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Pakistan rejects NATO 'regrets' and 'Self Defence' Claims

Good step in the right direction..... but still not enough... it would need a series of right, firm and unshakable decisions to highlight gravity of the situation.... and to exhibit our seriousness.... the follow on should be abstaining from the upcoming bonn conference.

i 2nd u

Some of our brother r asking how long the army will hold, if we ppl of pakistan have burned some army jeeps after may 02 or earlier during raymand davis issue, just like we do with politicians i don't think kiyani would have lasted till now
it is we the ppl of pakistan who should put pressure on these tankhah dar officers and politicians otherwise they will sell us cheap as they have done it in past

the funny or sad issue is we ppl of pakistan didnot get as mad when we were facing the suicides and lawlessness but we r mad for the death of soldiers ( though their duty is to die for their country )

ppl of pakistan keep the pressure on these corrupt officers and politicians for the sake of our dignity

BBC is saying that NATO has apologized- why change the title because indians cant understand it?-
Plz change the title back to "We do not accept NATO apology"-
We should promote the Pak Army view points not change the title to satisfy the indians-
That is Irresponsibility from MOD's part-

Pakistan has denied reports that it opened fire first provoking the Nato air strike which killed 24 troops at a checkpoint on the Afghan border.

It follows claims by Afghan officials that Nato forces were retaliating for gunfire from the Pakistani side of the volatile border region on Saturday.

On Sunday Pakistan's army chief led mourners as those killed in the strike were buried at military headquarters.

Nato has apologised, calling it a "tragic unintended incident".

But the attack has heightened already tense relations between Pakistan, the US and Nato. It took place at two remote border posts in Pakistan's tribal district of Mohmand in the early hours of Saturday morning and recriminations have been pouring in response to the attack .

Unnamed Afghan officials quoted in The Wall Street Journal said that Saturday's attack was called in to shield Nato and Afghan forces who were under fire while targeting Taliban fighters. One official quoted in the paper says that Kabul believes the fire came from an army base.

"This is not true. They are making up excuses. What are their losses, casualties?" Pakistani army spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas said in a text message in response to the allegations.

Maj-Gen Abbas has also said that the raid went on for more than an hour and continued even after local commanders contacted Nato telling them to stop the strike, according to the Associated Press news agency.

Pakistani officials have consistently maintained that there had been no militant activity in the area, and most of the Pakistani soldiers were asleep. They also said Nato had the grid references of the posts and therefore should not have fired.

'Grave infringement'
Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani called it a "grave infringement of Pakistan's sovereignty" and officials responded by cutting key supply Pakistani lines to Nato in Afghanistan.

The BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says that public anger has intensified amid growing demands from Pakistan's opposition parties to sever all ties with the US.

On Monday lawyers staged protests across the country and Reuters news agency reports that Pakistan's fuel suppliers have said that they will not resume supplies to Nato forces in Afghanistan any time soon.

Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he had written to Mr Gilani to "make it clear that the deaths of Pakistani personnel are as unacceptable and deplorable as the deaths of Afghan and international personnel".

Nato has said it is investigating what happened.

In a joint statement, US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, offered their condolences for the loss of life, backed the investigation into the incident and stressed the "importance of the US-Pakistani partnership, which serves the mutual interests of our people".

The night-time attack took place at the Salala checkpoint, about 1.5 miles (2.5 km) from the Afghan border, at around 02:00 on Saturday morning local time (21:00 GMT Friday).

The Pakistani army said helicopters and fighter aircraft hit two border posts, killing 24 people and leaving 13 injured. Local officials said the two posts were about 300m apart on a mountain top.

Military sources earlier told the BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Paktika province in Afghanistan that a US-Afghan special forces mission had been in the area, where they believed a Taliban training camp was operating.

They said the mission came under fire from a position within Pakistan, and they received permission from the headquarters of Nato's Isaf mission to fire back.

The incident looks set to deal a fresh blow to US-Pakistan relations, which had only just begun to recover following a unilateral US raid that killed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan in May.

Pakistani troops are involved in fighting the Taliban in the crucial border region area. Hundreds of militants have been resisting attempts by the security forces to clear them from southern and south-eastern parts of the district.
BBC News - Pakistan denies firing provoked Nato border attack
They also said Nato had the grid references of the posts and therefore should not have fired.
They had the GRs which made it easier for them to target Pakistani troops! Perhaps a retaliation for the Kabul bombing by the Taliban that killed several ISAF troops? But what's the connection? Simple. As per what the ISAF thinks, the Afghan Taliban are closely linked to the PA/ISI that planned these attacks against Coalition Forces in Kabul and elsewhere.

Tit for tat? I would think so! US Forces aren't that dumb to fire MISTAKENLY on well defined posts on ground as well as on the map! They damn well knew where the posts were and who was occupying them. Because the Apache features a Target Acquisition Designation Sight (TADS) and a Pilot Night Vision Sensor (PNVS) which enables the crew to navigate and conduct precision attacks in day, night and adverse weather conditions.

