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Featured Pakistan pulverize India at the UN, call out Indian support to terrorism

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India pushing terrorist outfits in cross-border attacks, Pakistan tells UN

Dawn.com 08 Oct 2020

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First Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN Jehanzeb Khan exercising right of reply at the Sixth Committee General Debate. — Photo courtesy Radio Pakistan

First Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN Jehanzeb Khan exercising right of reply at the Sixth Committee General Debate. — Photo courtesy Radio Pakistan

Pakistan called out India at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) for pushing banned outfits, such as the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA), in cross-border terrorist attacks against the country's military and civilian targets.
"Over the last decade, thousands of Pakistanis have been killed or injured as a result of Indian sponsored terrorist acts," said First Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN Jehanzeb Khan. He was exercising the right of reply at the Sixth Committee General Debate.
The Pakistani diplomat's statement came after India asserted that the United Nations Security Council should not be misused by countries with "retaliatory intent to name innocent civilians as terrorists".
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According to Times of India, the Indian statement was an apparent reference to the blocking of Pakistan's bid to have two Indians listed under the UNSC 1267 sanctions committee.​
Without naming Pakistan, First Secretary and Legal Adviser in India's Permanent Mission to the UN Yedla Umasanka said: “India has been and continues to be a victim of terrorism sponsored across our borders. We have had firsthand experience of the cruel link between transnational organised crime and terrorism."
In his response, Khan highlighted that India has used terrorism "as an instrument of its coercive policies against every one of its neighbors, especially Pakistan, and against its own Muslim population particularly in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir".
"India is financing and organising secret mercenary terrorist organisations based outside our borders to conduct attacks in Pakistan to impede the implementation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)," he said, mentioning the attacks carried out at the Chinese consulate and the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
"The captured Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav had earlier confessed to organising such terrorist activities inside [Pakistan]."
The diplomat also touched upon Indian atrocities and gross human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.
"India's state sponsored terrorism has done little to weaken the indigenous and legitimate struggle of Kashmiris for their inalienable right to self-determination. The Indian hoax of targeting so-called terrorists was exposed only recently when the victim's of Indian state terrorism turned out to be innocent labourers."
"Indian attempts to conceal the reality of its brutal occupation in the disputed Jammu and Kashmir territory have miserably failed."
He stated that India's Hindu supremacist organisations have for decades preached the violent suppression of India's minorities. "Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi [...] was responsible for the pogrom in Gujrat in 2002 which killed 2,000 innocent Muslim children, women and men.
"As the world has witnessed, these anti-Muslim pogroms were repeated in Delhi earlier this year," he said in a reference to violent communal riots in the Indian capital.
"Pakistan proudly reaffirms is steadfast support for the legitimate struggle of the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan will also continue to expose Indian terrorist activities in front of the international community."
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I have not seen any Pakistani government before this one, taking India head on like this, yet khotakhors still want their convicted disgruntled abba Nawaz to lead them. No wonder all brigade is absent from threads like these yet dont shy away to post pictures of PM Khan with Modi.

IK has to take India head on. No choice. Modi has already annexed IOK and moved on.
I have not seen any Pakistani government before this one, taking India head on like this, yet khotakhors still want their convicted disgruntled abba Nawaz to lead them. No wonder all brigade is absent from threads like these yet dont shy away to post pictures of PM Khan with Modi.

Indeed. Not even in the times of Musharaf , the military man, we seen such dressing down given to India at world stage.
IK has to take India head on. No choice. Modi has already annexed IOK and moved on.

Moved on? to where? Was losing 1000 sq KMs of Indian claimed territory to China was also part of this this brilliant plan? Mind you, PLA actions are directly related to Indian "attempts" of annexation.
Imran khan is being ignored by Modi and the world. He keeps giving these pointless speeches and thanks to that our first and second secretaries at UN are learning the skill of delivering the rebuttals. They should thank Imran.

Its cute that Imran feels that there could be a possible outcome from these speeches at UN. Of the 5 veto yielding nations 4 are firmly behind India on this. Imran is just fooling their masses.

