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Pakistan poised to get off terror watchdog FATF’s ‘grey list’: Report

Laughing at potians in the bed of billions looted from u & I.

I heard his life expectancy has gone down drastically as he could not be treated in London. Dinner is festive as ever. No compromise on lavish dinner.
Both Afghanistan and IoJK
images - 2020-01-23T171304.506.jpeg

I heard his life expectancy has gone down drastically as he could not be treated in London. Dinner is festive as ever. No compromise on lavish dinner.
How can you joke with a straight face?
Pakistan would definitely come out from this FATF BS in upcoming days. Lets connect the dots. In past, Malaysia and Turkey have been supporting Pakistan in the FATF and because of that Pakistan was maintained its position and remains in the grey list. What happened after, Saudis knows where and when Pakistan needed us. They pressurized Pakistan not to go on the Malaysian summit (stay away from the Turkish/Iranian clan) and in response we will help you. So, the string was Pakistan shouldn’t be there to get Saudi support in the FATF and how it works. Saudis will get US support into the FATF for Pakistan and thats what will going to happen. Look what Trump says. He clearly gave a cent that we had a discussion before n again informed state dept to help Pak to get out this BS.... strings... of... strings...

India is nothing in the power game since the beginning. They will play around the circle and whenever the powers want to do something, India is a like a bubble for them. Whenever Pakistan would struck somewhere... simply support Saudis and u will easily get out of all these pressure shits...

If Pak is removed from grey list and enters the white list we can really speak of improvement of relations between Pakistan and the US.

India will be irked. Very irked. If the FATF ruling is in favor of Pakistan it will be humiliating for Modi. He is the main architect and sponsor of pushing Pakistan on the black list.
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Pakistan ain't getting blacklisted but won't come out from the grey list anytime sooner.
For now they will keep us on grey list till June.
To bend in front of Trump. Well done job I guess :/

While you are at it please do tell what bending has PM Khan done that resulted in Pakistan getting out of FATF and how has it affected Pakistan's interests?
Congratulations Pakistan!

This white-listing was actually due in the last meeting but because of the insistence of India and Israel (lol) it was postponed until now. Dair aye, drust aye! (you arrived late, but welcome).

We will see the stinking behinds of israel and india bursting infront of our own eyes soon
1. fatf is just an observer who gives 'recommendations' to IMF / lenders etc

2. fatf compliance is used as an arm twisting to bully countries ( esp poor ones)

3. fatf blacklisting would mean intl banks ( in the west ) wont open LCs with you . in essence, you are cut off from SWIFT and TT messaging systems ( europe and russia are developing their own financial messaging protocols to get around this )

4. UK isle of man , cayman islands , switzerland, new zealand , ireland, portugal , HK and many offshore tax havens are actually in FATF grey list

UAE is a huge black money dump and ,yet is FATF compliant


make no mistake, getting into FATF whitelist wont solve our economic woes ,,,
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1. fatf is just an observer who gives 'recommendations' to IMF / lenders etc

2. fatf compliance is used as an arm twisting to bully countries ( esp poor ones)

3. fatf blacklisting would mean intl banks ( in the west ) wont open LCs with you . in essence, you are cut off from SWIFT and TT messaging systems ( europe and russia are developing their own financial messaging protocols to get around this )

4. UK isle of man , cayman islands , switzerland, new zealand , ireland, portugal , HK and many offshore tax havens are actually in FATF grey list

UAE is a huge black money dump and ,yet is FATF compliant


make no mistake, getting into FATF whitelist wont solve our economic woes ,,,

That will enable foreign investment actually.
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