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Pakistan Pleased, India Unnerved By The Success Of Chinese, Turkish Drone Technology?

Indians reminds me Greeks who were denying our technology and joking with us saying these are toys, just 3d, never will fly etc.
I prefer this sort of enemy than a clever and realistic one.
Future edge technologies are Al, EW,DRONES, kinetic energy monitions, LASERS, ,4CSIR etc.
Turkey is working on over all of these technologies and I can say we are at the list of first 5 countries.
DRONES with the support of electronic warfare are game changers ,Pakistan is lucky if India cant realize this.

Right now drones are great for reconnaissance - cheaper than sending manned systems

As far as combat goes drones are useless against heavily armed opponent who is willing to launch all out war against you. they work well in low intensity wars against low tech opponents
@Water Car Engineer

What happen with Rustom 2 project, has Indian government made any order of that drone yet?


LCA of drones
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