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Pakistan-ranked 3rd sexiest nationality for men, in an American women survey

Cricket not on mainstream TV here (neither is soccer).
Whatever pal.. I don't give a shit.. Good luck with this gay thread.
@Peter C

Your missing the thrust of my argument. These survey's are not scientific. They are not absolutes. They are about just perception. If a survey was about the most dangerous country in the world or other surveys which have shown Pakistan in bad light people latch on to them and these are used to beat us black and blue.

What I am saying the same sceptism being shown in regards to this survey ought be shown when it comes to those other stereotypes about Pakistan. After all Pakistan is on other side of the world and as you rightly stated American's have more exposture to Honduras then Pakistan but that never stopped us being plastered by American media as "most dangerous country in the world" when chances you guy's are probably at more risk of getting shot by some gangsta in Bronx, New York then Islamabad, Pakistan.

Most American's could not place Pakistan on a map yet that does not stop them having stupid stereotypes about Pakistan. Lack of knowledge does not seem restrict them from making wild comments about a country that most don't even know nothing about. This is my point and I hope you understand.

I hope you don't think I treat this stupid survey seriously. All this will be about Imran Khan, Zayn Malik and Amir khan getting media exposure and bang you have this stupid results. In the same way couple of terrorist incidents, few shots of crazed Mullah's in Peshawar and 180 million country is frigged.

Result Pakistan is fulll of ignorent, mullah, sandn**ers, riding on camels, blah, blah. I hope you understand what I am saying here. They overlook that this is country that has nuclear weapons, huge cities, large middle class, Indus civilization that was contemperory to Egypt, Mesoptomia, saw Greek Kingdoms founded by Alexander the Great, works of art when North West Europe did not even know what Hellas was.

Moral of the story when you hear the next damning report about Pakistan please take it with the bag of salt like you did at this report. I find people are ready to grab hold with both arms any negative report but don't quite show the same grip when it comes from the other direction.

* According to your data nearly 5% of American physicians were from Pakistan. Clearly that alone shows we are not just lots of sand, camels, terrorists that stole some nuclear weapons with which we intend to destroy the entire western world.

*imran khan - Google Search

*Amir khan - Google Search

*Amir khan - Google Search

*Harappa - Google Search

*taxila, Greek pakistan - Google Search

*Harappa - Google Search

Long time before Europe even came up the term Western Civilization Pakistan was part of the Greek Empire. I know I am passionate about history so for me all roads lead to histOry.

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I have 3 out of the top 5 covered :wave:
Well you do know what they say about a jack of all trades.:p:
Experimenters examining male facial attractiveness have concluded that the attractive male face is (1) an average male face, (2) a masculinized male face, or (3) a feminized male face. Others have proposed that symmetry, hormone markers, and the menstrual phase of the observer are important variables that influence male attractiveness. This study was designed to resolve these issues by examining the facial preferences of 42 female volunteers at two different phases of their menstrual cycle. Preferences were measured using a 40-s QuickTime movie (1200 frames) that was designed to systematically modify a facial image from an extreme male to an extreme female configuration. The results indicate that females exhibit (1) a preference for a male face on the masculine side of average, (2) a shift toward a more masculine male face preference during the high-risk phase of their menstrual cycle, and (3) no shift in other facial preferences. An examination of individual differences revealed that women who scored low on a “masculinity” test (1) showed a larger menstrual shift, (2) had lower self-esteem, and (3) differed in their choice of male faces for dominance and short-term mates. The results are interpreted as support for a hormonal theory of facial attractiveness whereby perceived beauty depends on an interaction between displayed hormone markers and the hormonal state of the viewer.

Journal of evolution and human behaviour : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1090513801000666

Hypothesized from the parasite theory of sexual selection that men (Homo sapiens) would prefer averageness and symmetry in women's faces, that women would prefer averageness and symmetry in men's faces, and that women would prefer largeness (not averageness) of the secondary sexual traits of men's faces. The authors generated computer images of men's and women's faces and of composites of the faces of each sex, and then had men and women rate opposite-sex faces for 4 variables (attractive, dominant, sexy, and healthy). Symmetry, averageness, and the sizes of facial features were measured on the computerized faces. The hypotheses were supported, with the exception of the hypothesized effects of averageness of female and male faces on attractiveness ratings. This is the first study to show that facial symmetry has a positive influence on facial attractiveness ratings.

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