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Pakistan rupee exchange rate news

Glade to see you happy, my bro 'batmannow'...............and thanks for your upright greetings.

Hmmmmmm........."Revolution"...... dont you think its already in process.........don't you feel the dam suffocation before the twister..... and as the sign of nature for enviorments.........while nature can not be changed........!.
Remember .........as a great saying:
"You can never have a revolution in order to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution"

But ......... I couldn’t see anyone from present tops …….
Hope for the best of Pakistan and its nation..................wait till the day come..............observing that the day of judgment is near to dears ............ Change may be totally different and eccentric then previous…………. may some polished "jewel(s)" will ultimately come out after heated up by the furnace of unpopular environments to serve the nation…………:tup:!

By way to regard the title of this post ........the $ selling was closed at Rs87 in open market.;)

its is famous saying, "that before every strom in sea, sea always looks smooth":smitten::whistle:
not now, but later only way left!:azn:
Glade to see you happy, my bro 'batmannow'...............and thanks for your upright greetings.

Hmmmmmm........."Revolution"...... dont you think its already in process.........don't you feel the dam suffocation before the twister..... and as the sign of nature for enviorments.........while nature can not be changed........!.
Remember .........as a great saying:
"You can never have a revolution in order to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution"

But ......... I couldn’t see anyone from present tops …….
Hope for the best of Pakistan and its nation..................wait till the day come..............observing that the day of judgment is near to dears ............ Change may be totally different and eccentric then previous…………. may some polished "jewel(s)" will ultimately come out after heated up by the furnace of unpopular environments to serve the nation…………:tup:!

By way to regard the title of this post ........the $ selling was closed at Rs87 in open market.;)

in PAKISTAN( dawn news).

i guss, it will going to help ruppee fall some how for now?
plz, becarefull you are not a admistrator here, so kindly dont act on behalf of them.

The americans will not let you just talk peace with the taliban, unless you want to fight them now.
they are finished, thier power has gone, they too wants to talk with talibans, thats what they were trying right now by using saudi arabia through KARAZAI.
only thing they, forget is pakistan was the most close allay of talibans?

They still havent brought osama to justice. the americans war on terror is not over until he gets caught and more is achieved. The americans will not rest just to keep pak happy.

Bringing in a communist revolution will make sure no one else on the planet will invest in pakistan, except for china and they have a billion plus people to worry about.

The real idea is about ISLAMIC SCOCIALIST REVOLUTION , not communist one , for your kind info it is cummunist CHINA which bailled out USA in this crisis . plz check out the details then put your jelous inputs.:lol:

There is a difference between a country bailing out another and changing the entire system of govt. a socialist economy ensures no FDI in your country. Investors only invest in capitalist nations or nations showing capatilist tendencies like China. Handing over control to the army will again ensure 0 FDI.

]Russia will not befriend Pakistan for fear of losing India to the west, which would mean death to their defense Industry.

Russia has already lost india to USA, INDIA was not the running blood to Russian defense Industry but i think , CHINA IS the biggest investor in the
Russian defense Industry.:D

China has been trying to introduce laws to stop importing military hardware. India still has military deals with russia that go beyond just 2020. India has a stake in the FGFA program and also the GLONASS system.

Cutting off supplies to NATO troops in Afghanistan will make life difficult for them for a few months, after that pakistan is going to be in a whole lot of trouble. No more money, no equipment, and a war with pakistan would become more feasible now that they don't need you for supplies.

I GUSS, in behind the closed doors meetings , CHINA & RUSSIA will be backing pakistan's Cutting off supplies to NATO troops in Afghanistan.
i have a bad news for you , just now i have seen a news slide on dawn news, which is telling me that, china is about to invest 5 BILLION usd$$ in PAKISTAN + a billion to support crunt situation.:yahoo:
so plz think again , who's would be in trouble,even in war with US who is going to give them bases, saudi arabia or midilestern countries, iran or china?
WHO else, ohh i guss only india.:agree:
in that case , i wouldbe very happy to be checking our SBMS OR MBMS, with chinese troops sitting on INDIAN HEADS(TIBET):lol::D:

It makes no sense.
Actually China is ready to grant $500 million. zardari is trying to get $1.5 billion more. It wont be $5Billion as you state unless more concrete info comes out.

