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Pakistan rules out talks on nuclear programme freeze

First of all the history of Pak-China relationship dates back to 1947. We have engaged with each other in every sphere amicably. China had helped us even during the US embargo times and is helping us in energy sector for quite sometime. This much of time of mutual relations is enough to judge the level of friendship and intentions of each other.

Secondly CPEC is just a short route for Chinese products in and out of China. Its not a trade deal whereas China would be flooding our markets with each and everything. If say our textile, sports goods, agriculture etc sector produce stuff that is worth exporting then we shud surely not import these already available things from China. But yes U r right that if we open market for all Chinese products then we are doomed.

Ofcourse we have our own cards and those can play a balancing factor anyways. Other than China countries like Turkey, Azerbaijan and even Saudi Arabia (and its influence in GCC) are the ones Pakistan can mobilize for that reason.
1stly China-Pakistan relationship no doubt is great, but as you said, "If U can trade with anyone, that country would surely be in good terms with U. Sides are only taken during conflicts." and we all know what happened in 71. Before that, infact till 90s, pakistan was at par with India, or i should say more than India, but as years passed its deteriorated. I don't want to further comment on your relations, its your internal matter.
2ndly, china has a bad habit of dumping, they do it in India and all over the world, what makes you think they wont? they will never invest somewhere where there is no profit. Here recently, they backed out of a coal-based project : http://www.dawn.com/news/1259048/chinese-firm-bows-out-of-coal-based-power-project
3rdly, yes, you have cards to play, but then i said "anti-india", Turkey is a nato-ally, SA and India have great relations both in terms of trade and now slowly into defence. Recently i have seen a joint exercise is happening after the red flag exercise. Azerbaizan, probably will support you, but then they are also close to israel, how much can they help i have no idea. Do tell me how many points i said you agree and disagree without being biased.
Stage of freezing and then seizing Pakistan's nukes is being set. All you got to do is just keep doing what you are doing. Keep this moron "Wazee-r-Khazana" and thug "Wazeer-e-Azam" and permit them borrow few more billions and sell national assets.

When you are on the verge of getting bank corrupt, you do what your lenders ask.
and we all know what happened in 71

First of all China was though a Nuclear power then but not a regional power at all and 70s was time when it has virtually isolated itself from outside world. Secondly as i had already said in another thread that 71 had more to do with ouwn made fiasco and when India formally entered the war, we had already lost the East Pakistan virtually. Enterance of China would have not changed the situation at all.

2ndly, china has a bad habit of dumping, they do it in India and all over the world, what makes you think they wont? they will never invest somewhere where there is no profit. Here recently, they backed out of a coal-based project : http://www.dawn.com/news/1259048/chinese-firm-bows-out-of-coal-based-power-project

Plz refer to the reasons why that particular company backed out from the project and i wud not call it dumping but genuine reasons for bowing out. And its that very company who has bowed out, not the Chinese government. On the other hand China is fastly developing many nuclear power projects in Pakistan and where one company has bowed out here is a case where whole project is being financed by China.

3rdly, yes, you have cards to play, but then i said "anti-india", Turkey is a nato-ally, SA and India have great relations both in terms of trade and now slowly into defence. Recently i have seen a joint exercise is happening after the red flag exercise. Azerbaizan, probably will support you, but then they are also close to israel, how much can they help i have no idea. Do tell me how many points i said you agree and disagree without being biased.

