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Pakistan rupee exchange rate news

From an interview of former governor State Bank Dr Ishrat Hussein.

Sir, what have been the economic and social implications of increase in the country’s foreign exchange reserves?

One economic implication is that Pakistan has been able to manage its exchange rate without resorting to international financial institutions. We are now in a position to stand on our own feet and are autonomous in our decision-making. The social implication is that when you have a country in which 33% of our population lives below the poverty line, one question that is repeatedly asked is: what is the significance of $12 to 13 billion in reserves as far as the poor people are concerned? Those who question us must realize that the reserves are not for spending purposes but are actually an insurance policy for the future. Let me give you a simple example: when we had reserves below $ 1 billion and if there was a oil price shock then whereby the price would have shot up from $25 a barrel to $50 a barrel, the rupee would have hit Rs. 80, 90 or even 100 to the dollar simply because we could not have sustained that kind of situation. However, today we have seen that although the oil prices have gone up to $58, the exchange rate has remained stable at around Rs. 59.50. Secondly, we used to look for even $ 100 million of loan to bring in machinery into our country. However, during the last 5 years, $15 million worth of machinery has been imported out of our resources without us resorting to taking loans from anywhere. And that is laying the foundation of the future investment and growth in this country.

Sir, your tenure has witnessed macroeconomic stability and a stable economic growth. But don’t you think, the benefits of growth are restricted to only a small minority of the population and are not shared widely?

I think this is a misunderstanding, almost a cliché because previously, there was a widespread disapproval that we are in a state of default. So when the default was averted, the critics said that the government is caught in the stranglehold of IMF and following its dictates and there is no increase in the growth rate. Now the growth rate is on the rise and people have started saying that this growth rate is only for the privileged few and it doesn’t not have a trickle down effect. Now in any economy, what does growth means? Growth means that the income of an average citizen has risen as compared to the previous income in the real terms after adjusting for inflation. It is true that the top 20% of the household get 50% of the total income and the bottom 20% of the household get merely 7%. So to that extent it is true that the ratio is tilted towards high income bracket household but then this category of household is also saving some of its income and investing too. And when they invest, employment is generated and people are lifted out of the poverty.

It’s important to note that during the last three years, the growth rate has been on an upward spiral and if the trend continues, employment opportunities will expand and poverty will reduce. Yet we are highly impatient and want results overnight. Actually it will take quite a few years of sustained economic growth before we see a reduction in poverty.

A conversation with Dr. Ishrat Hussain
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We have to control inflation to keep the economy on track and keep our foreign reserves intact to stabilize our currency. Fast depleting reserves will only destabilize our currency as crude price is going up. People abroad are holding back their remittances suspecting the crook Zardari & co.

The government is diverting people's attention from these real issues, to lawyers propoganda and impeachment process.

State Bank governor conceded last month that she was being pressurized to give personal loans to politicians.
Rupee at record low again
Saturday, August 16, 2008
KARACHI: The Pakistan rupee weakened to another record low against the US dollar on Friday, hit by talk that President Pervez Musharraf may quit, and analysts said the lack of firm government leadership could fuel more selling.

Two traders said the rupee ended trade at levels of around 76.30/40 and 76.40/50 against the dollar. One trader said the currency traded at a record-low, intraday level of 76.95 on Friday.

The decline marked the end of a tumultuous trading week for the currency, which hit all-time lows in four consecutive sessions. It slid 5.2 per cent against the dollar this week, a record weekly fall.

The rupee’s last record low was set on Wednesday at around levels of 75.05/15 to the dollar. The market was closed on Thursday for an Independence Day holiday.

“It’s more of a case of investor confidence. We don’t have a government that is looking after the economy because they are distracted by political issues,” said Salman Ali, head of research at Citi.

“There is probably more volatility for the rupee ahead.”

The currency has lost nearly a quarter of its value against the dollar this year, while the KSE Index has lost more than half its value since hitting a record high in April.

In Pakistan, inflation is at its highest in more than three decades, the country’s trade and fiscal deficits are widening, and high oil prices have depleted foreign exchange reserves, worth less than three months of imports.