So, those who say that the Americans didn't know and fired on the posts by mistake are barking up the wrong tree.

And those who think that the PA should have retaliated, need to think again. When 30mm M230 chain guns and Hydra 70 (2.75 inch) rockets are fired from their choppers (Not counting those Hellfire missiles) at the troops without warning, they would instinctively have dashed to occupy their bunkers. Now, can anyone fire at a fast moving attack helicopter from inside a bunker with limited vision and in almost zero visibility (2 AM)? And with what? Rifles and LMGs? It's like trying to kill a tiger with a fly swatter! Were any anti aircraft assets deployed at the posts? Most unlikely. It's high time they do, seeing the frequency of NATO attacks on PA and paramilitary posts on the border.

I wonder what the reaction of those Yanks would be if an Apache is brought down by the PA? :woot:
The indecent is regretful... condolences for the loss of life... I hope pakistani establishment will sort this out with diplomacy, restraint and foresight. Any knee jerk reaction will destabilize the already sensitive region
Northern Alliance is another likely suspect here
Americans might have been fooled into attacking the post, also note that the Afhgan army is also quoting itself as a source of alleged Pakistani post firing which led to the air strike.

The Afghan troops (mainly NA dominated officers and footmen) are the ones that requested the air strike and might have played the Americans into attacking Pakistanis. The Northern Alliance has never made its anti _Pakistan approach a secret and the feeling is shared. Both Pakistan and Northern alliance don’t trust each other and have confronted each other directly and indirectly on ground and through diplomacy.

The other likely suspects the be the Russians. Maybe not in this particular incident but through the world of espionage, confusion, misinformation and covert operations Why? Well its payback time for what Pakistan and USA did to them back in the 80s. it might seem far fetched and I agree specially in this incident but in the overall Afghan Pakistan crises the Russians might be playing their own game.

Even British troops don't get air cover from Americans and Britain is like twin Brother to USA...How can i believe that USAF came running on call from Afghan forces?
Relax buddy.. We are just talking.. Apology implies admission of guilt.. Regret is too general.. Even I as an unrelated party could regret the loss of life.. In Hindi, the difference between Maafi mangna and Afhsos Dikhana..

And about me claiming about BBC being wrong, well people on this forum regularly declare NSA, CIA, FBI, US Military to be wrong. I dont think BBC is above them all .. Do you??

In broader sense apology and regret means the same thing- we apologize for the loss of life- or we regret the loss of life- carries the same weight- Dont go for the translation many English language words loses its weight when translated into local language- its just the way it is-
Since you always insist that NSA, CIA, FBI, US Military is always right what ever they say regarding Pakistan- believe in BBC aswell-

P.S How many times have you seen Amrika apologizing for any of it acts world wide through out its menace history?-
Dont ask for some thing that is undeliverable- That will create more controversies- Do you want that?-
come on you want to cook up some stories then come with a better one not with a crappy one

Pakistan doesn't need to fire in Afghanistan Pakistan know there is forces in Afghanistan,

Pakistan is not like USA and Nato forces who would go and disturb the neighbors
There will surely be retaliation by pak army.They have wisely chosen not to go for an open conflict but nato's days ahead in afghanistan may be a bit more tougher.
Message to keyani & Co... I don't care what you accept or reject, I want to know how you are going to ensure this doesn't happen again and how you are going to avenge the blood of those innocent men who put on the uniform of Pakistan armed forces and entrusted you as their leader?
Message to keyani & Co... I don't care what you accept or reject, I want to know how you are going to ensure this doesn't happen again and how you are going to avenge the blood of those innocent men who put on the uniform of Pakistan armed forces and entrusted you as their leader?

The army can do nothing- What they are capable of doing- they have done that already- Blocked the supplies for few weeks-
Thats the sorry state we are in- dont expect any thing else-
Majority of soldiers were killed in their barracks, sleeping at that time. That sums up any specualtion of firefight between Nato and Pakistani troops !!! There is something else that happened. your guess is as good as mine !
Majority of soldiers were killed in their barracks, sleeping at that time. That sums up any specualtion of firefight between Nato and Pakistani troops !!! There is something else that happened. your guess is as good as mine !

Let me quote a new revelation-

Pakistan: NATO Ignored Pleas During Attack

(ISLAMABAD) — The NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers lasted almost two hours and continued even after Pakistani commanders had pleaded with coalition forces to stop, the army claimed Monday in charges that could further inflame anger in Pakistan.

Pakistan: NATO Ignored Pleas During Attack - TIME

So Here is the answer for JonAsad...the did what they ahd planned. It was a properly planned and well executed attack.

It is getting clear now-
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