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Pakistan refuses MFN status to India

you're saying this after signing FTA with China, btw your trade imbalance with china is more than $5 billion (compared to Indo-Pak imbalance of $900 million)
ECON 101 will help sir

See the FTA status granted to China by Pakistan makes no economic sense to me but perhaps the financial pundits in Pakistan had a political reason to do so. It surprises me that certain other third world countries in Africa also grant FTA status to either India or China when there is a gigantic trade imbalance amounting to millions and sometimes billions of $. Its usually a case of either India or China shipping out those African countries' mineral resources at below market value prices (and usually after exploiting the labour and other human rights laws of these countries) and thereafter dumping cheap and mass "Made in India" or "Made in China" products as a means of recovering the underpayment they made to these African nations. By granting FTA status to China , Pakistan stands in the same position of those African nations. However wisely, Pakistan has not granted India even MFN status. The China status doesn't make any sense but the India status is economically sensible and should remain so.

In Africa opposition to the various governments are saying that India and China are worse than the western colonialists who exploited that continent before. The argument they use is that at least the colonialists built roads and other infrastructure, created jobs and left their countries with some economic benefit after independence. The Indians and the Chinese however come in and exploit the nations, build either Indian or China towns for cheap labour and then get FTA status in a blink. This view is also shared by the ANC Youth League in South Africa.

The above reflects the dangers of granting MFN or FTA status to nations when there are huge trade imbalances. Hopefully the Pakistani finajncial pundits will be more cautious with India when it comes to doing business than they were with China. Trade is not about political loyalty or friendship. Its about expanding your markets but ensuring that attempts must be made to try and keep as minimal as possible deficits in trade. India and China have been hopeless in meeting that requirement in international trade and in Africa, resentment is starting to build up towards these 2 nations which were just recently regarded as saviours and matyrs of the continent.
you're saying this after signing FTA with China, btw your trade imbalance with china is more than $5 billion (compared to Indo-Pak imbalance of $900 million)
ECON 101 will help sir

There is machinery etc. that is imported from China which India does not provide. You can look at the list they come up with after talks.
Everytime some significant Chinese investment or exports come in, they help Pakistan set up infrastructure etc. There is a qualitative difference in what we get from China than what we get with India (which may change in the future, but is not the case currently).

Econ101? What is that? :)
The Chinese invest a lot also, so they give as well as take. And the fact remains that the entity to the east is the "eternal" enemy.
The PRC is a friend and we benefit from her exports, india is the enemy of my race, my land, my religion, my blood, it is our eternal enemy and will remain so. China is investing billions of dollars in all sector's they have just signed a deal to build Lahore's metro, and the military help is without equal.
:pakistan: :china:

and you sold your Izzat to them. they are swindling the hell out of Pakistan.
. .
""eternal" enemy is not the case here. What is there so eternal beyond the resolution of the Kashmir issue? A person is a person. We deal with all others around the world so why not India?

I do not cater to such theories otherwise there will never be any stability anywhere. Afterall in the end we are all insaan kay bacchay. Good and bad everywhere. Lets try to stay away from such hard positions.
and you sold your Izzat to them. they are swindling the hell out of Pakistan.


That is your perception. Those in Pakistan know what we are getting and what we are not and there aren't any significant strings attached.
The PRC is a friend and we benefit from her exports, india is the enemy of my race, my land, my religion, my blood, it is our eternal enemy and will remain so. China is investing billions of dollars in all sector's they have just signed a deal to build Lahore's metro, and the military help is without equal.
:pakistan: :china:

no one is a friend for ever in this fast changing geopolitical arena.china is using you as to achieve its objectives just like US in the past.after US left, the void is filled by china .
who knows after achieving its objectives your beloved friend might ditch you just like US.
Isn't it funny that Indians are getting angry and saying to hell with MFN to Pakistan and bla bla bla that they didn't get MFN and Pakistanis jumping that its a slap on the face.... Neither of it are true...

Instead of posting such useless posts against each other we should appreciate the fact that both countries are willing to enhance trade. Congratz. May the trade flourish between India and Pakistan.
no one is a friend for ever in this fast changing geopolitical arena.china is using you as to achieve its objectives just like US in the past.after US left, the void is filled by china .
who knows after achieving its objectives your beloved friend might ditch you just like US.

Would you agree that interests are paramount? So in this case Pakistan-China interests are converging. Simply put, lets make hay for as long as the sun shines.
and you sold your Izzat to them. they are swindling the hell out of Pakistan.

That's your opinion, and one that does not matter a jot to Pakistanis. We know how good their friendship has been.
""eternal" enemy is not the case here. What is there so eternal beyond the resolution of the Kashmir issue? A person is a person. We deal with all others around the world so why not India?

I do not cater to such theories otherwise there will never be any stability anywhere. Afterall in the end we are all insaan kay bacchay. Good and bad everywhere. Lets try to stay away from such hard positions.

True, but in my opinion india is a different case, and yes she is an eternal enemy to me and a significant portion of Pakistanis, who witnessed what they did to our people at partition.
no one is a friend for ever in this fast changing geopolitical arena.china is using you as to achieve its objectives just like US in the past.after US left, the void is filled by china .
who knows after achieving its objectives your beloved friend might ditch you just like US.

One thing you forget, is Pakistan and China are neighbors, geography does not change, and they would want a stable relationship, and also it is mutually beneficial - also the access to the Strait of Hormuz is one more important factor.
Trade with india is not as strategic as with China who we share more interest's with.
True, but in my opinion india is a different case, and yes she is an eternal enemy to me and a significant portion of Pakistanis, who witnessed what they did to our people at partition.

dont you think It was two way traffic ? Anyways a hundred years ago - French and English used to utter the same lines . One can only hope such baggages from the past dont affect the future generation at all.Anyways....
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