Anyone care to translate and summarise the above please ?
I will try please bear with me
here is my closest translation. if someone thinks I fall short of a perfect one then please write the entire piece
IS Pakistan only for Takfiris?
writer: Nadeem Nusrat
Pakistan wasn't made for one particular ethnicity and sect of Muslims. it is established fact that it was made for all Muslims of sub continent regardless of their ethnicity and faith.
unfortunately right after the creation of Pakistan its boundaries were closed for the Indian Muslims and the 2 nation theory was sunk in the Arabian sea.
the Indian Muslims, followers of Same God & same Prophet Muhammad PBUH, were abandoned at the mercy of the same Hindu majority against whom the Pakistani movement was launched to avoid its domination.
its a tragedy that even complaining and protesting against such injustice is construed as treason in Pakistan. when Pakistan came into being then in the same decade dozen of other states also came into being on the world map.
some adopted cricket as their national sport and some hockey and football.... but Pakistani leaders picked up the hobby of issuing treason and heresy declarations. first the Bengali Muslims were denied their right and their demands were termed as treason and instead of giving them their just right, the country was broken into two.
afterwords Ahmedis were declared non-Muslims and Shia were declared Kafir. yesterday Bacha Khan was declared Indian agent, today Baloch patriotism is under suspicion. ... and.. the Mohajirs who made the country are declared enemy of the state.
shia are kafir , Beralivi are heretics and tableeghi (preachers) people are non Takfiri.
A place which has the majority of people that are devotees of Sufi Muslim saints who spread the peace and love of Islam in the subcontinent has seen the tombs of such saints reduced to rubble through bombings.
in Lahore Data Gunj Bkhsh, in Pak patan Baba Farid's tample in Karachi Abdullah Ghazi's tomb, in Peshawar Rehman Baba's tomb .. all were destoryed in bombing attacks, in tribal areas many such tombs of famous saints were desecrated. their bodies exhumed and desecrated. today people who visit tombs are seen with suspicion as non-muslims and are butchered in the style of Mongol horde.
today, mourning the martyrdom of Prophet's grandson is considered un-Islamic. celebrating the birth of Muhammad PBUH is considered heresy. and having devotional gatherings to express praise and love to Allah & Muhammad PBUH is considered Hindu rituals.
the Takfiri horde loiter in the country unchallenged and those who oppose them are massacred,
nothing is safe from these takfiris, no mosques, no imam bargahs no Ahemdi worship places, no graveyards , no jamat khanas no Hindu temples no Christian Churches. every single sect, religion and its sacred places are under attack but the leadership is un-phased.
if Pakistan is only safe and viable for the takfiris and having a different faith, religion and belief is considered a sin and a crime then people deserve the right to know where should they go?
it is high time that all those Pakistanis who respect humanity get their act together and unify for their own survival
otherwise no one will be safe from these armed takfiris. no sect,no mosque no place of worship and no tomb of the saint will remain intact.
Sunnis would be no more and nor would be shia and Beralvis neither Beralvis nor Ahmedis.., Islamilis nor Hindus, Sikh and Christians.
only the tyranny of these armed takfiris will reign supreme and all others will have their heads chopped off into the pile of skulls.