Obviously Munir Akram at UN and Foreign Office of Pakistan is feeling the pressure to push their agenda of Kashmir at all possible fora. But overdoing this, could have opposite effect. This could soon become a nuisance for others. Then it'll be the other countries who'll be giving the shut up calls.
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India pushing terrorist outfits in cross-border attacks, Pakistan tells UN

Dawn.com 08 Oct 2020

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First Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN Jehanzeb Khan exercising right of reply at the Sixth Committee General Debate. — Photo courtesy Radio Pakistan

First Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN Jehanzeb Khan exercising right of reply at the Sixth Committee General Debate. — Photo courtesy Radio Pakistan

Pakistan called out India at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) for pushing banned outfits, such as the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA), in cross-border terrorist attacks against the country's military and civilian targets.
"Over the last decade, thousands of Pakistanis have been killed or injured as a result of Indian sponsored terrorist acts," said First Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN Jehanzeb Khan. He was exercising the right of reply at the Sixth Committee General Debate.
The Pakistani diplomat's statement came after India asserted that the United Nations Security Council should not be misused by countries with "retaliatory intent to name innocent civilians as terrorists".
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According to Times of India, the Indian statement was an apparent reference to the blocking of Pakistan's bid to have two Indians listed under the UNSC 1267 sanctions committee.​
Without naming Pakistan, First Secretary and Legal Adviser in India's Permanent Mission to the UN Yedla Umasanka said: “India has been and continues to be a victim of terrorism sponsored across our borders. We have had firsthand experience of the cruel link between transnational organised crime and terrorism."
In his response, Khan highlighted that India has used terrorism "as an instrument of its coercive policies against every one of its neighbors, especially Pakistan, and against its own Muslim population particularly in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir".
"India is financing and organising secret mercenary terrorist organisations based outside our borders to conduct attacks in Pakistan to impede the implementation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)," he said, mentioning the attacks carried out at the Chinese consulate and the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
"The captured Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav had earlier confessed to organising such terrorist activities inside [Pakistan]."
The diplomat also touched upon Indian atrocities and gross human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.
"India's state sponsored terrorism has done little to weaken the indigenous and legitimate struggle of Kashmiris for their inalienable right to self-determination. The Indian hoax of targeting so-called terrorists was exposed only recently when the victim's of Indian state terrorism turned out to be innocent labourers."
"Indian attempts to conceal the reality of its brutal occupation in the disputed Jammu and Kashmir territory have miserably failed."
He stated that India's Hindu supremacist organisations have for decades preached the violent suppression of India's minorities. "Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi [...] was responsible for the pogrom in Gujrat in 2002 which killed 2,000 innocent Muslim children, women and men.
"As the world has witnessed, these anti-Muslim pogroms were repeated in Delhi earlier this year," he said in a reference to violent communal riots in the Indian capital.
"Pakistan proudly reaffirms is steadfast support for the legitimate struggle of the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan will also continue to expose Indian terrorist activities in front of the international community."

Dawn publishing pro-Pakistan articles? :eek:
Imran khan is being ignored by Modi and the world. He keeps giving these pointless speeches and thanks to that our first and second secretaries at UN are learning the skill of delivering the rebuttals. They should thank Imran.

Its cute that Imran feels that there could be a possible outcome from these speeches at UN. Of the 5 veto yielding nations 4 are firmly behind India on this. Imran is just fooling their masses.

Obviously Munir Akram at UN and Foreign Office of Pakistan is feeling the pressure to push their agenda of Kashmir at all possible fora. But overdoing this, could have opposite effect. This could soon become a nuisance for others. Then it'll the other countries who'll be giving the shut up calls.

Just not Kashmir but Indian sponsorship of terrorism against the Pakistani citizens is now also highlighted at the world stage. Indians can ignore or believe in their own self concocted narratives, that is irrelevant. Pakistan is now building narrative and it will go a long way to deal with Indian nuisance.
Just not Kashmir but Indian sponsorship of terrorism against the Pakistani citizens is now also highlighted at the world stage. Indians can ignore or believe in their own self concocted narratives, that is irrelevant. Pakistan is now building narrative and it will go a long way to deal with Indian nuisance.
You can continue. Lets see what comes out of it in couple of years.

