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Pakistan outflanked by India


Jun 2, 2016
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Published June 9, 2016


The latest joke making the rounds in Pakistan has it that the May 23 Trilateral Transit Agreement — signed in Tehran during PM Modi’s visit there — between India, Iran and Afghanistan so fazed and unnerved Nawaz Sharif that he got a heart attack. He underwent bypass surgery in London on May 31.

A Pakistani layman has it to his abiding consternation why can’t his leaders have faith in their own medical facilities and why must they run off to London or New York for even minor ailments? And then they exhort their countrymen to have faith in Pakistan. But faith seems to be in short supply in Islamabad, especially its ‘establishment,’ in the wake of three of Pakistan’s neighbours ‘ganging up,’ in the eyes of many a cynic, to outmanoeuvre and outflank Islamabad in one clean swoop.

The trilateral agreement Modi coaxed out of Pakistan’s Muslim neighbours — in the critique of the India-centric detractors — is a smart move on the regional chessboard of one-upmanship. The agreement is anchored on the Iranian Port of Chabahar, which will be developed into a modern outlet with 500 million dollars of Indian money. To the Pakistanis, the Indian gambit is calculated to checkmate the Port of Gwadar, just 70 kilometers from Chabahar. Gwadar is intended to be the crown-jewel of the 46 billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor on which Nawaz Sharif has, apparently, staked his future in Pakistani politics. Gwadar will be China’s pivot of outlet to the Arabian Sea.

Chabahar will be doing the same thing, in reverse, for India, allowing it to gain access to Iran, Afghanistan and — the main-prize — the vast region of Central Asian Republics (CAR) of the defunct Soviet Union. The religion-conscious Pakistani pundits can’t put aside their sensitivity that all CARs are Muslim and should, in their faith-phobia, be automatically inclined to Muslim Pakistan than (Hindu) India.

So Modi, in checkmating Pakistan on the coast of Arabian Sea as well as in Central Asia and Afghanistan is triggering off a new Great Game, in reverse, in the 21st century against both Pakistan and China. The protagonists and contenders of the 19th century Great Game — Imperial Britain and Imperial Russia — sought to thwart each other in their lunge to the warm waters of Arabian Sea. Here, Pakistan and India are going to fight it out in their thrust into Central Asia. What incenses the Pakistani establishment — army and intelligence agencies — most is Modi’s checkmate devaluing Pakistan’s trump card of access to land-locked Afghanistan, and beyond, through its territory. India has long been frustrated in its quest to have access for its goods to Afghanistan via Pakistan. Chabahar is going to steal all the thunder from Pakistan’s pivotal position as the only inlet to, and outlet from, Afghanistan.

Of greater chagrin to Pakistan is how Iran — a neighbour with whom it shares much, much, more than just land border — has allowed itself to be roped into an ‘axis’ aimed at undercutting Pakistan and its core interests in the region. What these Pakistani Cassandras forget, however, is the old dictum of no permanency of friends or enemies but of national interest only. But un-blinkered Pakistani pundits with open minds argue that as far as delivering Iran into India’s arms is concerned, Pakistan has scored an own-goal. They fault the Pakistani leadership for subverting Pakistan’s ineluctable geo-political compulsion to cultivate Iran and sacrificing this core national interest at the altar of its civil and military leadership’s subservience to Iran’s arch-rival, Saudi Arabia — and Saudi Arabia’s principal mentor, US. Pakistan wilfully squandered a golden opportunity to benefit both itself and Iran during the period when Iran was under West-enforced sanctions. Sanctions against Iraq in 1990s — history’s most suffocating according to their American authors — had been flouted with impunity by those who had nothing in common with Iraq.

But Pakistan deliberately chose not to help Iran and itself and instead took cover under the sanctions’ umbrella. It was starved of natural gas and next door Iran, awash with gas, was ready to fill all its needs; it laid a gas pipeline years ago up to the Pakistani border but, to date, Pakistan hasn’t moved a finger to do the same on its side. Pakistan stopped buying the Iranian crude — to a drop — because of Saudi and American diktat. So why bemoan now that Iran has drifted to Pakistan’s arch-rival, India? A friend in need is a friend indeed, the Iranian Ambassador in Islamabad reminded his Pakistani interlocutors. India was the only country that continued to buy Iranian crude despite the sanctions. Why shouldn’t Iran oblige a ‘real friend’ with favours opposite a reluctant neighbour?

