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Pakistan provokes India, says option to use nuclear weapons is open

Oh tsk tsk, poor Bharti emotions so fragile, so brittle, fcuking break em. hahahaha

Ya that options is always there, but then there after no options are left, what about that?
Lets just say "Mutual Destruction is assured"

Ya once Pakistan uses this against India.................then all their options are closed....................for ever

So are Indias as well.
At least nothing like the Fishing Boat circus and Pigeon fan fare by the acute drama queen. !!
Yeah,better safe than being sorry,but still that dsnt explain him starting from Indian involvement in Pakistan to NW,that must be for domestic audience you know.
Or he could be simply saying he has not faith in his armed forces.
Pakistanis and their fascination for the Atmi Bum!
It's not about weapons ...is it..... but the doctrine..!!!
Every country has it's own policy in place.

Yes, india's is of no first use. But if used by pakistan, we maintain enough capabilities to make unacceptable damage to the enemy. With the nuclear triad, anti ballistic missile defence.
Even if you use your tactical nukes, our doctrine is absolutely clear, Massive retaliation.
These types of threat by pakistan is getting stale and boring. Come on guys think of something different. Threaten us with something new.
Nuclear weapons are used when the core foundation or existence of a particular nation is at stake, hope this is not the case with Pakistan. Another hawkish statement showing relations are at there lowest point
Ya that options is always there, but then there after no options are left, what about that?
that's what happen when you elect a loota party.

These types of threat by pakistan is getting stale and boring. Come on guys think of something different. Threaten us with something new.
Ok.. No Nuclear weapon then ,, What about pigeons ?? :smart:
By this statement only a terrorist will get scared and react in defence. Those who are not terrorists are unaffected by such statements.

It amazes me that so many Pakistanis, including in their government don't realise what they suggest when they get all worked up about that statement.
I would love to see a Pakistan nuclear attack on India. Agreed we will also be destroyed but so will India.

BTW I will be safe in the US))
Pakistan can use Nuclear weapon :rofl: (So much faith in conventional military)

Suppose Indian can't?
Bomb them now, destroy their vedic land

Finish their dharma and greg dream

Blacken their faces (even more so)
Ya that options is always there, but then there after no options are left, what about that?
its not about option for them its desparation as they are feeling frustated over "darinder moodee's" political manuvaring and as usual they are trying to blackmail india by putting a neuklear gun on their own heads but unlike this clown their armed forces are much much more "informed" as they very well know that india if attacked wont wait for checking weather the missiles they fired were neuke tipped or not as soon as a single missile towards india is fired its "game over "

And if i remember carefully when Defense minister of India made this statement, in Afghanistan Mujahideen fighters were allowed to fight against Taliban in Kunduz Province.

Updated: May 22, 2015 8:26 am
‘You have to neutralise terrorist through terrorist only,’ says Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar | The Indian Express

To make his point, he quoted a Hindi saying “kaante se kaanta nikaalte hain” (you have to extract a thorn with a thorn) and said: “Why can’t we do it? We should do it. Why my soldier has to do it all the time?”

Fri May 22, 2015 6:47am EDT
Stretched Afghan army falls back on militias to help defend Kunduz| Reuters

The Afghan government has enlisted hundreds of militia fighters controlled by local commanders to battle Taliban militants near the northern city of Kunduz, officials said, underlining how the armed forces are struggling to tackle the insurgency alone.

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