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Pakistan pulls out of 44th Chess Olympiad in protest against India’s politicization of sports | July 2022 .

I read Vishwanathan Anand saying something to that effect (not the calorie count though). He said it is physically very demanding, but I could not relate to it much. Yes the mind must be working very hard, but how does one burn more calories than say, someone doing office work for the same duration.
They have a torch relay for a chess tournament? How bizarre.
Even I find it odd. Ironically this tournament is being politicised for no rhyme or reason. Pakistani players should not be penalized for this reason 😒.
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You have to be physically very fit for chess too. Professional chess players burn over 5000 calories a day playing chess - akin to running a marathon.
I hate gym 🏋️‍♀️ but love chess. If I can burn 1000 calories playing chess, I will be a happy camper.🤣
Is Chess a popular board game in Pakistan? :undecided:
Yes, why wouldn't it be? I am surprised these kind of questions get asked on PDF, what's the next question? Do Pakistanis drink blood? Is it true that Pakistanis eat the hearts of their enemies and practice the dark arts?



That’s what I was thinking it’s a link to physical disciplines. Maybe they should have had a poetry read or something.
Probably some ego boost thing, the 1st E-Games in Korea had a relay too.. How bizarre.

Well if there's ever a big steaks tournament, I would definitely want to be a part of that.

not kidding either
Would be amazing.
Yes, why wouldn't it be? I am surprised these kind of questions get asked on PDF, what's the next question? Do Pakistanis drink blood? Is it true that Pakistanis eat the hearts of their enemies and practice the dark arts?


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Probably some ego boost thing, the 1st E-Games in Korea had a relay too.. How bizarre.

Would be amazing.
Bro, hardly anyone plays chess here.
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Yes, why wouldn't it be? I am surprised these kind of questions get asked on PDF, what's the next question? Do Pakistanis drink blood? Is it true that Pakistanis eat the hearts of their enemies and practice the dark arts?


View attachment 865858
Well, I don't know if you guys like Chess. Evidently, even some Pakistanis don't know that Chess is popular in Pakistan :laugh:
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Well, I don't know if you guys like Chess. Evidently, even some Pakistanis don't know that Chess is popular in Pakistan :laugh:
"some" being the operative word. This is the problem, a lot of people comment without even knowing anything about their own country, people still think the national sport of Pakistan is "cricket"... :hitwall:

Lol E-Games....Oh well.
Yeah made me laugh too the American Team had a guy who looked like he'd attacked the buffet before appearing on the stage :lol:
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It is surprising that Pakistan has taken a decision not to participate in Chess Olympiad even after their team reached India: MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi
Well its the decision made by Pakistan on principal. I support our stance on this! Lets move on.
Considering our population, this number is an absolute joke. The only people who care about chess in our country are those who are incredibly passionate about it. These pathetic prize pools will not be attracting any sane individual to chess. Look at the insane prize pools of popular Esports titles in Pakistan and then compare them to these chess tournaments. Chess simply has no future in Pakistan.

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