Finally, all the measures you have stated will help ensure that pakistan becomes the north korea of south asia, only you're going to be far worse off than they are.

i guss , you never follow up north korean news, let me tell you!
crnntly , US has droped north korea from the list of terrorists countries, & there is a lot of still to come, which means trade agreements, investments, plz check out, WHAT happened in VIETNAM , how US became the best friend of this CUMMUNIST STATE?:rolleyes::lol:

So, u are actually happy letting pak become another North Korea. ROFL
They still havent brought osama to justice. the americans war on terror is not over until he gets caught and more is achieved. The americans will not rest just to keep pak happy.

There is a difference between a country bailing out another and changing the entire system of govt. a socialist economy ensures no FDI in your country. Investors only invest in capitalist nations or nations showing capatilist tendencies like China. Handing over control to the army will again ensure 0 FDI.

China has been trying to introduce laws to stop importing military hardware. India still has military deals with russia that go beyond just 2020. India has a stake in the FGFA program and also the GLONASS system.

It makes no sense.
Actually China is ready to grant $500 million. zardari is trying to get $1.5 billion more. It wont be $5Billion as you state unless more concrete info comes out.

So, u are actually happy letting pak become another North Korea. ROFL

sory, north korea is very responsible, respectfull, country right, even USA respects THEM VERY MUCH, i never seen any drone flying and killing north koreans?;)
plz, becarefull you are not a admistrator here, so kindly dont act on behalf of them.

The americans will not let you just talk peace with the taliban, unless you want to fight them now.
they are finished, thier power has gone, they too wants to talk with talibans, thats what they were trying right now by using saudi arabia through KARAZAI.
only thing they, forget is pakistan was the most close allay of talibans?

Bringing in a communist revolution will make sure no one else on the planet will invest in pakistan, except for china and they have a billion plus people to worry about.

The real idea is about ISLAMIC SCOCIALIST REVOLUTION , not communist one , for your kind info it is cummunist CHINA which bailled out USA in this crisis . plz check out the details then put your jelous inputs.:lol:

]Russia will not befriend Pakistan for fear of losing India to the west, which would mean death to their defense Industry.

Russia has already lost india to USA, INDIA was not the running blood to Russian defense Industry but i think , CHINA IS the biggest investor in the
Russian defense Industry.:D

Cutting off supplies to NATO troops in Afghanistan will make life difficult for them for a few months, after that pakistan is going to be in a whole lot of trouble. No more money, no equipment, and a war with pakistan would become more feasible now that they don't need you for supplies.

I GUSS, in behind the closed doors meetings , CHINA & RUSSIA will be backing pakistan's Cutting off supplies to NATO troops in Afghanistan.
i have a bad news for you , just now i have seen a news slide on dawn news, which is telling me that, china is about to invest 5 BILLION usd$$ in PAKISTAN + a billion to support crunt situation.:yahoo:
so plz think again , who's would be in trouble,even in war with US who is going to give them bases, saudi arabia or midilestern countries, iran or china?
WHO else, ohh i guss only india.:agree:
in that case , i wouldbe very happy to be checking our SBMS OR MBMS, with chinese troops sitting on INDIAN HEADS(TIBET):lol::D:

Finally, all the measures you have stated will help ensure that pakistan becomes the north korea of south asia, only you're going to be far worse off than they are.

i guss , you never follow up north korean news, let me tell you!
crnntly , US has droped north korea from the list of terrorists countries, & there is a lot of still to come, which means trade agreements, investments, plz check out, WHAT happened in VIETNAM , how US became the best friend of this CUMMUNIST STATE?:rolleyes::lol:

how did I act on behalf of the administrators?

