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Pakistan said re-thinking U.S. F-16 deal

People...calm down.

Pakistan is only delaying the F-16 deal until the media chills and forgets about the earthquake, like they did with the Tsunami and hurricane. This can take 1-2 months, up to 6-7 months, nonetheless, its sure better than an embargo.

There is enough life in the PAF's current F-16s, and they can't get rid of them, they're the best planes in service. As for the new models being stop-gaps, well thats untrue. If Pakistan acquires new built models, they'll be superior to every plane in PAF, and would serve with the fleet for 20+ years. If Pakistan acquires a lot of used models, then obviously those will be stop gaps, somewhat long-term ones, until the PAF acquires something brand new to replace them in the field.

All of you also have to notice that, in South Asia, India to be specific, the F-16A/B is equal or superior to about 80% of their forces, which is comprised of MiG-21s, MiG-23s, Jaguars, older MiG-29s, Mirage-2000s etc. The F-16C/D Block-52 stands above India's outdated Mirage 2000s, MiG-29s, and everything except the Flanker.

The Flanker can be countered with time, its not PAF's biggest concerns because its only a part of IAF, and its a elephant to maintain. The PAF's biggest concern is to form a fleet capable of causing IAF immense damage, being superior to IAF is another concern, which today can only happen with $$$
Originally posted by Bilal Hussain Khan@Oct 27 2005, 12:51 AM
There is enough life in the PAF's current F-16s, and they can't get rid of them, they're the best planes in service. As for the new models being stop-gaps, well thats untrue. If Pakistan acquires new built models, they'll be superior to every plane in PAF, and would serve with the fleet for 20+ years. If Pakistan acquires a lot of used models, then obviously those will be stop gaps, somewhat long-term ones, until the PAF acquires something brand new to replace them in the field.

Bilal I agree with all you say in your post. I just heavily disagree with BofB that the F-35 is the way to go. Let alone all the other types that get listed here. For Pakistans needs the F-16 is perfect.

I'd rather the PAF went out and invested in a decent AWACS platform and after the earthquake go and get a couple of decent size Sqn's of medium and heavy lift helicopters. But that can count as another discussion topic. :whistling:
Bilal I agree with all you say in your post. I just heavily disagree with BofB that the F-35 is the way to go. Let alone all the other types that get listed here. For Pakistans needs the F-16 is perfect.
From 2015, the IAF and many other 2nd class air forces will be inducting fighters like MCA, JSF (export models), PAK-FA, etc. Pakistan acquiring F-16s now won't put it in a superior position to IAF, but in a fairly comfortable and respectable position. The PAF's goal is to acquire fighters in class of JSF, and thats where the PAF still has a chance of beating the IAF in. There are several options, the F-35 for example, Chinese JXX, French Rafale, EF-2000, etc. However, acquiring these types of fighters now, in my opinion is impossible, because of the relatively weak economy and brutal situation (earthquake).

In my opinion, Pakistan will buy something in league of JSF, perhaps the JSF itself assuming we have incredibly strong ties with U.S (unlikely). However, any purchase of a fighter would be after 2015 IMO. All we can do is today, is hope the economy is strong enough in the future to be able to procure large numbers of fighters like Rafale, EF-2000, F-35, etc.
Originally posted by Kaiser@Oct 27 2005, 10:21 PM
Dont worry economy is not the issue,Pakistan economy by 2015 at its current growth rate would be around US 700 BILLION GPD :o .Even if Pakistan cant get a strong economy by then the f-35 will still be very cheap(about 35million a piece).Pakistan should start saving up right know so by 2015 is could have

-100 jsf
-120 jxx
-200 jf-17 upgraded
- 75 f-16 c and d models
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Kaiser with all due respect dont mind me saying this but thats quite immature post :frusty: ....i hope you dont mind me saying that.
The difference between IAF and PAF is that IAF has the access to the latest technology from Russia, and well now sadly even United States. As long as they have this, they will always be in front of us.

PAF in my opinion can never take a qualitive edge against IAF in the the near future, if PAF even acquires JSF, watch IAF getting Su-37 and/or PAK-FA. I doubt PAF will go for J-XX in the future when it is getting JSF getting American technology is always PAFs first priority.

Now you may want to ask why did i say "never" for PAF getting qualtive edge? Well, IAF will never going to be having trouble acquiring latest technology from Russia, not to mention India's economy, and the funds their air force gets versus ours. They will be getting the lead all the times.

Yes, we might have an economy comparable to India in the near future, but thats the future, and even if we will have the economy "comparable" to India, it simply wont matter. IAF will be acquiring the same class technology in vast amount than PAF, and sadly i also doubt that PAF will have the latest technology access from the U.S in the future unless war on terror goes on.

Let me know the points you dont agree with.


Originally posted by Bilal Hussain Khan@Oct 27 2005, 11:48 AM
From 2015, the IAF and many other 2nd class air forces will be inducting fighters like MCA, JSF (export models), PAK-FA, etc.  Pakistan acquiring F-16s now won't put it in a superior position to IAF, but in a fairly comfortable and respectable position.  The PAF's goal is to acquire fighters in class of JSF, and thats where the PAF still has a chance of beating the IAF in.  There are several options, the F-35 for example, Chinese JXX, French Rafale, EF-2000, etc.  However, acquiring these types of fighters now, in my opinion is impossible, because of the relatively weak economy and brutal situation (earthquake).

In my opinion, Pakistan will buy something in league of JSF, perhaps the JSF itself assuming we have incredibly strong ties with U.S (unlikely).  However, any purchase of a fighter would be after 2015 IMO.  All we can do is today, is hope the economy is strong enough in the future to be able to procure large numbers of fighters like Rafale, EF-2000, F-35, etc.
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PAF CAN regain the qualitative edge over IAF, but it'll take extensive and long-sighted planning, such as acquiring fighters in league of F/A-22 and JSF, as well as UCAV development, and other technologies. It cannot be done in the next 10 to 15 years, but as long as the economy grows at a rapid rate, and relations with abroad increase, PAF can pull it off.
I think PAF is delaying it on purpose. Cause as i said above, most of the money is coming from the aid. So i am thinking that JF-17 did some progess behind the scenes we don't know off. :)

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