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Pakistan needs USD 17bn to cover rising current account deficit: WB

Temporary duties and some form of local rebate on exports would be needed along with a managed slide in value over the next few months. Pakistan's economy can do without an exchange rate shock just yet.

The issue of Pakistan being a non-competitive economy stems from competing and clashing internal interests. But we are turning a corner here. If elections happen on time, we shall see an acceleration of GDP growth.
Yes all things are related to political stability look at the roller coaster in stock market also Dollars is just jumping due to speculations on top of that we can do good deal with Paris club and IMF for partial rescheduling , one has to understand that havoc has been played with the economy of this nation ,let it grow
How would devaluing of Pakistan Rupee 'shatter' exports? Please educate me.

I have had a number of University Economics courses, and have run manufacturing businesses that exported textiles to USA & KSA, but I have never ever come across a statement like yours. I am intrigued. I would very much like to know what black magic shall break the connection between devalued currency and Export growth? It works like this everywhere, but may be you can educate me about the dark science that applies only to Pakistan for some reason.

I have never studied economics.

Devaluation of the currency in terms of exports can only be good when you have a stable competition inside the country not a mafia.
I have said this before and will said this again the World bank is full of Indians and are working both ways or to malign Pakistan economically .
Conspiracy has a better sale in Pakistan. And please explain, how can someone malign economically? Inventing phrases?

Why don't you guys get into some ivy's and beat your way into WB like Indians are doing.
I have never studied economics.

Devaluation of the currency in terms of exports can only be good when you have a stable competition inside the country not a mafia.
devaluation of currency means that Pakistani product will become cheaper for the importers all around the world as they can now buy more than they could before with the same amount of money. so it will give much needed shot in the arm to our exports.
the other impact it will have will be on import as now your currency is devalued means you can buys less amount of foreign currency for the same amount than you could before.this in turn will make it expensive for our importers to import goods resulting in lesser imports.
now as you can see it will hit our trade deficit problem from both sides and will us narrow the gap.but if every thing is so great why haven't we done it already.it is because with sudden change in currency value will bring high inflation rates with it.which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it will force people to take their money out of saving accounts and invest in market creating more jobs in turn.but it will also increase the price of consumer goods and without sufficient consumer rights and quality control laws market will get filled with substandard products and with no competition from imported goods there will be no incentive in increasing the product quality.this behavior if left unchecked will have extremely adverse effect on our long term export prospective
plus we do import most of the heavy machinery for our industry and high import costs means that it will make it expensive to invest in long term assets.
so like every thing else it has it positives and negatives.but to maximize its benefits and minimize its impact we need to introduce rigorous quality control laws with modern day consumer rights so our products don't lose the gain in export generated by devaluation to poor build quality.
I have never studied economics.

Devaluation of the currency in terms of exports can only be good when you have a stable competition inside the country not a mafia.
If I were a doctor, I would prescribe Prozac and tell you to stay away from your info-bubble that feeds and reinforces an incredibly distorted POV. Is it not a joke that you are making such flat-out laughable statements and have no compunction about it?
If I were a doctor, I would prescribe Prozac and tell you to stay away from your info-bubble that feeds and reinforces an incredibly distorted POV. Is it not a joke that you are making such flat-out laughable statements and have no compunction about it?

If you can prescribe then you are a doctor already.

But i stand by my point neither the politics nor the business infrastructure can bear the devaluation.

The whole export business is largely divided between a handful of business owners.

devaluation of currency means that Pakistani product will become cheaper for the importers all around the world as they can now buy more than they could before with the same amount of money. so it will give much needed shot in the arm to our exports.
the other impact it will have will be on import as now your currency is devalued means you can buys less amount of foreign currency for the same amount than you could before.this in turn will make it expensive for our importers to import goods resulting in lesser imports.
now as you can see it will hit our trade deficit problem from both sides and will us narrow the gap.but if every thing is so great why haven't we done it already.it is because with sudden change in currency value will bring high inflation rates with it.which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it will force people to take their money out of saving accounts and invest in market creating more jobs in turn.but it will also increase the price of consumer goods and without sufficient consumer rights and quality control laws market will get filled with substandard products and with no competition from imported goods there will be no incentive in increasing the product quality.this behavior if left unchecked will have extremely adverse effect on our long term export prospective
plus we do import most of the heavy machinery for our industry and high import costs means that it will make it expensive to invest in long term assets.
so like every thing else it has it positives and negatives.but to maximize its benefits and minimize its impact we need to introduce rigorous quality control laws with modern day consumer rights so our products don't lose the gain in export generated by devaluation to poor build quality.


Good luck with the sheer monopoly the jagirdari system has.

Small businesses will close up.

Devaluation is only and only good when you have a flourishing internal independent market.

Study Deutsche Mark vs The Euro debate.

I don't have any degrees. The only degree I have is i know all politicians along with feudals are looting us bareback
Conspiracy has a better sale in Pakistan. And please explain, how can someone malign economically? Inventing phrases?

