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Pakistan, Pashtuns and Great Game

Bill Longley

Apr 15, 2008
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Chronicles of Abu Abdul Samad: Pakistan, Pashtuns and Great Game

U.S. President Barak Obama announced Afghan troops surge and future Strategy in his address to cadets at the West Point military Academy on December 1st 2009.
According to the plan, 30,000 more troops were sent to Afghanistan for breaking backbone of the Taliban movement and restore order.
It was also announced that withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan will start in 2011, however, it was later decided that a complete troops withdrawal will conclude in 2014.
Since the announcement of surge in 2009 things have gone from bad to worst. This also has resulted in a blame game between U.S. and Pakistan.
U.S. accuses Pakistan of providing the Afghan Taliban with sanctuaries in tribal areas, and also blames Pakistani prime intelligence agency ISI for covertly supporting them.
From U.S. perspective Pakistan is failing to take action against Haqqanies, based in North Waziristan Agency, and who according to the U.S. are responsible for Afghan ills.
U.S. also alleges that Mullah Omer governs and guides Afghan Taliban through Quetta Shura.
Why the troops surge has still failed U.S. efforts in Afghanistan?
It is a million dollar question.
Those who sit in comfortable chairs in Washington and Europe find it very easy and logical to blame Pakistan. But is it Pakistan that needs to be blamed or the real reason behind U.S. failure in Afghanistan is due to its irrational policies and NATO in Afghanistan?
The major Reason behind failure to understand what is wrong with Afghanistan is refusal to acknowledge that contemporary Taliban movement has changed from religious movement to racial/ ethnic movement .

It was the religious movements in 90’s but the main supporters of Taliban in that era were Pashtuns. We can say it was a Pashtun religious movement. After American Invasion of Afghanistan, crowds of Pashtuns were seen celebrating demise of Taliban regime as their narrow interpretation of Islam and brutal punishments made the traditional Pashtun families hate them. But unfortunately after the Afghan invasion, U.S. played in the hands of non Pashtun warlords.

According to a report by Norwegian Refugee Council/Global IDP Project:
“Pashtuns, trying to escape the ethnic tensions that erupted shortly after the war against terrorism began. Uzbeks and Tajiks took revenge on the local Pashtuns because they suspected them of supporting the Taliban. The Pashtuns fled towards the south….The human rights situation in Afghanistan is a continuing source of serious concern. In the north, north-east and west, commanders act with impunity and are seen by many as being responsible for a wide range of repressive activities. …” (PROFILE OF INTERNAL DISPLACEMENT: AFGHANISTAN, 25 Oct 2004)

End of Taliban regime was not taken as a chance to rebuild Afghanistan. American allies in Afghanistan used this as an opportunity to victimize Pashtuns and seek revenge on Taliban. U.S. and NATO killed thousands of innocents on Intel provided by these warlords and humiliated thousands of Pashtuns in their pursuit of Taliban. As a result, Taliban who went underground after the invasion started re-emerging in 2003 with support coming from Pashtuns. This time they were not only ideological warriors but also Pashtun warriors fighting for land and respect/ honor of the Pashtun race.

Today while playing blame game against Pakistan and villanizing Hamid Karzai , west especially the U.S. is not reckoning the reality written all over Afghanistan that Taliban movement , at present is more Ethnic movement against Occupation to avenge the humiliation of Pashtun race then a religiously orthodox movement.

In early 1970’s India started supporting Tamil separatists. It was not because India wanted to destroy Sri Lanka. It was because India has a large Tamil and Dravidian population and it was its compulsion to be in good books of the Tamil population. In late 80’ when militant Tamils started creating Law and Order situation in India. To counter that India changed its policy and in 87 they intervened in Sri Lanka. From Sinhalese perspective, Indian intervention proved beneficial to LTTE militants as the momentum gained in Operation Liberation 1 and 2 was reversed and Operation Pawen, as this intervention was named, allowed LTTE to regroup.
The ‘professional’ Indian army failed to deliver and left the regrouped and battle-hardened LTTE for Sri Lankan government to deal with.
Al though Rajiv took a u-turn and stopped support to LTTE but Tamil Nadu State government continued its support for Tamil cause and central government overlooked all this in order not to inflame Tamil emotions.

