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Pakistan Rejects Indian Request to Open Air Space

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* India-Pakistan border airspace will remain closed due to presence of certain Indian Air Force (IAF) combat aircraft at airbases near Pakistan.

* Indians have been asked to remove those aircraft from airbases.

This is good demand and we have perfect excuse.
Good demand..well played Pakistan..

If it's a game, Pakistan should have played this game long ago... as i always maintain, Pakistan can win WoT by simply cancelling the free transit agreement signed by Zardari regime.
As far Air transit goes, Pakistan should fix a high price, same as we have high airport taxes in Pakistan.
this is what we are talking here we don't want to hesitate like last time to fire long range SAMs . remove your fighters from forward bases or Pakistanis are waiting with hands on missile to shot down anything come from east . its simple . last time we can not fire then as there was civilian traffic around and we can not be Indians to shot down own mi-17 .
Sir ji tight action chal raha hai :) seems Thai Airways have to wait few more weeks
this is what we are talking here we don't want to hesitate like last time to fire long range SAMs . remove your fighters from forward bases or Pakistanis are waiting with hands on missile to shot down anything come from east . its simple . last time we can not fire then as there was civilian traffic around and we can not be Indians to shot down own mi-17 .
FAKE NEWS.........The above source is indian........the same indians who claimed to have killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16..........:lol:
Let it be fake, does India needs to pay user charges when they use Pak airspace? If yes, then Pak is losing some revenue because of shutdown. Someone from Pak can quantify it.

Who cares what you think, airspace should be closed for Indian schenigans
Now every dollar counts hero for both Pak and India....
Close it forever. For India origin airlines. They must pay for the unprovoked attack. They must be taught a lesson in the language they understand - that of power and money.
Close it forever. For India origin airlines. They must pay for the unprovoked attack. They must be taught a lesson in the language they understand - that of power and money.

Why not just charge them more?
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has declined a request to open its airspace until India de-escalates, Aviation Secretary Shahrukh Nusrat told a parliamentary committee.

“The Indian government approached asking us to open the airspace. We conveyed our concerns that first India must withdraw its fighter planes placed forward,” Mr Nusrat told the Senate Standing Committee on Aviation.

The aviation secretary was responding to questions from members of the committee, who were inquiring about profitable and loss-making routes of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA).

PIA Chief Executive Officer Air Marshal Arshad Malik presented to the committee members details of seven new routes that had been introduced to earn profits. Five loss-making routes were closed, he added.

According to the senior official, PIA revenue had jumped by 34 per cent after saving 20pc on operation costs, improving cargo services, controlling delays, fuel management and centralising food procurement.

He explained that the PIA had saved Rs35 million in two months after earning from excess baggage which were up by 11pc and improving cargo load factor by 55pc.

“We have also recovered a Boeing 777 and an A-320 Airbus lying abandoned for 15 months after repairing them at a cost of $3 million. The fleet is now 28 strong and we are leasing two new aircraft,” Air Marshal Malik informed the members.

Published in Dawn, July 12th, 2019
An active foreign ministry and foreign policy always deliver. Previous govt deliberate act of having no foreign minister gave a ground to the hostile nation play their way and maneuver things to their interest. Which bring a great loss to us particularly in the lobbies of US offices. But why blame others when we had crooks sitting in the office.
Pakistan is showing india who the boss in the region.

indian airline is bleeding, india stands humiliated due to PAF's air strikes and shooting down of indian jets and subsequent capture of indian Wing Commander.

Now, india is begging for us to open the air space and Pakistan stands stoic and telling indians to withdraw from forward air bases first :lol:


Valid response from Pakistan...I hope Pakistan extend the ban for long time..

We aren't losing much (since we barely need indian airspace for our flights)----while india is losing big. So I am sure ban will persist for sometime until we force india to accept its humiliation, let go of any plans to counter the embarrassment they faced at our hands on 27th Feb, and withdraw back to peacetime positioning.

Knowing india, I'm sure it will happen :lol:
Let it be fake, does India needs to pay user charges when they use Pak airspace? If yes, then Pak is losing some revenue because of shutdown. Someone from Pak can quantify it.

Now every dollar counts hero for both Pak and India....

That is NOWHERE near as important as india attempting a sneak attack. The losses if any, ultimately have no effect on Pakistan.
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