Nawaz was one of the earliest visitors to Tehran, following the lifting of sanctions against Iran, early this year but did nothing to warm Pakistan to Iran. And during Hasan Rouhani’s visit to Islamabad, in March, the Pakistani establishment embarrassed him by insinuating that Iran was providing sanctuaries to Indian spies against Pakistan. It’s petulant of Pakistan to cry over spilt milk now that India has stepped in to fill the vacuum for both Iran and Afghanistan.

And, as per the Iranian Ambassador in Islamabad, “the deal (on Chabahar) is not finished.” It isn’t a done deal yet and the Iranians are still game to both China and Pakistan. But the invitation only adds to Pakistan’s concerns: what if China takes the bait and starts nibbling on Chabahar, too? What future will there be, then, for Gwadar? Keep your fingers crossed for the health of both Gwadar and Nawaz. Modi in the US is bound to raise temperature in Islamabad.

karamatullah k ghori is a former Pakistan diplomat
The chill in Iran-Pak relationship is nothing of Pakistan's fault.

Chabahar presents no serious credible threat to Gwadar economically as has been discussed here.

If China starts nibbling in Chabahar this could mean only one thing i.e. that Bharat will be nibbled out.
Published June 9, 2016


The latest joke making the rounds in Pakistan has it that the May 23 Trilateral Transit Agreement — signed in Tehran during PM Modi’s visit there — between India, Iran and Afghanistan so fazed and unnerved Nawaz Sharif that he got a heart attack. He underwent bypass surgery in London on May 31.

A Pakistani layman has it to his abiding consternation why can’t his leaders have faith in their own medical facilities and why must they run off to London or New York for even minor ailments? And then they exhort their countrymen to have faith in Pakistan. But faith seems to be in short supply in Islamabad, especially its ‘establishment,’ in the wake of three of Pakistan’s neighbours ‘ganging up,’ in the eyes of many a cynic, to outmanoeuvre and outflank Islamabad in one clean swoop.

The trilateral agreement Modi coaxed out of Pakistan’s Muslim neighbours — in the critique of the India-centric detractors — is a smart move on the regional chessboard of one-upmanship. The agreement is anchored on the Iranian Port of Chabahar, which will be developed into a modern outlet with 500 million dollars of Indian money. To the Pakistanis, the Indian gambit is calculated to checkmate the Port of Gwadar, just 70 kilometers from Chabahar. Gwadar is intended to be the crown-jewel of the 46 billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor on which Nawaz Sharif has, apparently, staked his future in Pakistani politics. Gwadar will be China’s pivot of outlet to the Arabian Sea.

Chabahar will be doing the same thing, in reverse, for India, allowing it to gain access to Iran, Afghanistan and — the main-prize — the vast region of Central Asian Republics (CAR) of the defunct Soviet Union. The religion-conscious Pakistani pundits can’t put aside their sensitivity that all CARs are Muslim and should, in their faith-phobia, be automatically inclined to Muslim Pakistan than (Hindu) India.

So Modi, in checkmating Pakistan on the coast of Arabian Sea as well as in Central Asia and Afghanistan is triggering off a new Great Game, in reverse, in the 21st century against both Pakistan and China. The protagonists and contenders of the 19th century Great Game — Imperial Britain and Imperial Russia — sought to thwart each other in their lunge to the warm waters of Arabian Sea. Here, Pakistan and India are going to fight it out in their thrust into Central Asia. What incenses the Pakistani establishment — army and intelligence agencies — most is Modi’s checkmate devaluing Pakistan’s trump card of access to land-locked Afghanistan, and beyond, through its territory. India has long been frustrated in its quest to have access for its goods to Afghanistan via Pakistan. Chabahar is going to steal all the thunder from Pakistan’s pivotal position as the only inlet to, and outlet from, Afghanistan.

Of greater chagrin to Pakistan is how Iran — a neighbour with whom it shares much, much, more than just land border — has allowed itself to be roped into an ‘axis’ aimed at undercutting Pakistan and its core interests in the region. What these Pakistani Cassandras forget, however, is the old dictum of no permanency of friends or enemies but of national interest only. But un-blinkered Pakistani pundits with open minds argue that as far as delivering Iran into India’s arms is concerned, Pakistan has scored an own-goal. They fault the Pakistani leadership for subverting Pakistan’s ineluctable geo-political compulsion to cultivate Iran and sacrificing this core national interest at the altar of its civil and military leadership’s subservience to Iran’s arch-rival, Saudi Arabia — and Saudi Arabia’s principal mentor, US. Pakistan wilfully squandered a golden opportunity to benefit both itself and Iran during the period when Iran was under West-enforced sanctions. Sanctions against Iraq in 1990s — history’s most suffocating according to their American authors — had been flouted with impunity by those who had nothing in common with Iraq.

