We are off topic. Reread your sentence a few times and you'll realize it. Its not a mistake really, its just when bilingual people write English, even Whites or Blacks (don't want you to think that I am discriminating), you'd get slightest clues as a reader. Its no big deal. Good thing is, you can speak multiple languages. I can't
So we are, so we are. I still don't get any (slight) mistake. When you deal with us 'lesser breeds without the law', you have to do a lot of explaining. That's the white man's burden. So go ahead.
Multiple languages? LOL. I speak Bengali, Gorkhali, Hindi, a bit of Punjabi, a bit of Tamizh, a bit of Kannada, a bit of German; I read Bengali, Gorkhali, Hindi, a bit of German and a bit of French; I write Bengali, Hindi, English and a bit of German. My daughter and wife are both more accomplished, actually.
I read your little critical review with some interest, and shall wait for your explanation with even more interest.
The only truth that holds true is that India needs to realize one thing---it cannot run away from pakistan---regardless of whatever technical achievements it gains.
Pakistan only needs to match 70---80% to keep up.
My neighbor in pakistan---Malik Sahib--- was the biggest A'hole that one could to be to everyone---but to our family---. He would say " I have to live with you---in time of emergency---you will be the first ones to come to my aid ".
So am I Malik Sahib or am I you?
Your point is bang on target, and that is why - I don't know if you've noticed - I'm breaking my arse trying to get both sets of idiots to talk to each other. It's not about the 70---80% (notice how I've saluted you by even reproducing the number of dashes you used?
), that can be fixed, what is in store is quite difficult to match, but it's about living with the neighbours. No getting out of that. If anything serious happens to Pakistan, and we sit and watch, we will deserve whatever follows; and vice versa.