Investors said pressure was mounting on the central bank, which has not issued any statements this week, to take some form of action to halt the rupee’s dive.

“It’s panic ... and the central bank is not doing anything. They are not talking to people,” a trader at a local bank said.

However, the central bank is caught in a tight spot because it is cash poor and cannot afford to buy and support the rupee.

Analysts are divided over whether the bank should raise interest rates. Raising rates is a conventional method of rescuing a falling currency because it will attract more money into a country by offering investors a higher rate of return.

Some analysts said the central bank, which last raised the key discount rate by 1 percent in July, should undertake an emergency move and raise rates by as much as 4 percent.

However, other analysts said an interest rate increase would not stop the rupee’s slide because confidence had evaporated.

A alternative would be for the Finance Ministry to impose a ban on non-essential imports to shrink the trade deficit, which is weighing on the currency as well.

“They have no choice. They either raise interest rates, or take on administrative measures to curb imports,” Citi’s Ali said.
KARACHI: Euphoric investors pushed Karachi stock market benchmark KSE 100-share Index up by 4.5 per cent on the end of political instability in the country following President Musharraf resignation Monday.

The market was restored above 10,500 points coveted level with 63 per cent improvement in trading volume and Rs137 billion rise in market capitalisation. KSE 100-share Index gained 461 points or 4.49 per cent to conclude at 10,720 points.

Almost all the stakeholders linked the day handsome gains in equities with the stepping down of Pervez Musharraf instead of facing impeachment. “This is evident with more than 200 points increase in the last 20 minutes at KSE from the time of his formal announcement of tendering resignation to the parliament during market,” they observed.

“The move to impeach former army chief and president could have turned the situation to worst,” many analysts agreed with Musharraf’s own statement he gave just before announcing resignation.

Moreover, rupee also recovered Rs1.20 against dollar after losing consecutively in the last five sessions. It was another market-friendly news, said Ahsan Mehanti, CEO at Shahzad Chamdia Securities.

More than five dozen stocks closed at their upper circuit breaker of five per cent or Re1- which ever is higher one. While the leading bank and energy stocks continued to extend their outstanding performance in projecting index well above 10,500 points significant level.

Including bank and energy stocks, the insurance, refinery, fertilizer, cement, telecom, auto and etc were among the upper circuit breaker stocks on board.

National Bank, NIB Bank, Oil and Gas Development Company, MCB Bank, Pakistan State Oil, United Bank, Pakistan Telecommunication Company, Habib Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and JS Co were some outstanding stocks of the session. They all contributed points in positive in double digits in 100-Index.

The parallel running junior 30-Index also rose by another 590 points of 5.04 per cent and finished at 12,280 points. The symbolic end of political uncertainty restored confidence among the investors, as it is well reflected with over 63 per cent increase in ready market turnover to 158.862 million against 97.209 million shares on weekend.

Future market turnover also rose to 21.260 million shares as compared to 15.115 million shares on Friday. Accordingly, the overall market capitalisation attracted a fresh investment of Rs137 billion to Rs3.332 trillion.

Foreign portfolio investors, however, remained on the back foot and withdrew over $2.6 million from local bourses. While local fund managers and small investors were seen accumulating stocks on aggressive pace.

Hasnain Asghar Ali at Aziz Fidahusein said, “Bulls take control as the political uncertainty ends and rupee recovers 1.6 per cent. Now all eyes are on the new political set up, and what they have to offer to put economy back on track.” The plus signs remained in power with 234 advanced against 36 stocks declined, the value of 13 scrips remained unchanged with total 283 active counters.

Highest volumes were witnessed in National Bank at 13.574 million closing at Rs124.63 with a gain of Rs5.93, followed by NIB Bank at 10.855 million closing at Rs10.24 with a gain of Re1, Zeal Pak at 10.126 million closing at Rs1.89 with a gain of 47 paisa, Oil and Gas Development Company at 6.984 million closing at Rs118.68 with a gain of Rs5.65 and Pervez Ahmed at 6.730 million closing at Rs19.43 with a gain of Re1.

