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Pakistan one of most dangerous countries for minorities: Report

Frustratingly shameful. And trust me, I am not just saying this in context of Pakistan. Extremism about religion (which is a personal belief of an individual by definition) is probably the most illogical, yet most prevalent curse in our region .

Agreed, a group of people arguing over a belief that has no logical proof and they themselves know nothing for certain about.
Agreed, a group of people arguing over a belief that has no logical proof and they themselves know nothing for certain about.
Its like saying, that because I like Chicken Sweet Corn soup in a Bone China Bowl, you better like it the same way, else I will kill you. Think about it. Can it be more lame ?
Its like saying, that because I like Chicken Sweet Corn soup in a Bone China Bowl, you better like it the same way, else I will kill you. Think about it. Can it be more lame ?

Even though I myself have never tasted it, I've just heard it's best that way.
Ah, the bastion of Islam could do with a little less Islam at the moment! The problem remains that many people still draw a link to Indian muslims, divided families, former homes and historical land claims still keep individuals from accepting the fact that Indian muslims chose to be Indian Muslims and they are no longer our responsibility.

Oh come on we don't give a frig about Indian Muslims; its only people like @Oscar @Secur or @HRK Bhai who've got 'poddineiii key baaagh' in India who have fraternal ties to Indian Muslims ! :unsure:

On a serious note - We only respond in a 'I told you so' kinda manner when something happens to them just as Indians do when something happens to Non Muslims in Pakistan; its the nature of the rivalry !

And leave the Bastion of Islam alone ! :mad:

Islam hasn't got anything to do with it; if we & others hadn't thought about playing Commandos-meets-Age-of-Empires-III with the Region we probably would've been spared this mess !

Just make me the Caliph & get it over with ! :smokin:
Islam hasn't got anything to do with it; if we & others hadn't thought about playing Commandos-meets-Age-of-Empires-III with the Region we probably would've been spared this mess !

The whole situation in middle east concerns Islam in one form or the next.

Just make me the Caliph & get it over with ! :smokin:

Free Paye by the state?
The whole situation in middle east concerns Islam in one form or the next.

Tou yaaar Islam is used as an intensifier, a red-herring if you will the same way ethnicity, language or political ideology is used by other terrorists.

I mean almost every State in the Middle East wasn't conceived as a Bastion of Islam or anything of the sort but they've got more killings in the name of Islam than Pakistan does - Why ?

'Cause its got nothing to do with the Ideology of the State; the States were fine before the Ayatollahs of Iran & the nexus of Clergy & Royals from KSA thought of proliferating their respective ideologies, sometimes in a violent manner, to terrible effect from the African Maghrib on one side to Xinjiang on the other !

Free Paye by the state?

Was that a very overt dig at my caste ? :mad:

Tou yaaar Islam is used as an intensifier, a red-herring if you will the same way ethnicity, language or political ideology is used by other terrorists.

Yes but Islam has this magical quality of granting some degree of legitimacy to the terrorist's agenda. Our people despite a decade of war still question if the TTP are indeed muslim and have a strange fixation with their "Khatnay" what does that tell you?

I mean almost every State in the Middle East wasn't conceived as a Bastion of Islam or anything of the sort but they've got more killings in the name of Islam than Pakistan does - Why ?

Just Iraq and Afghanistan, otherwise most others are fine. Those two have been invaded, so its a rather sorry comparison.

'Cause its got nothing to do with the Ideology of the State; the States were fine before the Ayatollahs of Iran & the nexus of Clergy & Royals from KSA thought of proliferating their respective ideologies, sometimes in a violent manner, to terrible effect from the African Maghrib on one side to Xinjiang on the other !

Indeed but just the fact that we were so receptive to this poison and are having such a hard time expelling it, shows that something is terribly amiss.

Was that a very overt dig at my caste ? :mad:

Honest question!

KARACHI: The same day Pakistan’s busiest Jinnah International Airport, Karachi, was attacked by militants, a brutal suicide bombing took the lives of 24 Shia pilgrims in a hotel in Taftan, near the Iranian border.

Attacks against Pakistan’s Shia community have been on the rise since the 1980s, but targeted killings reached unprecedented levels in 2013, with some 700 Shias murdered.

Pakistan one of most dangerous countries for minorities: Report – The Express Tribune

First, this is so called sectarian violence when reality speaks differently as that's not sectarian but foreign handed terrorism.
Second. Shia' are Muslims so we can't fix word minorities over them.

These journalism thugs of Express Tribune should hanged who are maligning Islam and spreading misinformation.