Plz refer to the move of Mr Modi to turn table on Pakistan during his UAE visit and subsequent response by KSA. Pakistan still maintain significance presence in KSA both in numbers or workers and militarily. Pakistan has clearly spelled out that it would be on front of safeguarding the sovereignty of KSA in time of need and it wud not at all be in favor of KSA to let Pakistan be harmed like that. Also Pakistan is a major part of 34 countries military alliance and that has its own significance. Like Turkey its Italy who is also an important member of NATO and with whom Indian relations are all time low and Pakistan's all time high. So i wud not be wise to say that India would be having easy ride in mustering NATO's support against Pakistan just like that. Regarding Azerbaijan i dont like that its relations with Israel has something to do with its relations with Pakistan. They aint under domination of Israel at all and they are free to take their own sovereign decisions.
Pakistan rules out talks on nuclear programme freeze
By Kamran Yousaf
Published: May 18, 2016

Islamabad rejects US demand to negotiate on FMTC, which aims to ban production of uranium, plutonium. PHOTO: ISPR

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has turned down a US demand to start negotiations on a treaty that bans production of fissile materials used in making nuclear weapons, officials said after talks between the two countries on nonproliferation issues on Tuesday.

Islamabad has long been resisting US pressure to freeze its nuclear programme by agreeing to sign the controversial Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT). The FMCT is aimed at placing a ban on the production of fissile materials, including uranium and plutonium.

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At a meeting of the Pakistan-US Working Group on Security, Strategic Stability and Nonproliferation, the American delegation pressed Islamabad to start negotiations on the treaty dealing with fissile materials.

In response, Pakistan underlined its preference for broader Fissile Material Treaty (FMT) that “addresses the asymmetries in existing stocks” and said its position would be determined by its national interests and the objectives of strategic stability in South Asia,” said a joint statement issued by the Foreign Office.

The eighth round of the working group, which is part of the strategic dialogue, was co-chaired by Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry and Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller.

Pakistan believes the treaty must include existing stocks otherwise the imbalance of power in the world will simply be further enhanced. The country’s reluctance to sign the treaty is also attributed to the discriminatory policies of the West on civilian nuclear cooperation.

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While rejecting talks on the FMCT in its current form and conditions, Pakistan, however, assured the US delegation that it would not be the first in its region to resume nuclear testing, and expressed its support for the objectives of Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

The meeting of the working group was held against the backdrop of recent missile testing by archrival India that, according to Pakistan, would disturb the strategic balance in South Asia.

The Foreign Office’s statement said both sides recognised their interest in strategic stability and discussed their respective concerns over nuclear and missile developments in South Asia.

In that context, Pakistan also expressed concerns on growing conventional imbalance, and reiterated its longstanding proposal for the Strategic Restraint Regime (SRR) in South Asia and its readiness to pursue measures in the region aimed at building confidence and avoidance of an arms race.

Both sides emphasised the importance of meaningful dialogue and progress in this area and expressed hope for lasting peace in South Asia and the resolution of outstanding disputes through peaceful means.

According to the statement, the US delegation recognised Pakistan’s significant efforts to harmonise its strategic trade controls with those of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and other multilateral export control regimes.

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Both sides agreed on the value of Pakistan’s continued engagement, outreach and integration into the international non-proliferation regime.

The Pakistan delegation expressed its confidence regarding their country’s credentials to become full member of the export control regimes, particularly the NSG and the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).

Both sides committed to continue cooperation related to export control capacity-building under the US Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) programme.

The Foreign Office said Pakistan stressed the need for access to peaceful uses of nuclear technology as a socio-economic imperative. Pakistan also indicated its interest in cooperation with the US on peaceful applications of the nuclear science in areas such as health, agriculture and water.

The US expressed its interest in exploring such nuclear science cooperation with Pakistan.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 18th, 2016.

The US is not demanding this from india or assrahell but from Pakistan. I would like to see the comments of those on this forum who constantly say that the US does not pose any threat to Pakistan. Whenever there is discussion about ICBM they say india is Pakistan's only enemy, if so why is the US making this kind of unfair demand only from Pakistan? I would like those so-called Pakistani patriots to reply to this question.
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Good, All negotiations regarding limitations should be rejected on basis of blatant hypocrisy. US will never ask the same from Pakistan's neighbours, use this to point blank reject any talks to compromise security.

