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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

You gave me another

@WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @Oscar

I got another negative rating from this genius, without a reason. And none of you have responded to the thread in the GHQ asking this guys to reverse his ratings and power abuse. Friday is tomorrow, don't forget that.

Why don't you say something appropriate, so I can give you one (look at my signature for possible options). Today's the day. Everyone's playing pin the tail on the donkey.
Sorry dude, i missed your earlier post the @TheGreatOne is referring to.
Send me a link.
Found the following image on the net claiming an Indian post destroyed by Pakistani shelling.

you're so gullible, That is old picture http://www.news18.com/news/india/two-infiltration-bids-along-loc-foiled-by-army-1294660.html :lol: yesterday you were retweeting nakli tom hanks :rofl:
What wasthe reason of KSE losing over 500pts, it means more than once Indians hit Pakis in their territory that too after giving a message that we are are coming. Please also ask the same to your PA chief and PM how this happened that too in a hostile and tense environment.

The intrusion took place on 7 different places!!
Its a good oppertunity to escalate...
Pak army shud go for it
Was PA part of kargil aggression ? Was there a heli raid in abbottabad to kill OBL?

Pakistan denied all these at first, But we all know the history.
@Joe Shearer @hellfire @notorious_eagle

As per my understanding ( and heavy lack of understanding of some chest thumpers) the Indian sources claim that they airlifted the soldiers near the LOC from where they made a raid 500m-1km and took out a launch pad whilst pakistan states that no infiltration happened and cross border firing happened at night which resulted in 2 soldiers being martyred. Pakistan has now has cross border firings which resulted in three posts being destroyed.

Now I am aware that cross border raids can happen and have been done by both sides near the LOC multiple of times.

The question I am asking is how does the situation deescalates now? Where do both sides go from here as situation is getting worse and escalating. Do you see this situation going towards a full blown border conflict?
Lol these darpoks can only do this in movies, If Pakistan was the size of India we would have eaten them alive. :lol:
they could have brought at least "Gheesi wali matti" if you know what i mean

Thank you India!! and thank you Indians for providing us with the unlimited entertainment
Public ko ......ya banana tha bann gai:lol: the embraced Modi face in past few weeks need another drama after topi drama of uri Public happy Modi happy joe and punit happy:lol:
As we all know recently the bjp following international news is losing g fame and one way to regain fame of a gov is by going to war , I reading many books on military history have found that the most reappearing reason for war is to gain popularity in ones own country as by spreading lies one can lead the 'sheeple' to believe that they did this or Thayne generally paint an antagonist their entire life and then spread lies about doing this and that to him and blaming your mishaps on him and thus give your people something else to think about , so in conclusion I believe that India launched the so called strikes because of rising kashmiri freedom movement and believe it or not I would have done the same thing . Look Anthe proofs people even if Russia attacked Azerbaijan the azeris would retaliate in one way or another so had it been a real strike it would have had an appropriate retaliation
Please discuss with out rhetoric bull shix from both sides
@Sarge @Windjammer @Arsalan @Zarvan
Notorious Eagle gave me another negative rating. Speaks volume of his prissiness and same goes for you. Cowards attack from behind, and don't have the balls to face anything.

My point has been made, validated and reported. I am done and proved your bullshiit wrong in terms of the surgical strikes and they did take place. Thank you, continue crying!!

Strikes took place on two occasions

1. Post Uri attack on night 20-21 Sept which was retracted two days back

2. When that failed to drive in the point, a cross border anti-terror operation has been carried out and DGMO IA invited DGMO PA to undertake "future strikes in joint operations to beat the menace of terror". There.. gave you the wordings used to the affect.

Stop tagging people and then not expect to be called out for incorrect information.
The indian claims of surgical strikes gives Pakistan enough reasons to retaliate as it is an act of war
Pakistan now has a upper hand

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