But Pakistan deliberately chose not to help Iran and itself and instead took cover under the sanctions’ umbrella. It was starved of natural gas and next door Iran, awash with gas, was ready to fill all its needs; it laid a gas pipeline years ago up to the Pakistani border but, to date, Pakistan hasn’t moved a finger to do the same on its side. Pakistan stopped buying the Iranian crude — to a drop — because of Saudi and American diktat. So why bemoan now that Iran has drifted to Pakistan’s arch-rival, India? A friend in need is a friend indeed, the Iranian Ambassador in Islamabad reminded his Pakistani interlocutors. India was the only country that continued to buy Iranian crude despite the sanctions. Why shouldn’t Iran oblige a ‘real friend’ with favours opposite a reluctant neighbour?

Nawaz was one of the earliest visitors to Tehran, following the lifting of sanctions against Iran, early this year but did nothing to warm Pakistan to Iran. And during Hasan Rouhani’s visit to Islamabad, in March, the Pakistani establishment embarrassed him by insinuating that Iran was providing sanctuaries to Indian spies against Pakistan. It’s petulant of Pakistan to cry over spilt milk now that India has stepped in to fill the vacuum for both Iran and Afghanistan.

And, as per the Iranian Ambassador in Islamabad, “the deal (on Chabahar) is not finished.” It isn’t a done deal yet and the Iranians are still game to both China and Pakistan. But the invitation only adds to Pakistan’s concerns: what if China takes the bait and starts nibbling on Chabahar, too? What future will there be, then, for Gwadar? Keep your fingers crossed for the health of both Gwadar and Nawaz. Modi in the US is bound to raise temperature in Islamabad.

karamatullah k ghori is a former Pakistan diplomat

Nawaz Sharif Has Been Under Pressure From Opposition Parties Because Of The Panama Papers Revelations

The Iranian Ambassador Should Be Reminded That The So Called 'Friend in Need' India Voted Against Iran When It Came To Sanctions At The UN As Well As IAEA.Pakistan At Least Had The Dignity to Abstain



Not Only That India Helped Israel Launch Spy Satellites to Spy On Iran



And India Was Not The Only Country To Continue Purchasing Iranian Oil After Sanctions.China, Russia, Turkey and Even Pakistan Continued Trade Relations With Iran

But Then Again This Is The Kind Of 5 Star BS I Would Expect From An Indian Newspaper Whose Link The
Author Of This Thread Chose to Omit Conveniently

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The chill in Iran-Pak relationship is nothing of Pakistan's fault.

Remember how Pakistan treated Hassan Rouhani on his state visit. It was a classical shot in the foot.

Chabahar presents no serious credible threat to Gwadar economically as has been discussed here.

Gwadar will become only a China centric port if Afghanistan and Iran refuse providing Pakistan land access.

If China starts nibbling in Chabahar this could mean only one thing i.e. that Bharat will be nibbled out.

God forbid !!! In case China starts nibbling in Chabhahar then its a TATA BYE BYE to CPEC
credit should be given to modi. he surely has out flanked pak with the help of US. while modi is visiting many countries the fraudia pakistani PM is staying in london for months for his fake open heart surgery. today there are news that he will spend the last 10 days of ramzan in saudia apparently for umrah but everyone knows he is there for gathering support for covering his corruption. pakistani nation deserves this . the whole govt machinery is simply busy in saving their PM's a*s after panama leaks.who cares what's going on around us? modi and his agent (NS) have tightened the noose around pak's neck.
If China starts nibbling in Chabahar this could mean only one thing i.e. that Bharat will be nibbled out.
Unlike in Gawadar India dosent hold whole of Chabahar, Only a section of Chabahar is already taken on lease recently and will be developed as India required, So, there are opportunists for others to invest and share (Risk and benefits) the cost of development (Japan and even China to some extent is interested).
But here pakistan is the biggest looser, has lost even the last thing you have, your strategic location in Asia to Iran. Any Doubt ? Check the asia map. :drag:
The Iranian Ambassador Should Be Reminded That The So Called 'Friend in Need' India Voted Against Iran When It Came To Sanctions At The UN As Well As IAEA.Pakistan At Least Had The Dignity to Abstain



And India Was Not The Only Country To Continue Purchasing Iranian Oil After Sanctions.China, Russia, Turkey and Even Pakistan Continued Trade Relations With Iran
India had clear position against any country acquiring nuclear, and Iran knows this very well. So, India dosent hide in his home unlike others.
also India paid v dearly for his vote, just before voting Iran gave India a v lucrative LPG contact of 20 billion $ for 20 years and after voting Iran cancelled that contact.

