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Pakistan needs help, not lectures

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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Pakistan needs help, not lectures —

Farish A Noor

It is pointless for American and Western leaders to keep telling Pakistani elites to close down madrassas and religious NGOs without helping the Pakistani state create and maintain a working public service sector

In the wake of the attacks on Mumbai last month, tension between India and Pakistan has soared to hitherto unprecedented levels in recent times. With the visit of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Islamabad and the statements that have issued from President-elect Barack Obama of late, the eyes of the world are once again trained on the two countries that have dominated and determined the post-colonial development of South Asia since 1948; neighbours that have gone to war three times already.

Obama’s claim that henceforth American foreign policy will shift from the imbroglio in Iraq to the troubles of Afghanistan and South Asia, however, has left scholars and policy-makers alike dumfounded. What exactly does this shift in priorities signify and what may be its long-term implications?

For a start, cynics have begun to sound warning bells that the situation in Iraq is about to implode faster and greater than anticipated. A hurried rush from Iraq now may well allow Obama the room and opportunity to escape from America’s messy entanglements in the Arab world — which were not his doing or responsibility, one may add. But it will certainly not calm the situation in Iraq or her neighbouring states and will probably only lead to even more strife and chaos.

Now if this is Obama’s way of washing his hands of the dirty mess that was created by Bush Jr, a speedy exit that is unplanned and bereft of contingency plans may well create an even greater mess; as was the case with the US retreat from Afghanistan at the end of the Afghan conflict in the 1980s, which merely abandoned the country and the region to the militant forces that eventually gelled into the Taliban...

Furthermore, the new focus on Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Asia likewise beggars understanding. Is the Obama administration-to-be already operating on the assumption that the root of the region’s woes lie in Afghanistan, a country that was already devastated and sent off the tangent thanks to the machinations of the Eastern and Western blocs at the height of the Cold War?

The statements and behaviour of American politicians like Obama and Rice on, in and about the region seem to suggest a consensus of sorts: that the source of the problem lies in South and Central Asia and that only a determined effort on the part of the US (read US armed forces) will finally put the troubles to rest.

This, of course, is happening at a time when the world is speedily slipping into a state of recession and the scramble for rapidly depleting resources like oil, gas and water is growing by the day. South Asia has been designated as a hot spot to watch thanks to the combination of economic development as well as the potential threats to capital investment that may arise as a result of skewed, uneven development. Naturally the governments of the developed world are now throwing their weight in the region, demanding that the government of Pakistan co-operate with India (and by extension the West) in ensuring that militant forces and underground militant movements are kept at bay.

Making things worse are some of the more stringent voices on both sides of the India-Pak divide, one calling for retaliatory measures to be taken while the other stands down. Markets in the West as well as Asia are watching this tense drama unfolding between New Delhi and Islamabad, with nobody wanting a new conflict between the two.

This mess, however, cannot and will not simply be wished away unless and until the international community also plays its part and accepts its culpability in the unfolding drama. Its roots lie in the Afghan conflict of the past and how for too long Pakistan was used (and allowed itself to be used) as a front-line state in the War against Communism.

During this period civil liberties were curtailed, press freedom denied, political detentions and assassinations rife, and fundamentalist hotheads and their ilk were allowed to roam free. Lest it be forgotten, most of the radical groups operating in and from Pakistan today are the forsaken children of the drive to oust the Soviets from Afghanistan, by all means necessary. Today, they have become a burden that everyone is embarrassed about, and, worse still, a near-permanent feature of the Pakistani political landscape that cannot be denied or glossed over.

Dealing with the militants in Pakistan will therefore have to be a systematic, organised, rational and thought-out process, that will require structural, institutional and financial backing from square one. It is pointless for American and Western leaders to keep telling Pakistani elites to close down madrassas and religious NGOs without helping the Pakistani state create and maintain a working public service sector that offers basic education, healthcare and social support.

Nor would it be useful to invite yet another contingent of ‘moderate Muslims’ to be parachuted to Pakistan to preach Islamic pacifism and the love of brotherhood, for what motivates many of the militant movements is politics and not faith. A political solution is required, rather than more rosy speeches about change in a new world...

For now, however, it is evident that the world can only look from afar at the rising tension between India and Pakistan with dismay and wonder. While investigations into what really happened during the attacks in Mumbai continue, already fingers are pointing across the border and both sides are playing the blame game. America and Western Europe’s inclination to take the Indian side of the argument is a reflection of the reality of global power-politics and geo-strategy, and indicative of India’s growing importance in the eyes of Western markets and their governments.

But failure to deal with the matter in an objective, even-handed manner will only reinforce the impression that this is a campaign to besmirch the name of Pakistan, which will in turn weaken the hand of moderate Pakistani leaders who themselves have been the victims of terror attacks and who want to see them stopped for good. Now, more than ever, Pakistan needs to be understood and helped in a balanced, objective and sustained manner. Keep the frothy rhetoric for the soap operas instead!

Dr Farish A Noor is a Senior Fellow at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; and one of the founders of the The Other Malaysia research site

Indeed an impartial picture presented by the writer of the current geo-political scenario of Pakistan. Its upto the people of Pakistan to decide what they need. These politicians, army generals and western donors donot truly understand the misery of these poor people.

I hope the brave nation of Pakistan will find out a true leadership in this gloomy time. I always pray to Allah for them as a true friend of this great nation.
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