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Pakistan Pleased, India Unnerved By The Success Of Chinese, Turkish Drone Technology?

another thing, the tile;Pakistan Pleased, India Unnerved By The Success Of Chinese, Turkish Drone Technology?) Now the article supposedly has taken Pakistani opinion in this article? NO it hasn't! Its just some indian military person giving its own anecdotal opinion. Then it talks about Turkey and China with their military systems which can supposedly pose a threat to india.

as said above its fake newj india is never afraid.

Oh and it is ofcourse an indian site too!

Russian Deffence Force confirmed that they lost 2 Pantsir in Syria and you say now that they didnt? whom to believe? you or Russian deffence forces?
Taken by me at IDEAS 2018



So I checked your sources, and they don't really prove your claims.

First, nowhere did any of the articles say that Turkey destroyed pantsir systems in libya.

Second, the russians are of course gonna deny it, they have a lot to lose if its found out that their systems aren't as effective as they claim, not to mention that turkey and russia are indirectly fighting a war, so there is a level of propaganda warfare going on. (Edit: I'm pretty sure the russians ended up admitting they lost the systems, after turkey released verifiable footage of the attacks.)

Third, the wiki entries don't say that the su 24 that Turkey claims to have shot down were the trainer. If anything, it proves that Turkey probably shot down the su 24 AND the trainers. In fact, march 1st says turkey shot down 2 su 24s with its f16s.

I dont know where you're getting your ideas from, but the sources you gave me show no indication that you're correct.
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India's drone program is way, way too slow. They need to take this segment seriously, more players need to enter into this space. The DRDO lab dealing with the program isnt doing that great.

It has been almost 4 years since its first test flight. Do they still do general test flight for its surveilance variant or have already tested its UCAV version ?
It has been almost 4 years since its first test flight. Do they still do general test flight for its surveilance variant or have already tested its UCAV version ?

Like I said man, that program isnt run right. They are testing it, but for how long? A lot of labs are gaining momentum, but the one managing UAVs arent. There were even talks about redesigning it to a twin-boom design, adding more to the time line. Another company need to come into the segment, even if they are starting small.

The upcoming models will have a more powerful engine. Local engine is also testing.
So I checked your sources, and they don't really prove your claims.

First, nowhere did any of the articles say that Turkey destroyed pantsir systems in libya.

Second, the russians are of course gonna deny it, they have a lot to lose if its found out that their systems aren't as effective as they claim, not to mention that turkey and russia are indirectly fighting a war, so there is a level of propaganda warfare going on. (Edit: I'm pretty sure the russians ended up admitting they lost the systems, after turkey released verifiable footage of the attacks.)

Third, the wiki entries don't say that the su 24 that Turkey claims to have shot down were the trainer. If anything, it proves that Turkey probably shot down the su 24 AND the trainers. In fact, march 1st says turkey shot down 2 su 24s with its f16s.

I dont know where you're getting your ideas from, but the sources you gave me show no indication that you're correct.
The funny part is Russia didnt even deny it, they said officially that 2 system has been hit by Turkish forces, and immidiately Turkish side shared 3rd video and Russian defence minister talked to Turkish one and videos stopped coming out..
doesnt matter even if its in Libya which is pure lie, but lets say it is, then still a shame, as its 75mln$ system shot by a hundred thousand dollar missile and a million dollar drone
What posing the real threats aren't those MALE drone but the HALE drone like Gloable hawk, Soar dragon which they carry out strategic mission or as a relay network node.
also because they fly over 30000 feet high which is over most of medium level air defence missiles
India's drone program is way, way too slow. They need to take this segment seriously, more players need to enter into this space. The DRDO lab dealing with the program isnt doing that great.
From the Tejas program, to the drone programs, drdo seems to be very much in need of reforms. I don't know why India's government keeps tolerating drdo's clear problems. From what I've heard from indian members, there is a huge level of bureaucratic nonsense.
From the Tejas program, to the drone programs, drdo seems to be very much in need of reforms. I don't know why India's government keeps tolerating drdo's clear problems. From what I've heard from indian members, there is a huge level of bureaucratic nonsense.

They need some sort of reform, but that's not to say they havent improve fast. Several labs under DRDO are doing very well.. Radars, sea platform subsystem/weapons, materials, missiles, PGMs, etc. have been showing rapid improvement, inductions. But the UAVs segment isnt one of them, that is for sure.
Turkish drones are gaining new capabilities at each passing days. Today's drones like Anka-S and TB2 have to use just small guided munitions but Next generation drones like Akinci and Aksungur that will join into inventory in this year, will have capability of launching known laser guided national munitions along with loitering and swarm attack medium to long range missiles/bombs. Artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms make them superior to some threats on ground. Their electro-optic payloads will receive a superior system to perform wide area surveillance missions on their own. Electronic blinding methods on enemy terrain is a must If you want to use drones effectively but New drone called Akinci and Aksungur will be able to stay out of effective kill zone of short and medium range SAM missiles due to powerful gas turbine engines (Akinci-750hpx2). When these drones were used under the same network with manned aircrafts, combined with other electronic attack units/command control systems while performing their missions, No missiles will be able to find them on air. Within 2-3 years, Turkey will pass into armed supersonic(1,4Mach)/near supersonic(900km) stealth drone era. A electronic warfare wingmen drone that will have a speed of 1,4mach will be unveiled in this year as well. Besides, Turkey will get kamikaze and anti-radiation drones into Armed Forces' inventory in a short time. The kamikaze drone called "Kargi" will have a range more than 1000km and I think They will have swarm flight/attack formation to strike on enemy terrains and SAM units inside a harmony.

GAG wide area surveillance system have capability of tracking/identifing and following more than 3000 moving objects/human activities inside a square of 4km x 4km. This system is a game changer in surveillance technology. New optics and pods will be revealed with WASS softwares.

Indians reminds me Greeks who were denying our technology and joking with us saying these are toys, just 3d, never will fly etc.
I prefer this sort of enemy than a clever and realistic one.
Future edge technologies are Al, EW,DRONES, kinetic energy monitions, LASERS, ,4CSIR etc.
Turkey is working on over all of these technologies and I can say we are at the list of first 5 countries.
DRONES with the support of electronic warfare are game changers ,Pakistan is lucky if India cant realize this.
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