@naveen mishra
I hope you consult history of your own country over minorities rights and record of violence against them before posting.
Enlightenment should perceive before it’s too late of change in mindset.
Yes but Islam has this magical quality of granting some degree of legitimacy to the terrorist's agenda. Our people despite a decade of war still question if the TTP are indeed muslim and have a strange fixation with their "Khatnay" what does that tell you?

Thats the nature of these fixations; people are receptive to the things they value; the Tamils in India for the Tamils of Sri Lanka, the Turks for the ethnic Turks in Central Asia/Iraq, the Pukhtoons for the Pukhtoons in Afghanistan, the Iranians for the Farsi-speakers in Afghanistan & those who value Muslimness or Muslimhood for the Muslims elsewhere - the common denominator between them isn't religion, ethnicity or political ideology but rather a sense of a 'pan-geographic identification' & the expression of it through sometimes unacceptable means.

Plus the nature of how the Afghan Conflict has developed over the past few decades, the manner in which we entered the War On Terror, the lack of credibility amongst the population of our military & civil executives alike & the venomous role played by the religious clergy & our failure to develop a counter-narrative are, in my opinion, the reason why this notion persists whether those who are fighting us are Enemies of the State or are they just disgruntled Brothers who can be pep-talked back into the mainstream !

Just Iraq and Afghanistan, otherwise most others are fine. Those two have been invaded, so its a rather sorry comparison.

They're fine now but throughout the '80s & the '90s places like Lebanon were on fire as some countries in the Arab Maghbir, Egypt, Nigeria & even stable Monarchies like Bahrain or even other areas like Xinjian, the Phillipines etc. - the point was that the common denominator in all of those wasn't the ideology of the State but a failure of State Apparatus to curb the ingress of foreign ideologies & agendas to the point of them threatening to rip apart the very social fabric of the Society !

Indeed but just the fact that we were so receptive to this poison and are having such a hard time expelling it, shows that something is terribly amiss.

I think thats because we were so receptive to Islam, perhaps more so than other countries because of the evolution of the historical narrative about Pakistan that we responded the way we did however like I said or meant to say before, I don't really find that any different than countries besought by separatism or insurgency on ethnic, linguistic or political lines because all of those things have some sort of receptiveness amongst the population hence why an armed mob becomes an 'insurgent group' so to speak.

And because of that I think it all comes back to 'Governance' & Governance alone - If you're going to allow people with a venomous religious agenda proliferate within a population who is very emotional about religion than you're going to get the same kind of mess to deal with when you allow a venomous ethnic agenda proliferate within a population that is very emotional about their ethnicity like the Bosnian Conflict - So for me whichever way I consider it....it comes back to one thing & one thing alone no matter what shape or size the particulars or the 'intensifiers' take - Governance or more aptly the Lack of It !

Honest question!

Taking digs at a Brother's caste - Ahhh well what else can one expect from Najam Sethi's nephew ! :whistle:
Minorities live in peace in Pakistan. Go and ask the dead in the graveyards.
Oh come on we don't give a frig about Indian Muslims; its only people like @Oscar @Secur or @HRK Bhai who've got 'poddineiii key baaagh' in India who have fraternal ties to Indian Muslims ! :unsure:

On a serious note - We only respond in a 'I told you so' kinda manner when something happens to them just as Indians do when something happens to Non Muslims in Pakistan; its the nature of the rivalry !

And leave the Bastion of Islam alone ! :mad:

Islam hasn't got anything to do with it; if we & others hadn't thought about playing Commandos-meets-Age-of-Empires-III with the Region we probably would've been spared this mess !

Just make me the Caliph & get it over with ! :smokin:

Dont you dare say a thing about my Podinay ke Bagh.. they are huge and I intend to retake that estate back when me and @Hyperion launch the true "ghazwa-e-hind" using brainwashed ex-PTI burger kids trained by South African Mercs.


Bhatta's who are essentially Baniyas who turned atheist cannot be Caliphs.
Let it go my friend....... @Armstrong is just jealous that he doesn't have any land to irrigate all that green goodness of Podina......... Karahi-gosht sans podeenay kee chutney............. oh oh ......... :D

Dont you dare say a thing about my Podinay ke Bagh.. they are huge and I intend to retake that estate back when me and @Hyperion launch the true "ghazwa-e-hind" using brainwashed ex-PTI burger kids trained by South African Mercs.


Bhatta's who are essentially Baniyas who turned atheist cannot be Caliphs.
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