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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

Even though there is plenty of confusion due to claims and counter claims, a certain blurry picture seems to be appearing. It appears probable that Indian did try to raid across the LoC in a desperate effort to get out of the narrow alley that Modi has foolishly pushed India into. But, at the same time, it appears that Pak military was ready for such an eventuality. However, as widely expected, Indian didn't have courage to get on real surgical strike against the so-called 'terrorists camps' in Azad Kashmir as they have been threatening in the aftermath of Uri attack on Indian Army's brigade headquarters that resulted in 18 Indian soldiers got eliminated. That would have been suicidal mission for invading Indian soldiers. Rather Modi conveniently chose to conduct hollow surgical strikes on symbolic targets (i.e. the so-called terrorist launching pads at the LoC - what the heck those pads are no one really knows) under the cover of usual intense fire. And that hollow raids appear ending up in disaster with significant number of claimed Indian casualties. It is evident that Indians were not able to cross the LoC as their attacks were not only repulsed but Pak soldiers actually chased them into the other side of the LoC. However, Indians tried to exploit the very fact that they have, for the first time, tried to conduct (even hollow) raids across the LoC. That doesn't mean only Indians can do that. Pak military have better skills and resources to conduct raids deep into the occupied J&K.

The question now is how Pakistan would respond to this provocation? Had it been an air strike, an immediate response against the participating airbases and other resources was indeed warranted. However, in the case of last night's failed surgical raids, we don't necessarily need to respond in a tit-for-tat manner right now. Rather Pakistan need to choose its own time and place to hit back Indians and hard. We need to exploit the surprise factor by first keeping the enemy on its heals for some time and wait until it lowers its guards. Indian military garrisons and head quarters offer very viable targets for us to hit them where it hurts the most. In the meantime, we need to take out the places/facilities that Indians used for the launching the bogged raids of last night.
The three post theory has been debunked in these very threads. Old, tired videos from before don't fool anyone, except those who are already fooled.

But having said that, the day was perfectly satisfactory from an Indian POV. 38 terrorist scum (sorry, freedom fighters/PAk Army) dead. Total confusion. Pakistan in denial. So basically zero fallout. The Eastern border of Pakistan will soon become like the Western border. We sleep in peace.

And we were sleeping yeah totally your logic is fucking amazing I expect to see a skinny retarded indian behind this post mate
Ok daddy, as you say.

No proof required, we are free to believe what we want.

Notice, none of the Indians here is dying to disprove your desperate claims that there was no strike. It siuts as just fine.


Now get lost and only quote us if you have some proofs.
Indian soldiers are Vampires. Pakistani soldiers killed them but then they became undead and came back. :pakistan:

What about 10 soldiers that you killed on your side of LOC in Uri sector?

Heard you couldn't even recover a single dead body of those terrorists. :lol:

Easy tiger....why so serious? Someone violated you or something?

I am easy son.

I am serious because we are discussing surgical strikes. For you they might be non serious issue since you never did any surgical strikes. :lol:
Then can you enlighten us all, from your vast experience in covert ops.

BTW, what exact aspect of Pak Army/ISI covert ops were you ever involved in? Fake currency/heroine smuggling/nuclear proliferation/money laundering/terrorist training and infiltration...am I missing something?

Proofs son proofs.

Proofs or nothing. :)
Lots of them.

1) Retaliatory strikes using artillery and maybe stand off air strikes on selected targets in Kashmir.

And India does not have any. Remember what happened last time. Your tv channels were crying that your innocent civilians are getting caught in cross fire by Indians.

2) Increasing support for Freedom Fighters; after their next attack, Modi has to either launch actual strikes or stand down. Both with risks.
How do you know India will not do that to you? Pakistan has less money and more area to cover. India has more money and less area to cover.

3) Increase pressure on India in the North East and in Indian Punjab.
Regarding punjab here is a pic of a sardar for you


And here is another pic of sardar for you

The three post theory has been debunked in these very threads. Old, tired videos from before don't fool anyone, except those who are already fooled.

But having said that, the day was perfectly satisfactory from an Indian POV. 38 terrorist scum (sorry, freedom fighters/PAk Army) dead. Total confusion. Pakistan in denial. So basically zero fallout. The Eastern border of Pakistan will soon become like the Western border. We sleep in peace.

Maybe for Indian Dreams

Yet to see any evidence that India managed to kill 38 men. Not a single shred of proof offered.
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