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Pakistan opposes Trump’s plan to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital


Sep 24, 2016
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ISLAMABAD: Opposing US President Donald Trump´s plan to recognise Jerusalem as Israel´s capital, Pakistan has expressed its concern over the move.

Pakistan Foreign Office in a statement said, “Islamabad opposes the US President Donald Trump’s plan to recognise Jerusalem as Israel´s capital and moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”

The Foreign Office Spokesman said this move by United States would definitely undermine the efforts of enduring peace in the Middle East.

“Any such move will be against international law and the resolutions of the UN’s security council,” the spokesman added.

The spokesman called on the US to fully implement UN Security Council’s resolutions and refrain from changing the historic and legal position of Jerusalem.

The spokesman reiterated Pakistan’s resolve to express solidarity with the people of Palestine, adding that Pakistan fully endorses the concluding statement of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on the move.

The leaders of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the European Union, France, Germany and Turkey have all also warned Trump against the move.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for a summit of the main pan-Islamic body in Istanbul on December 13 to discuss the issue.

“Any such move will be against international law and the resolutions of the UN’s security council,” the spokesman added.
Did anyone ask the spokesperson what the violation in international law is?
Saudi has been cozening up with Israel these days.
Turkey has the OIC chair. And if the leader get corrupt or compromised the Leader has to leave like Nawaz had to Leave. Saudia is no more leading Muslim Nations the fact is obvious as Turkey is taking the lead in this fight for Jerusalem. These shots were previously called by Saudis I agree but the countries that Matter are Pakistan Turkey and Iran because Gulf has only money no military power. Israel understands the language of war not peace.

Did anyone ask the spokesperson what the violation in international law is?
Who gives a hell about what violation. Israel never works with Law and world should do what ever it likes against Israel.
Makes little deference... Will creae further conflict...

They are facing a religion that will never give up
Makes little deference... Will creae further conflict...

They are facing a religion that will never give up
I'd say a country, the Arabs have given up ages ago excluding a few countries.
These shots were previously called by Saudis I agree but the countries that Matter are Pakistan Turkey and Iran because Gulf has only money no military power. Israel understands the language of war not peace.
Saudia Arabia has more influence on USA and thereby indirectly on Israel then Pakistan, Turkey twice over. Money talks bullshat walks.
Saudia Arabia has more influence on USA and thereby indirectly on Israel then Pakistan, Turkey twice over. Money talks bullshat walks.
As of now, Turkey is still a NATO member, God knows if it will remain one but that likely buys a little influence?
Saudia Arabia has more influence on USA and thereby indirectly on Israel then Pakistan, Turkey twice over. Money talks bullshat walks.
Agreed but Saudis are in no position to dictate any thing to USA they are compromised any such move was previously intercepted by Saudis immediately and now only few hours left for the announcement. Saudis cannot do it this time they want MBS in power he is Kings son and they will have to compromise. I wish they could stop USA because it will stop the new unrest in Palestine but Saudis will not do it the Kushner brokered the deal for MBS to power and Jerusalem to Israel. I hope I am wrong but it is very evident what is about to happen.
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