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Pakistan point of view on war crime trial : It’s not the right time

The people who must be punished for all this are Yahya Khan, Shaikh Mujib-ur-Rehman, and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who unfortunately are not alive so how many people we will punish? Thousands of Pakistani soldiers and thousands of Bengali rebels?

Yahya, and Zulfiqar ali bhutto i understand but what was Mujib's fault?! Winning the election?? not having the democratic right to form government with parliamentary majority? Leading his people against oppression? Mujib was not even present in Bangladesh during any single minute of the war. He was on the hand of Pakistanis in Mianwali. How is he responsible for any war crime?
bengalis coveniently ignore the plight of biharis, punjabis, and other people dumped into the 'urdu-speaking' category. innocent people were raped, murdered much before the army action took place in east pakistan. it wasn't just mukhti bahini, it was the bengali populace that was involved in the act. even today, some of my family members are grateful that army took action. luckily they were able to escape 'untouched' and 'unharmed' but at the price of losing all of their wealth in the form of a factory. one day, I will show you guys a picture of my maternal grandfather standing next to General Irshad, former dictator of Bangladesh!

so Pakistan isn't to blame for anything, treachery is reserved for only one side. the only thing west pakistan can be responsible for is maltreatment of bengalis and discrimination, but that too can be debated as west pakistanis living in east pakistan were treated just as harshly.

how about bangladesh apologizing for their own war crimes against biharis, punjabis, pakhtuns, and urdu-speaking people living there?
biharis,punjabis are not even bangalis......they r still living in our holy land as becuz we have allowed them.NO BANGALIS HAS EVER DONE ANY WAR CRIMES....we just fought against the munafiks who killed innocent people in the name of religion....BASTERS
All wars have criminals on both sides - Roosevelt or Truman were obviously not tried for Nagasaki and Hiroshima but the Nazis did face a trial in Nuremberg. As the nation which won the war, India could have easily tried the POWs for war crimes and were very keen to do so but they balked under American pressure.
No need for an apology, especially as the Mukti Bahini were responsible for killing between 500,000-1 million Biharis:

Blood and Tears and the massacre of Non-Bengalis by Mukti Bahani|Dacca Times

The sheaves of eye-witness accounts, documented in this book, prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the massacre of West Pakistanis, Biharis and other non-Bengalis in East Pakistan had begun long before the Pakistan Army took punitive action against the rebels late in the night of March 25, 1971. It is also crystal clear that the Awami League’s terror machine was the initiator and executor of the genocide against the non-Bengalis which exterminated at least half a million of them in less than two months of horror and trauma. Many witnesses have opined that the federal Government acted a bit too late against the insurgents. The initial success of the federal military action is proved by the fact that in barely 30 days, the Pakistan Army, with a combat strength of 38,717 officers and men in East Pakistan, had squelched the Awami League’s March-April, 1971, rebellion all over the province.

Panchabibi, Jessore: The Mukti Bhani massacres of Biharis|Today's Views

Actually Mukti Bahini and Bengal Regiment personnel raped the Bihari and west Pakistani women killed about 800,000/ to 1,000,000/ innocent Biharis and West Pakistanis in East Pakistan in 1971. After the 16th of December 1971 Bangladeshis showed the dead bodies and graves of these innocent Biharis and Pakistanis as Bengali people killed by the Pakistan army.

Mukti Bahini killed 1 million Biharis:

Mukti Bahani massacres of Biharis in Panchabibi, Jessore « Bogra « Rajshahi « Sonar Bangla « Bangladesh Patriot

I love the Bangladeshi people today, so I really hope you get past this ugly chapter in our history. No need for apologies from either side. Pakistan feels the pain of 1971 everyday, but in the end you got what you want. Now let's move past this and live as brothers. Peace.
The people who must be punished for all this are Yahya Khan, Shaikh Mujib-ur-Rehman, and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who unfortunately are not alive so how many people we will punish? Thousands of Pakistani soldiers and thousands of Bengali rebels?

dig their graves, trial them, and hang their skeltons... by the way when indra was killed an arab newspaper gave the headline in arabic translation "woh sab mar gay jinho ne pakistan tora"
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