Meanwhile boost enrichment.
The US is not demanding this from india or assrahell but from Pakistan. I would like to see the comments of those on this forum who constant say that the US does not pose any threat to Pakistan. Whenever there is discussion about ICBM they say india is Pakistan's only enemy, if so why is the US making this kind of unfair demand only from Pakistan? I would like those so-called Pakistani patriots to reply to this question.

There is a section of our society which we call "Brown Shahibs". You can call them liberal elite as well if you wish. They are indoctrinated in believing that west in general cant do wrong, which ofcourse effect their mental capacity and threat perception.

Just look at the timings of these so called meetings between Pakistan and American officials. Just right after the Indian missile tests of undersea platform and anti ballistic missile system. These both tests were heavily dependent on the American technology which the yanks have given access to India. This in turn is seriously undermining the national security of Pakistan.

We may not be able to hit American main land with our missile force but we do have trump card up our sleeves. We can certainly lay waste the entity which actually controls America. That is where Shaheen-3 comes into play.

Israel is Pakistan insurance in a rather complex and strange way. If you know what I mean.
All these relations are money and trade driven. If U can trade with anyone, that country would surely be in good terms with U. Sides are only taken during conflicts.

When U wud awake from the deep slumber, only then U ll realize what blunder U have done.

Don't worry we are smarter than you people and will not make the blunder of letting America run riot like they did with you
No compromise on Nuclear assets and further development.It is crucial for our survival and safety.
Allah bless Pakistan forever.

Mr USA, what sort of friend you are.?
No compromise on Nuclear assets and further development.It is crucial for our survival and safety.
Allah bless Pakistan forever.

Mr USA, what sort of friend you are.?
Not friend because we accept their demand in a moment or one telephone call while they accept our request after 1 year.
1stly China-Pakistan relationship no doubt is great, but as you said, "If U can trade with anyone, that country would surely be in good terms with U. Sides are only taken during conflicts." and we all know what happened in 71. Before that, infact till 90s, pakistan was at par with India, or i should say more than India, but as years passed its deteriorated. I don't want to further comment on your relations, its your internal matter.
Pakistan lost it's edge around 2003-2005 mainly because of the surge of terrorism which was linked to spikes in crime, corruption, violence, radicalism, sectarian/ethnic tensions, and overall economic decay.

Pakistan suffered a loss of around 80 Billion Dollars and loses an average of 4-5 Billion dollars a year to terrorism; despite these poor piss conditions - Pakistan is doing pretty okay; maintaining a growth of 4.5% which will most likely surge to 6-8% despite IMF's predictions.

Terrorism has been significantly decreasing along with corruption, crime, radicalism and ect...
According to the Terrorism Index; India will surpass Pakistan in terrorism within several years - Pakistan's terrorism and fragile state index has been significantly decreasing while India's score has been increasing.

Pakistan is on the road to success and prosperity. Especially after the tens of billions of dollars being put into ambitious projects and development.

Pakistan will no doubt catch up to India as India had catched up to Pakistan.

But I pray and hope the best for both countries.
2ndly, china has a bad habit of dumping, they do it in India and all over the world, what makes you think they wont? they will never invest somewhere where there is no profit. Here recently, they backed out of a coal-based project : http://www.dawn.com/news/1259048/chinese-firm-bows-out-of-coal-based-power-project
There is a difference between 'China' and a 'Chinese firm'; most private firms and companies will back out because of insufficient funds or more profitable projects may attract them away.

