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Pakistan President sacks chief justice

Lahori paa jee

Apr 25, 2006
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf on Friday sacked the country's chief justice on charges of misconduct and misuse of authority, the information minister said.

Musharraf has now referred the case of chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to Pakistan's top judicial accountability body, Information Minister Mohammad Ali Durrani said.

"The president has taken the action after numerous complaints and having personally heard the chief justice. He has acted under the constitutional requirement," Durrani said.

An official statement said Musharraf acted "after receiving numerous complaints and serious allegations for misconduct, misuse of authority and actions prejudicial to the dignity of office of the Chief Justice of Pakistan."


Waow another attack on Sumpreme court. People have been blaming NS for removing CJ, President and Army Chief. Where do u stand now and how can this be justified.

A dark day in Pakistan's history.

An interesting thing is that the Senior most judge after Iftikhar Chayudhry was Bhagwan Das was in Faisalabad (he was to replace Iftikhar but a junior judge has been made acting CJ).

Isnt this history repeating itself. when in 1999 mush was replaced by another army chief. An order which overturned an elected government
A case against CJ is about to start in few hours and a judgement is expected tonight.

Counldn't they wait for Bahgawan Das to return who is not even in Colombo
Waow another attack on Sumpreme court. People have been blaming NS for removing CJ, President and Army Chief. Where do u stand now and how can this be justified.

A dark day in Pakistan's history.

An interesting thing is that the Senior most judge after Iftikhar Chayudhry was Bhagwan Das was in Faisalabad (he was to replace Iftikhar but a junior judge has been made acting CJ).

Isnt this history repeating itself. when in 1999 mush was replaced by another army chief. An order which overturned an elected government

Just to calirfy that Justice Rana Bhagwan Das is a Hindu. According to 1973 constitution, President, Prime Minister, Chief of any of the armed forces and Chief Justice of Pakistan must be muslims. That is why Justice Bhagwan Das doesnot qualify for this position.

FYI, there has been only one Chief Justice in the history of Pakistan ( A R Cornelius) who was not a muslim, but then this rule was not in force. During ZAB time, one PAF chief was a Qadiani; till that time Qadianis were considered muslims.

The criticism about Justice Iqbal not eligible on the basis of seniority
is therefore not justified and the is being raised only by people not conversant with Pakistan Consitution.

There have been two previous cases where Chief Justices have had references filed against them. The reasons may be politically motivated but use of presidential powers to suspend Chief Justice is justified under the constitution.
Just to calirfy that Justice Rana Bhagwan Das is a Hindu. According to 1973 constitution, President, Prime Minister, Chief of any of the armed forces and Chief Justice of Pakistan must be muslims. That is why Justice Bhagwan Das doesnot qualify for this position.

People should be promoted on the base of there knowledge and experience not religion.90% of mullahs in Pakistan are uneducated yet they teach Islam.:rofl: yet a person who actually botherd to go and get an education isn't allowed promotions cause he isn't Muslim excellent.:angry:
Just to calirfy that Justice Rana Bhagwan Das is a Hindu. According to 1973 constitution, President, Prime Minister, Chief of any of the armed forces and Chief Justice of Pakistan must be muslims. That is why Justice Bhagwan Das doesnot qualify for this position.

FYI, there has been only one Chief Justice in the history of Pakistan ( A R Cornelius) who was not a muslim, but then this rule was not in force. During ZAB time, one PAF chief was a Qadiani; till that time Qadianis were considered muslims.

The criticism about Justice Iqbal not eligible on the basis of seniority
is therefore not justified and the is being raised only by people not conversant with Pakistan Consitution.

There have been two previous cases where Chief Justices have had references filed against them. The reasons may be politically motivated but use of presidential powers to suspend Chief Justice is justified under the constitution.

You are right but Justice Bhagwan Das has been appointed acting CJ in the past when Justice Iftikhar was not available or on foreign tours. Why not this time.
People should be promoted on the base of there knowledge and experience not religion.90% of mullahs in Pakistan are uneducated yet they teach Islam.:rofl: yet a person who actually botherd to go and get an education isn't allowed promotions cause he isn't Muslim excellent.:angry:

My respects for your post
People should be promoted on the base of there knowledge and experience not religion.90% of mullahs in Pakistan are uneducated yet they teach Islam.:rofl: yet a person who actually botherd to go and get an education isn't allowed promotions cause he isn't Muslim excellent.:angry:

I agree to every word u say
Expect a bomb blast, a suicide attack or anyother diversion tactic in the coming days......Mark my words
Do you think Mushraff would hurt his own people

Anything is possible.

Apart from this i feel its an attack on judiciary. Back in 1999 when NS removed Mush in somewhat similar fashion the army resisted the change and went ahead with a counter coup. This time the judiciary is on the same edge. Will they stand up and counter this move only time can tell but chances are remote as the acting chief judge is third in terms of seniority and has already taken the oath. whereas the chief judge is under house arrest.

I believe he is being forced to resign.
People should be promoted on the base of there knowledge and experience not religion.90% of mullahs in Pakistan are uneducated yet they teach Islam.:rofl: yet a person who actually botherd to go and get an education isn't allowed promotions cause he isn't Muslim excellent.:angry:

Its Islamic republic of Pakistan; The high positions are held by muslims.
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