Also quotation "A friend in need is a friend indeed" is from the Iranian Ambassador to islamabad, so dont get any hard feelings abt India. India is not involved at least here. :coffee:

Have said this before this is all comedy

CPEC is a comprehensive package including power projects, massive infrastructure projects, a way of utilising both internal and external investment to push forward growth

China wishes to develop its western half and have a second route to the indian ocean from which it can export and import, Pakistan gets a major massuve deep sea port and adds to the flow os products coming in and out

Talks of chabahar started it 2002, it is now 2016

Not only does india have to circumvent Pakistan sea zones and have our expanding navy patrolling and stopping hostile ships but the size and capacity of Chabahar will be far smaller than gwader

Indias investment so far is a few hundred million and is years behind the development of Gwader

Afghanistan is unsecure and dangerous especially for indians:coffee:, You need two things to mine the resources in Afghanistan and that is Afghan complicity and Pakistani complicity

China has both and CPEC to bring the resources home, india has one and a security headache, this is not a threat just a statement of fact. Pakistan of course wouldn't hurt indian attempts at mining etc but there are alot of groups who would:butcher:

The CA states can and will pick both ports

The indians are known for alot of hot air considering Chabahar has been in the pipelines since 2002 it would be interesting to see how long it takes for anything to c9me about

Actually the Black King can move forward straight and take out the White King piece.

what if China takes the bait and starts nibbling on Chabahar, too?

Pakistan can shut down trade coming from Chabahar?

Gwadar is positioned west from Karachi for oil from the middle east not to get tangled up in the busy port. It also allows for raw materials from Africa to offload there. Why would any ship go a few extra kilometers, and have it's cargo have to travel a few extra kilometers back to China?

Most of trade to Iran during the sanctions was handled by UAE in Dubai/ Abu Dubai, this port is an attempt, through the eyes of Iranian government, to end that.

Remember how Pakistan treated Hassan Rouhani on his state visit. It was a classical shot in the foot.

It was the Pakistanis shooting "across the bow" at the Iranians. Throughout Pakistan kept it's side of the border with Iran safe from Israeli spies, and it would be customary for Iran to do the same against Pakistan's aggressors.
Pakistan can shut down trade coming from Chabahar?

Can it?

Gwadar is positioned west from Karachi for oil from the middle east not to get tangled up in the busy port. It also allows for raw materials from Africa to offload there. Why would any ship go a few extra kilometers, and have it's cargo have to travel a few extra kilometers back to China?

Chahbahar is to cater the needs of India and others. It presents a beachhead to Central Asia. The route is not only safer but also has better infrastructure. Iran is providing oil and gas at a very competitive prices. If the conditions are ripe, India plans to invest $16 billion in Iran and unlike CPEC this will not be invested in Iranian infrastructure, but its petroleum, industrial and service sector.


It also forms an important part of North South transport corridor which will help India cut short the distance to Russia and Northern & Eastern Europe.


Mind you, both of these are technically operational. Since India will spend next decade or more establishing a better and larger manufacturing sector, these will come in handy along with the multiple industrial corridors that are coming along nicely like Delhi-Mumbai Industrial corridor for example.
Gwadar will become only a China centric port if Afghanistan and Iran refuse providing Pakistan land access.

Only China centric means still catering to an economy many times the size of all the economies in Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran combined

God forbid !!! In case China starts nibbling in Chabhahar then its a TATA BYE BYE to CPEC

All of you Bharatis need lessons in geography



Iran blocking land access to Pakistan

China ditching Pakistan to join Bharat in Iran
Some of these bhaRATi dreams are just :rofl:
The chill in Iran-Pak relationship is nothing of Pakistan's fault.

Chabahar presents no serious credible threat to Gwadar economically as has been discussed here.

If China starts nibbling in Chabahar this could mean only one thing i.e. that Bharat will be nibbled out.

The moment China chose Pakistan to develop Gwadar, They cannot engage with Iran because they can choose either one port for themselves. This void is filled by India.

CPEC will increase the Chinese presence in South Asia and India is countering and nullifying it.

Actually the Black King can move forward straight and take out the White King piece.

No the white king is actually making the move towards the Black king !
The chill in Iran-Pak relationship is nothing of Pakistan's fault.

Chabahar presents no serious credible threat to Gwadar economically as has been discussed here.

If China starts nibbling in Chabahar this could mean only one thing i.e. that Bharat will be nibbled out.

The former Pakistani diplomat got nothing on you :D
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