China has been adding more and more money, resources and focus on CPEC. You hear of another multi-billion project every week. China just expanded CPEC by 26 Billion dollars a week ago. CPEC will indefinitely cross the 100 Billion mark in several years; as investments keep pouring in.
3rdly, yes, you have cards to play, but then i said "anti-india", Turkey is a nato-ally, SA and India have great relations both in terms of trade and now slowly into defence. Recently i have seen a joint exercise is happening after the red flag exercise. Azerbaizan, probably will support you, but then they are also close to israel, how much can they help i have no idea. Do tell me how many points i said you agree and disagree without being biased.
Turkey, GCC, Levant, North Africa, Iran and the other half of the Muslim world have always supported us in all direct conflicts. Despite them maintaining warm relations with India; they also support Pakistan's stance on Kashmir. At many times they have deployed squadrons, have given us immense aid, provided us with arms, ships, finance and so on. They will continue to do so; because despite the differences that haunt us - we still have a Muslim bond.
There is a section of our society which we call "Brown Shahibs". You can call them liberal elite as well if you wish. They are indoctrinated in believing that west in general cant do wrong, which ofcourse effect their mental capacity and threat perception.

Just look at the timings of these so called meetings between Pakistan and American officials. Just right after the Indian missile tests of undersea platform and anti ballistic missile system. These both tests were heavily dependent on the American technology which the yanks have given access to India. This in turn is seriously undermining the national security of Pakistan.

There's one particular 'brown shahib' who does not wait to write on behalf of uncle sam whenever somebody says Pakistan should develop an ICBM. Somebody please help me remember his user name.

We may not be able to hit American main land with our missile force but we do have trump card up our sleeves. We can certainly lay waste the entity which actually controls America. That is where Shaheen-3 comes into play.

Israel is Pakistan insurance in a rather complex and strange way. If you know what I mean.

Then Pakistan should gently convey this to the US through proper channels. Nevertheless, I believe it is high time Pakistan tested a real ICBM. Lately US politicians have been making plenty of dangerous noises. I wouldn't ignore it if I were in Sharif's place.
Pakistan may well need to ramp up its production of fissile material since the introduction of missile defence system in subcontinent. With Uncle sam, treating India and Pakistan differently, providing India with civilian nuclear technology and denying Pakistan F-16s, Pakistan should tell uncle Sam to shove it into his own uk ( a place where sun does not shine)
There's one particular 'brown shahib' who does not wait to write on behalf of uncle sam whenever somebody says Pakistan should develop an ICBM. Somebody please help me remember his user name.

We may not be able to hit American main land with our missile force but we do have trump card up our sleeves. We can certainly lay waste the entity which actually controls America. That is where Shaheen-3 comes into play.

Then Pakistan should gently convey this to the US through proper channels. Nevertheless, I believe it is high time Pakistan tested a real ICBM. Lately US politicians have been making plenty of dangerous noises. I wouldn't ignore it if I were in Sharif's place.

I am one of those who are staunch supporters of Pakistan building a full fledged nuke deterrence against all scenario, not just India specific. For me this half cup full nuke status invites more trouble. We need to have ICBM loaded with city busting H-Bombs.

With regards to Israel, they already know. This is the article Washignton post wrote just after the test. Even though Pakistan clearly mentioned that India Andaman and Nicobar Islands was the reason for development of Shaheen-3 but they understood the hidden message very clearly. Just look at the map they showed :



They clearly highlighted Israel in the map!! The recent "randi rona" in american congress about the F-16 saga clearly mentioned Shaheen 3 and its impact on Israel security.

There is one thing however I would like to point out. Those who are controlling American, for them America is expandable, Amercian lives are expandable, but the Zionists and their entity Israel must not bear any harm. So even Pakistan acquire capablity to make every inch of American territory a radioactive waste, even then it wont make any difference to those who are controlling American from behind the scene. Pakistan must bear the sword against Israel neck 24*7 for the sake of its own national security.
Why are we even having such a dialogue with the US to begin with. Why no shut them up completely. Tell them we have nothing to discuss over nuclear at all. Why do we keep US relevant In such matters.
Why are we even having such a dialogue with the US to begin with. Why no shut them up completely. Tell them we have nothing to discuss over nuclear at all. Why do we keep US relevant In such matters.

It's a very reasonable question. The answer is influential people of Pakistan have their vested interest in the US. Their children study there, marry there and live there, enjoying all that comes with living in the US. So, Pakistan's security is secondary, their investments in the west is of prime importance.

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