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Pakistan, Russia 60-year ties celebrated

True but the Karachi Steel Mill was a significant breakthru which became the symbol of Pak-Russia friendship. Trade and investments have grown eversince and soon Russia will open up her defence market for Pakistan.

Its not the past but the future perspective that we should celebrate. :cheers:

lets wait and see what happens...hope it dosnt take another 60 years to get a major weapons system from the russians.
What is India to offer Russia?

What is Bangladesh to offer China?

What is Pakistan to offer Indonesia?

China is an understanding and long term ally unlike the great Amerika! Its more like hearing Russia wont be pleased because of India's future reliance towards the west.

China is no Russia.

However, it would be nice to hear why the China wont be so pleased.

Economic, defence, and political relations are part of the world.

So, it bottomline is that Pakistan has nothing to offer.

Is that it?

Economic, defence, and political relations are part of the world. Agreed.

But there is a saying that there is nothing called a Free Lunch!
Surprised to see your comments. Pakistan has a lot to offer to the Russians. For example in airforce we are short of quality fighters, in case Russia decides to sell fighters than PAF will be more than willing to buy them. Than we are also short of long range SAM systems. Latest version of Russian long range SAM shall be welcome if offered. Similarly in navy we need frigates and destroyers to replace and induct new ones. Cooperation in this field shall also be welcome. Than in army we need multi barrel rocket launchers that Russia can supply, we need anti aircraft artillery system, artillery guns and helicopters. The bottom line is that Russia needs to decide if it is willing to sell weapoms to Pakistan or not. After that the orders shall follow from Pakistan.
In trade too there are endless opportunities.
I agree there is no such thing as free lunch but there are always samples to try out and these are free.
What is India to offer Russia?

However, it would be nice to hear why the China wont be so pleased.


I'll see whether our new spokesman (maybe with a punjabi accent who knows) would pick up anything proper in this way.

China has been trying to enroll Pakistan into SCO, not just an observer instead. and the latest dissidence by Russia was one year ago in consideration of india. I hope the 60-year annual will be a roseate start for consonant paces, coz both the deepened relationship and cooperations need a more important role by Pakistan.
Offering means 'give' and not 'take'!

We would potentially be giving the Russians our arms business i.e money, trade - thats all any nation really cares about.

In that context our relationship wouldn't be that different from India's - until recently, when India's geo-strategic importance has greatly appreciated, what did it have to offer the Russians besides Arms deals?

Learn to accept things as they are.

You maybe pragmatic.

I believe that life is dynamic and not stagnating in status quo.

I am a Bengali and religion is the last thing on the mind of a Bengali. To a Bengali, it is the right to self respect.

Bangladesh is not India's creation. If it were so, it would have happened much earlier.

It was created because of crass cultural, linguist and racial intolerance (and it is evidenced even in this forum).

Therefore, when crocodile tears are shed in the name of religious affinity forgetting the injustices done to Bengalis, I find it too ridiculous to sit back and watch.

I am not a Bangladeshi by birth, but I sure am a Bangladeshi by origin!!

And I am proud of being one!!

East Bengal runs in my blood. And still I am proud to be an Indian!!

What will these people understand what it is to be a Bengali?

In this subcontinent, forget the religion and the boundaries. How many Bengalis have won the Nobel Prize and how many of the others, both in India and Pakistan have won the same?

And yet, these people have the termerity to talk!!!

And yet on this forum they disparage Bengalis as dark in colour, genes and culture etc.

Is having genetic linkage with Europe something to be proud of?

How did those genes enter the ethnic people is my question? I fond that nothing to be proud about. In fact, it is insulting!!

I would not have spoken of this, but the repeated remarks of misplaced arrogance of some, forces me to indicate that they had better do some retrospection before acting so smug!
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