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Pakistan ready to discuss India concerns over Gwadar Port

We should adopt a 'forward policy' on India. In other words oppose it at all opportunities, as India does. Adopt a forward policy on Kashmir to counter India's forward policy.
Sorry..what are you suggesting here??? What is that you would like to do that you are not doing???

Give information to the world on how India treats its own movements , like the naxalites, how they are about to embark on a policy of Genocide against its own Tribal communities.

Is it just a India hate rant or you have some links to back your claims that India is about to embark a policy of Genocide on Naxals????...Here's a suggestion if time permits go through this thread...it has some useful info


We should now ignore India and follow our own foreign policy to 'exclude India' as it is trying to do to Pakistan.

Ignore india??? Not clear about your intent here but correct me if i am wrong isn't that the biggest pillar of Pak's foreign policy is to resolve Kashmir issue??? How will you achieve it if you ignore India?? What do you mean that India ignore's Pak??? I mean we have given you the MFN status since 1995 but unfortunately could not get reciprocated due to various reasons.

Please clarify your intent...may be i am getting overboard here.

Inform local and distant powers of India's wrong doing in its neighbourhood.
hmmm...what wrong doings are you talking about...also if there are as you are suggesting i would be surprised if it is not already happening through various diplomatic channels..

As far as the article goes i think its a good move if Pak is ready to discuss India's concerns. I mean think if this port is actually for economical purpose as it is stated don't u think the less the opposition the better it is...I personally don't see anything wrong in it...It's not like Pak has given up work on the port...all they are saying is if you have concern we are ready to talk and clarify them...
Well first of all it is quoted by the 'Nation' so I am not so sure about the authenticity of the news.

Even if it is true then this is just a geenral statement and it doesn't specifically name any nation.
He shouldnt have said any thing more then just this.
being a sovereign country we have all the right to take measures for the economic progress and development of the people to Pakistan:pakistan:
What concerns about GWADr port its leased to China for 99 years there will be a Air craft carrier from China that will be stationed there soon ... end of story ..

Chinese companies will build that city up in next 20-30 years....:blink:

If the pakistanis had been quiter about the gwadar port right from the begining and instead of all of us bragging about having chinese navy use it from time to time---it may not have posed as much a threat to india---but we being us---we have to play our band on the world forum---24/7.

So let us not blame india for our misgivings all the time. It is just like our nuclear weapons---we have to use them at every speech that either our president gave or our prime minister gave or any body who is somebody---the nukes have to be used---you know the less you talk about it---the farther it gets from the mind---out of sight---out of mind.
when ever someone hears about Pakistan doing something they think of terrorism. That's what Pakistan needs to clarify.

An honest point of view,
Pakistan is striving hard to save it's image in the international arena.
These steps of good gesture can help it win back the world's affection.

What concerns about GWADr port its leased to China for 99 years there will be a Air craft carrier from China that will be stationed there soon ... end of story ..

Chinese companies will build that city up in next 20-30 years....:blink:

Last I heard, it was a purely commercial venture managed by Singapore Ports authority
y 're we wasting time on indians? havent we got better things to do? they 'll keep barking until they dont see the results they want to see, 'nd nor 'll they ever see their wished result!
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