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Pakistan official offers $100,000 reward for killing of maker film

"He called for legislation to have the anti-blasphemy law at the global level......":rolleyes:
Can he really be so ignorant that he thinks that it will ever happen?
And it is not illegal to make death threats in Pakistan?
This is the only photo of him they could find? Why associate such nut cases with Sikhs, they have a lot of problems as it is because of there appearance. :disagree:

Isn't this ample proof of what Islam teaches.....Practice yours and respect others religion.....and when the need arises, stand up and defend your religion......even though he might be going about it in a wrong way. !!
Isn't this ample proof of what Islam teaches.....Practice yours and respect others religion.....and when the need arises, stand up and defend your religion......even though he might be going about it in a wrong way. !!
Standing up and defending should include explaining why the other guy is wrong (by possibly a big PR campaign), not paying to kill the guy.
If this is what islam teaches, then perhaps it deserves all the condemnation, and more power to stupid youtube video guy.
Standing up and defending should include explaining why the other guy is wrong (by possibly a big PR campaign), not paying to kill the guy.
If this is what islam teaches, then perhaps it deserves all the condemnation, and more power to stupid youtube video guy.

Of course, the Awami party has already denounced the statement, distancing themselves away from it.

I doubt he really expects anyone to successfully assassinate the filmmaker. Like others said, he's pandering to those radicals for votes. The s*** will really hit the fan if some nutjob actually carries out the assassination.
Isn't this ample proof of what Islam teaches.....Practice yours and respect others religion.....and when the need arises, stand up and defend your religion......even though he might be going about it in a wrong way. !!

Islam probably teaches exactly what you said.. Its some morons across the world who interpret it in an extremist way for their own vested interests (or due to lack of intelligence on their part) that causes the problem...
This minister is not a by product of Islam like some are eluding to subtly, he is a by product of defaming and further promoting like terrorist do, the defamation of Islam.

YOU want blasphemy laws? here is a person to be held under it. I would think it to be blasphemous to denigrate Islamic teachings and religion by associating yourself as some protector of Islam in calling for murder for hire.

Repeat this after me
It is not the US who defames Islam it's terrorists and their sympathizers who do so..
It's not that autistic child who defames Islam, it's terrorist and their sympathizers who do
It's not the person who says by mere words that Islam is not their cup of tea, it's terrorists and their sympathizers.

And govt's who support, capitulate to their mad mullahs and fanatics who defame Islam.
Pakistan minister stands by film-maker bounty
By Emmanuel Duparcq (AFP) – 19 hours ago
ISLAMABAD — A Pakistani government minister who offered $100,000 for the death of a film-maker who produced an anti-Islam movie stood by the bounty Tuesday, saying it was the "only way" to stop insults to the prophet Mohammed.
Railways minister Ghulam Ahmed Bilour sparked international condemnation when he offered the blood money and urged the Taliban and Al-Qaeda to carry out what he called the "noble deed".
The Pakistan government and Bilour's own party have distanced themselves from the reward for the person behind the crudely-made "Innocence of Muslims", which has sparked violent protests across the Islamic world.
But Bilour insisted public opinion was behind him in Pakistan -- which has seen dozens of protests against the film including nationwide rallies on Friday that ended in bloodshed and looting, with 21 people killed.
"I expressed my personal view and faith. I stand by my declaration," the 72-year-old told AFP.
"My faith is non-violent, but I cannot forgive and tolerate (this insult)."
He said a businessman from the eastern city of Lahore had offered to put up a further $400,000 for the reward and said that freedom of speech should not be used as an excuse to insult Islam.
"Killing is not a good way, but right now it is the only way, because no action has been taken from Western countries (against the film-maker)," he said.
Washington condemned Bilour's reward offer as "inflammatory and inappropriate", while the EU said it deplored it, but the minister, regarded as one of the most influential politicians in Pakistan's deeply religious northwest, where anti-Western feelings run deep, said he was surprised by the outrage.
"I issued a statement against one man, not against all European and American people," he said.
"We should also have freedom of expression. Why Europe and the US are angry if we say something against the film-maker? It is our freedom of expression."
He warned of a "volcano of Muslims" and a "religious war" if insults to Islam continued unchecked.
The producer of the film, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, is reported to be a 55-year-old Egyptian Copt and convicted fraudster, based in Los Angeles and currently out on parole.
US reports say Nakoula wrote and produced the film, using the pseudonym Sam Bacile before being identified. Police questioned him before he went into hiding with his family.
The minister came under fire from liberal sections of the Pakistani media, with the English-language Daily Times newspaper criticising him in an editorial titled "Bilour's foolishness".
"If Bilour is allowed to get away with his diatribe, what will remain as the difference between him and the frothing-at-the-mouth extremists and terrorists?" it said.
Most of the country's Urdu-language papers, generally less liberal and more popular, did not criticise him, and on Monday groups of people came to his home to congratulate him for taking a stand.
"You see, this was brought by people and they garlanded me with flowers," he told AFP, indicating a table full of red roses on a verandah in front of his house in Peshawar.
"People are even calling me and telling me that I should increase the amount of the reward."
AFP: Pakistan minister stands by film-maker bounty
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