Why don't you guys get into some ivy's and beat your way into WB like Indians are doing.
Please check the link i have shared it was in 1993 the Indian establishment started to make plans for using WB source as means of strategic gains but problem comes from advent of Chinese EXIM bank and intervention where it kicks out literally World bank from many places like Africa and now in OBOR one of the largest investment in infrastructure by any nation . COuld you care to explain why world bank posted wrong figures about economy of PAKITANS ? are they incompetent ?
Please check the link i have shared it was in 1993 the Indian establishment started to make plans for using WB source as means of strategic gains but problem comes from advent of Chinese EXIM bank and intervention where it kicks out literally World bank from many places like Africa and now in OBOR one of the largest investment in infrastructure by any nation . COuld you care to explain why world bank posted wrong figures about economy of PAKITANS ? are they incompetent ?
The Indian position in WB didn't deprive you of any loans. And what's the data WB pulled wrong?

How about S&P, Fitch, I'm pretty sure there are Indians in there too. So, the reason the world believes Pakistan is in trouble is because of Indians sitting in key organizations?
Anyway, ya'll need to do better than that. Forget Indians, how others were convinced, the grouping includes non-Indians. So, it's true that the world is conspiring against Pakistan.

Speaking of incompetence, you worry about your incompetent government who couldn't manage a forex reserve of at least $20B.
The Indian position in WB didn't deprive you of any loans. And what's the data WB pulled wrong?
perhaps they are talking some thing else .
How about S&P, Fitch, I'm pretty sure there are Indians in there too. So, the reason the world believes Pakistan is in trouble is because of Indians sitting in key organizations?
Anyway, ya'll need to do better than that. Forget Indians, how others were convinced, the grouping includes non-Indians. So, it's true that the world is conspiring against Pakistan.

Speaking of incompetence, you worry about your incompetent government who couldn't manage a forex reserve of at least $20B.

Dont worry about is we will be fine and for your kind information we still believe and recognize the rating systems but in case of Super Duper India they didnt even recognize the ratings and trying to manipulate .


Indian economic troubles


Next time you lecture Pakistan / first improve your system
Indeed the world is conspiring against Pakistan. ADB too, oh come on.
Because it's in disputed area. World Bank and ADB denied loans to Arunachal Pradesh too, when China raised objection. So, the Indian influence works only to stop Pakistan and not for advantages for India??

Perhaps you need to start believing in sanity.
Next time you lecture Pakistan / first improve your system
Hmm, we are the one's sitting on 400B dollar in forex reserves. :D Not 20. We are still clocking more than 6% growth.
Dont worry about is we will be fine and for your kind information we still believe and recognize the rating systems but in case of Super Duper India they didnt even recognize the ratings and trying to manipulate .

So, you see the rating systems don't work for India, it will only want to downgrade Pakistan. Conspiracy by Indians.
ndeed the world is conspiring against Pakistan. ADB too, oh come on.
Because it's in disputed area. World Bank and ADB denied loans to Arunachal Pradesh too, when China raised objection. So, the Indian influence works only to stop Pakistan and not for advantages for India??

Perhaps you need to start believing in sanity.
Chinese are not Insane the World bank follows the Indian narrative but i guess Chinese are more crazier
14billion is 2.4% in a 2.7trillions $ GDP? No wonder Pakistan has the lowest literacy rate in south asia .

Chinese pressure ,nothing more , wb reported the best estimates to kick of these Chinese projects , Pakistan renegotiated with their office data with a growth rate of 5.1%.

End of the day you'll still be piling on debt more then you can afford.

I don't know in which world you are living but your country has the most number of poor and illiterate's in the world including you. Give me one source to prove 2.7 trillion GDP of yours kid.

So a fool like you will tell me about debt??

World Bank pressurized China for changing statistics of Pakistan?? :D :D This is the most funniest thing I have heard yet but I know how much illiterate you're that's why your foolish remarks doesn't matter. You should better go and research something regarding Economics before putting your nose here.

On a lighter note India debt to GDP ratio is way more than Pakistan so you guys better care about your debt :D :D

How is 14.3 billion, 2.4% of 2.4 trillion?

I didn't knew that I got to teach each and everything like a kid to you Indians. I clearly mentioned that 14.3 for the first quarter, don't you know what does a quarter mean?? Calculate the entire year deficit and than divide it by your GDP and you will get 2.4% figure.
I don't know in which world you are living but your country has the most number of poor and illiterate's in the world including you. Give me one source to prove 2.7 trillion GDP of yours kid.

So a fool like you will tell me about debt??

World Bank pressurized China for changing statistics of Pakistan?? :D :D This is the most funniest thing I have heard yet but I know how much illiterate you're that's why your foolish remarks doesn't matter. You should better go and research something regarding Economics before putting your nose here.

On a lighter note India debt to GDP ratio is way more than Pakistan so you guys better care about your debt :D :D

I didn't knew that I got to teach each and everything like a kid to you Indians. I clearly mentioned that 14.3 for the first quarter, don't you know what does a quarter mean?? Calculate the entire year deficit and than divide it by your GDP and you will get 2.4% figure.

So? 2.4% is quite less compared to 5.8% of Pakistan. What was your point again?
FBR already put major bomb on common public 50 percent increase thanks to bajwa they should caught nawaz and zardari who go and beg from imf and run away to london
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