
than itself? Q.E.D.

As often with such things, it's a matter of perception. Tay.

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