My bad I meant Al-Qaeda, the other guy suggested that pakistan should be free to talk peace with both parties. First of all I'm not sure how convinced the americans really are, talking peace might just mean more time for them to regroup so if you think the war in NWFP and FATA can be stopped whenever you wish, you're wrong, it's when the US thinks its OK, what they are trying to do now is isolate al Qaeda from the taliban, so there's a difference in what they're doing and in what you think they're doing.

and no america is not weak and they're 'power' hasn't gone anywhere, your all weather friend makes money by making chairs and pencils for those same people. They have helped keep your economy and military in one piece for the past decade or two. They're getting hammered in Afghanistan, but another vietnam is the last thing the US needs now, because that would damage the national sentiment further and encourage the people they're fighting to fight back even harder. I think they realize that and I doubt the US will go without a bang.

I don't care if China is communist, it works for them so hurray, whether they bailed out the US is irrelevant, but if pakistan had an Islamic revolution or whatever, I doubt too many people would be keen on investing in your country. Although I might be wrong, why don't you elaborate on this point.

Why do you keep bringing in China? Russia will not sell you arms simply because they can make more money in India than pakistan, and selling to pakistan would mean and end to all the big ticket contracts that india is set to float for now and the foreseeable future, i.e losing India to the west. and that would mean death to their defense industry, you think they can do without all that money?

5 billion from china is peanuts, you remember zardari asking the world for a 100 billion? 5 billion for a country with 160 million? when a rupee trades 82 to a dollar? and who cares what russia and china are discussing behind closed doors? we're talking about pakistan not the demise of the american empire, they will not assist you or provide any kind of overt backing, not if they want to see a more assertive taiwan and NATO. Whether america loses its current global standing is besides the point, what matters is what becomes of pakistan doesn't it? oh and another thing, they already have bases all over the middle east, and pakistan is well within their reach if it really came down to it, not to mention a single carrier group is probably more than a match for any navy on the planet. Not that an overt war is too likely though, all im saying is dont underestimate your enemy, especially not this one.

ok fine, the somalia of south asia then.
You dont need god's help in this. This will blow over in 6 months time. 2 indian companies, infosys and TCS, have announced mass recruitments after 6 months time (almost 55000 recrutiments in 2 months) . They are confident the economic conditions will stabilize in the coming months.

Right utilization of foreign aid(which pak will get) will ensure Pak doesnot default.

Although, after the situation blows over, the govt needs to figure out a way to open up the economy to foreign investments completely.

In truth, had pak concentrated on their economy rather than kashmir, then pak would have been richer than india. Smaller countries grow faster in shorter amounts of time. Meaning, if a country like malayasia grows at the same pace as india. Then 10 years of growth in malayasia will be like 30 years in india.

A very nice & positive, commentry, but lets things stright right!
india had more militry spendings in kashmir? right!:D
Yeah u r right....Respect is the word.......

but i have seen many pakistani diplomats and military officials use words like Rubbish, and even BS.....when talking to wetern media about claims by western govs....................

that do not show confidence and erodes respect for the country......

and above that, flirting by pakistan PM on condoleeza Rice, and by pakistan president on Sarah Palin....................those things erases away the rspect i think.....................

i wonder any north korean ever did that......or did any????

i like realy like you, ya you are right!
flirting by pakistan PM on condoleeza Rice, and by pakistan president on Sarah Palin....................those things erases away the rspect.

but, you dont have any idea about , what these peoples made off, basicly they come from a jagirdar class of politicians, so by thier culture its very cool to have these flirtings.

by the way, its same in india to, i mean your jagirdars doing the same..?
well i am from chandigarh, so i have heard about jagirdar or something like that in punjab areas.............. but who will tell those americans and whole world about jagirdaari.......... in america they call it flirting....... no matter that didnt say anything.......... but public respect is gone........ like a common man in India know nothing about Mr. Zaradari except his Palin encounter....

belive me americans knows this jagirdaari system, its called LANDLORDS in usa, and they have same old eithics or culture, plz check out the US history, or plz look HOW THE WEST WAS WON, a great movie.
plz, dont insullte our president or i will cry realy.:cry::tsk:
In truth, had pak concentrated on their economy rather than kashmir, then pak would have been richer than india.