To tell you honestly, your closeness with China is enough for west to ignore you. Even your television media seems to be mocking these pointless speeches though.
Moved on? to where? Was losing 1000 sq KMs of Indian claimed territory to China was also part of this this brilliant plan? Mind you, PLA actions are directly related to Indian "attempts" of annexation.

Mind you we are still there. We will get back the real or imagined 1000 sq kms.

What has Pak done post Aug5? Rolled over without a whimper. Now you are hoping and praying like crazy that PLA clowns will sort it out for you.
Mind you we are still there. We will get back the real or imagined 1000 sq kms.

What has Pak done post Aug5? Rolled over without a whimper. Now you are hoping and praying like crazy that PLA clowns will sort it out for you.

Why don't you ask yourself, what have you gained since 5th August? Has anything change in the status quo between Pakistan and Indian equation. Diddly squat tbh. Pakistan is controlling every inch of what it has on 4th August but for India, it has lost 1000 sq kms of its claimed territory on LAC side, which is the direct result of Indian shenanigans on 5th August. India has successfully made LAC hot and now has to face the consequences with a very real possibility of two front war. The humiliation India received on world stage at the hands of PLA, has been noted all around.

Your constitution or the changes you made on it, worth the paper it is written on as far as Pakistan is concerned. You are still losing men against the freedom fighters in IOK like you used to before 5th August. So tell me, why Pakistan will do anything, when its famously once said "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake".
Imran khan is being ignored by Modi and the world. He keeps giving these pointless speeches and thanks to that our first and second secretaries at UN are learning the skill of delivering the rebuttals. They should thank Imran.

Its cute that Imran feels that there could be a possible outcome from these speeches at UN. Of the 5 veto yielding nations 4 are firmly behind India on this. Imran is just fooling their masses.

Obviously Munir Akram at UN and Foreign Office of Pakistan is feeling the pressure to push their agenda of Kashmir at all possible fora. But overdoing this, could have opposite effect. This could soon become a nuisance for others. Then it'll the other countries who'll be giving the shut up calls.

West isn't just Trump fascist USA. See this from European union.

We all know USA is different beast, they are hardly champion of human rights. They will one day declare taliban global terrorists and next day sit with them. Ground reality is that kashmiri insurgencies are not part of global terror network akin to alqaida/ISIS.

India in IoK is colonial legacy and it will meet similar fate.
You can continue. Lets see what comes out of it in couple of years.

To tell you honestly, your closeness with China is enough for west to ignore you. Even your television media seems to be mocking these pointless speeches though.

Look around you, go back few years before IK came to power and see the equation between Pakistan and India. It was hugely in India favour. Since then, Pakistan has wrestled back its control in Afghanistan, making India redundant. Has successfully made LAC hot, thanks to Indian own stupidity. India other neighbours are now getting very vocal against India. India own internal faultlines are now remerging which were patched up by earlier regimes in India. Today Pakistan is standing on very firm ground.

These narratives gives Pakistan space to act against India. Operation swift retort was such example. When we say India is now controlled by Hindu terrorist regime of RSS, it gives us flexibility to exercise our hard and soft power against India whenever we feel necessary. The false narrative of Indian secularism has been crushed as well and taken note by world media.
West isn't just Trump fascist USA. See this from European union.

We all know USA is different beast, they are hardly champion of human rights. They will one day declare taliban global terrorists and next day sit with them. Ground reality is that kashmiri insurgencies are not part of global terror network akin to alqaida/ISIS.

India in IoK is colonial legacy and it will meet similar fate.
EU? Don't joke. France is trying to stitch anti-China union with India and Australia. Germany's Angela is busy greeting Modi on his 70th Birthday and pushing for FTA with India. And UK, I don't want to embarrass you. No body cares about what European parliamentary committees say and do, they have no say in real politics. Not one country of Europe is supporting you at FATF even after multiple such speeches by Imran. I don't know if you want to play blind in front of such mountainous evidence, but then it is your prerogative.
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