Pakistan has the largest Pashtun population in the world with approximately 36 million Pashtun living in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, both bordering Afghanistan. 14 million Pashtuns live in Afghanistan where they constitute 42 % of Afghan demography. Pashtuns are second largest ethnic group in Pakistan and play an important part in development and progress of Pakistan.

During Afghan Jihad against Soviets, it was alleged that Hikmat Yar was the blue-eyed boy of Pakistani establishment. This was not because the establishment loved him but he was a compulsion. He was heading the strongest and well-rooted group of Pashtun Mujahideen.
In fact Pakistan’s support was for Pashtuns, not for Hikmat Yar alone. After the arrival of Taliban, Pakistan decided to support them, although they proved to be out of control and liability as they never acted upon any advice from Pakistan and continued to implement their strict polices at will.
Also the destruction of Buddha statue in Bamyan in 1998 despite Pakistan govt’s repeated requests to refrain from such acts proved counter-productive.
Foreign office advised that Pakistan should get away from Taliban but again Pakistan was under compulsion to maintain its relations due to the ethnic identity and support in Pakistani and Afghan Pashtuns.

Post Afghan invasion created an opportunity which U.S. and international community failed to utilize. Had Pashtuns been treated fairly, they would have been given a good share in political and economic development. Then it would have been impossible for Taliban to come back. It would have also helped Pakistan to de-radicalize its Pashtun population.
Unfortunately, Afghan Pashtuns coming to Pakistan to escape Non Pashtun Warlords and humiliation at the hands of American and ISAF brought with them stories which enraged their cousins and tribesmen living on the Pakistani side of Durand line.
This started a new wave of Support for Afghan Pashtuns. The main beneficiary of this anti-American /ISAF sentiments became Al Qaeda. When Pakistan Army intervened in support of International forces in Afghanistan, Criminal elements in FATA and Sectarian elements joined hands with Al-Qaeda, and two main types of Groups emerged. First Supporting Afghan Taliban and other Takfiri Pro Al-Qaeda group which made the TTP, which declared war against the Pakistani state.

Pakistani forces first time entered FATA in 2003. Their presence in FATA were not welcome as they were seen fighting on behalf of U.S.
Government of Pakistan tried to create consensus among general public but it was failed effort as ethnic/ tribal/ family relations are stronger stimulus in a federation then any international need.
The history of past 10 years prove that Pakistani Public support only started when Takfiri /Al-Qaeda TTP started hitting Pakistani Targets and started implementing their barbaric ideology where ever they have control. In many cases they violated Pashtun Norms and made Pashtuns against them. This consensus helped Pakistan to carry out successful operations against TTP Swat, South Wazistan.

On the other hand, the other group followed policy of non-intervention in Pakistan but gave support to Afghanistan. Today, when Taliban movement in Afghanistan has become Pashtun Ethnic movement, Pakistan cannot afford to fight this group.
Any operation against them will be considered an action against Afghan Pashtun Fighters and will in turn help the TTP while Pakistani federation would be further alienated from its ethnic Pashtuns.
Pakistan is reluctant to fight because it cannot afford making Pashtuns an anti-Pakistan force, just to please the U.S. or anyone else, especially when Pashtun Afghan president is protesting, threatening and complaining, and calling U.S. and ISAF occupation forces not caring for Afghan(Pashtun) lives and honor.

By Villanizing Pakistan, the U.S. is forcing Pakistan to think again about the alliance. Fortunately, Pakistan is coming nearer to other big powers in region like Russia and China.
The present state of relations is projecting that all neighbors of Afghanistan want U.S. out. Even India is not ready to be U.S. tool against China and Pakistan and is also a candidate for Shanghai Conference, a regional Alliance against U.S. Presence.

The blame game against Pakistan Army and ISI is a last ditch effort by U.S. to get share in Afghan booty but the overall stance of Army and Political government seems to be one which is adding frustration among American Policy circles.

Chronicles of Abu Abdul Samad: Pakistan, Pashtuns and Great Game
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