This canard is thrown out by almost every Indian, and is baseless.

Kashmir has cost Pakistan almost nothing economically - no sanctions, no massive funds to wage a war ala US in Iraq etc. The downfall in Pakistan has been that faced by most developing countries - a corrupt leadership with no long term vision.
This depreciation was known well before these articles started poping on every newspaper, many warned Musharraf Gov to stop printing money like there was no tomorrow, the money in Pakistan is worthless, one has to pay for simple grocery shopping in thousands of rupees.

Inflation is to blame for this and the policies led by the previous government, those foreign reserves were floating reserves nothing more. Where the hell is the that fairless leader of ours Shauket Aziz.
This canard is thrown out by almost every Indian, and is baseless.

Kashmir has cost Pakistan almost nothing economically - no sanctions, no massive funds to wage a war ala US in Iraq etc. The downfall in Pakistan has been that faced by most developing countries - a corrupt leadership with no long term vision.

Peace would have opened up a lot of possibilities for trade between india and pakistan. Or do you still believe we are satans spawns. all your so called military dictators came to power only due to threat from india. All we have been doing the last 60 years is doing our best to belittle each other and have ourselves used by other countries for their own benefit.

Kashmir has cost Pakistan almost nothing economically
Thats an understatement. Kashmir ensured you have a long standing enemy. It has indirectly cost you your identity and gave u a new and hated identity.

Without kashmir, pakistan would have become like what west germany was or what south korea is today. Did you forget that bangladesh would have still been called east pakistan.
Peace would have opened up a lot of possibilities for trade between india and pakistan. Or do you still believe we are satans spawns. all your so called military dictators came to power only due to threat from india. All we have been doing the last 60 years is doing our best to belittle each other and have ourselves used by other countries for their own benefit.

Kashmir has cost Pakistan almost nothing economically
Thats an understatement. Kashmir ensured you have a long standing enemy. It has indirectly cost you your identity and gave u a new and hated identity.

Without kashmir, pakistan would have become like what west germany was or what south korea is today. Did you forget that bangladesh would have still been called east pakistan.

How ridiculous.

This from a guy who admitted on another thread that he knew nothing about Pakistan, now claiming that all the dictators came into power because of India. Any proof, or just more flawed sweeping generalizations?

Almost every dictator that came into power did so because the civilians screwed up so bad that they considered it necessary to intervene (which I disagree with but that is for another time). Just look at what Nawaz Sharif did - putting the lives of hundreds of passengers at risk and essentially hijacking an airplane.

I disagree that trade with India would be as beneficial as you make it out to be - if anything, in conjunction with the corrupt leadership we have had, we would not have developed our industry to the extent it is currently, since imports from India would have taken over the market.

The investment in R&D for military and nuclear programs has also created world class industries and institutes, and several downstream industries and institutes that have bolstered Pakistan.

The only 'loss' for Pakistan over Kashmir has been the lack of trade with India, and I fail to see how that is a loss, since even now most economists are in agreement that free trade between India and Pakistan will primarily boost Indian exports to Pakistan.

And just because your leadership hated Pakistan so much from its creation that it wanted to break it apart, and did so in East Pakistan, is proof positive that it would have continued to find ways to undermine Pakistan, regardless of Kashmir. You cannot use your countries blatant aggression and hatred towards Pakistan (in 1971) to claim that Pakistan would have been better off without its legal and just claim to Kashmir - essentially what you are suggesting is that anyone with a valid legal claim should just give it up if the adversary is bigger and more powerful, because the other party will do it harm if the claim is not given up.
Notwithstanding the fact, that soon after Qauade Azam jinnah died, the Indians invaded Hyderabad and Junagadh, annexing it. If ever there was an open threat to the integrity of Pakistan, that was it. And this was in 1948
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