KSE gains 461 points on euphoric buying
^^When the foreign exchange recovers to 16 billion US $, when Zardari took over, from the current 10 billion US $ ....then you can say that the current government has not damaged the economy. Not minute gains here and there.

Where has 6 billion US $ of the Forex gone?
^^When the foreign exchange recovers to 16 billion US $, when Zardari took over, from the current 10 billion US $ ....then you can say that the current government has not damaged the economy. Not minute gains here and there.

Where has 6 billion US $ of the Forex gone?

I think that is an unfair statement. The deficit in accounts was due mainly to the increase in the price of crude oil, which rose totally unexpectedly. The poor buggers tried to interfere in this process thus bleeding the acounts badly. The fall was expected . Also just because the reserves recover does not mean that all is well either. I think it will take alot of proper management over the next decade for the economy to look good. We need a stable economic and political setup and strong and sustained effort for this.
I think we should look for alternative energy sources. The current devaluation of the currency is due to our less export. We are importing necessities hence we should look forward to improve the political situation and improve our production in parallel.
I think that is an unfair statement. The deficit in accounts was due mainly to the increase in the price of crude oil, which rose totally unexpectedly. The poor buggers tried to interfere in this process thus bleeding the acounts badly. The fall was expected . Also just because the reserves recover does not mean that all is well either. I think it will take alot of proper management over the next decade for the economy to look good. We need a stable economic and political setup and strong and sustained effort for this.

Some very solid facts.

India - FOREX reserves in 2007, December - 272 billion $$US
India - FOREX reserves in 2008, July - 308 billion $$US
India's increase in FOREX over the last 8 months = + 12%

Pakistan - FOREX reserves in 2007, December- 16.03 billion $$US
Pakistan - FOREX reserves in 2008, August - 10.487 billion $$US
Pakistan's decrease in FOREX over the last 8 months = - 35%

Why does India's foreign exchange reserves rise by 12% over the same period, as Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves fall by 35%?

One cannot blame this on high fuel prices since India is a bigger fuel importer than Pakistan (Pakistan is already using alternatives).
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Rupee hits record low, ends at 81 per dollar
Updated at: 1210 PST
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

KARACHI: The bearish trend continues as rupee has hit record low against dollar in inter-bank trade.

According to Forex market dealers, the dollar is being traded at Rs80.20. Yesterday; Pakistani currency was closed at 78.55 against dollar in inter-bank market.

According to analysts, the rupee is expected to remain under pressure following a credit rating downgrade by Standard & Poors Rating Agency.
Dollar reaches all-time high at Rs80.80
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

KARACHI: The dollar climbed to all time high against the rupee amid declining foreign exchange reserves and negative balance of payments.

The dollar is being traded at all time high of Rs80.80 and according to forex market dealers the greenback was seen trading at Rs80.80 against the national currency.

At one point, the SBP had to intervene to strengthen the rupee, however, that proved a futile exercise, as there was great demand for dollar for import payments.

“The Rupee remains under pressure as the country’s foreign exchange reserve is witnessing continuous decline and the balance of payment remains negative,”
A dollar 82 rupees? USA SAUDI ARABIAN CRIMINAL QUITNESS after long promisess!

According to geo tv's program AAJ KAMMRAN KHAN KE SATH, it was said that , today a dollar was traded against 82 rupees, state banks wrong policies were also blamed, with criminal quietness, of big brothers (USA, KSA) because these big brothers very recently, promissed pakistan economic help?:cry:
but till now, nothing being come to conclusions, all we listen and see is USAF DRONE attacks in fata, SAUDI interventions in pakistani internal affairs.:angry::tsk:

if these two big brothers cant deliver, what pakistan needs now, thn it would be better to say, good bye to these unreliable, friends and allies, who cant deliver any goods ,to pakistan at the time of its hour of need.:agree::angry:
ye kya mazaq hai yaro.we are live our lifes with there help shame on us what we are its time to change all policyes and self relince must be show to world
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