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Pakistan need China once again if India violates Indus water treaty

China cannot do anything, even if it wants to.
We are not dependent on brahmaputra river, it has its own water addition in abundance in india only.
Area through which it flows is a always a water flood region.
I am all for any indirect ways to bring Pakistan to behave. We dont even need to scrap IWT. Just divert 3 rivers fully and use the 20% Indus water and its enough to make u guys Panic. Ungrateful guys.
Hahah. My goodness, i am amazed witb your wet dreams andchildish approach.
Wake up kid.

I have said it elsewhere too. India won't stop Pakistan's water. It is just a new drama for domestic consumption.

A new trick to save face and 56 inch chest.
from MNF status to Indus water treaty , the Indians are trying every this g possible to satisfy its local public , but all efforts are invain.
Try some thing else Indians.

This shows the limitations of Indian arm forces that they can't do any thing against Pakistan in military terms
This modi regime has dug itsellf a deep hole. Instead of climbing out of it somehow the regime keeps digging deeper and deeper.

In public discourse it is easy to excite the masses but takes wisdom and skill to calm them down.

Indus water treaty is the red line of Pak... Pak's Full Spectrum Deterence is crystal clear about this.

So, Pak brothers, just enjoy this farce....of the modi regime. Do not waste your emotions on indian super heros here on the PDF.... insulting Sino-Pak is the only bright spot in their lives apart from eternal wait of deliverence from inhuman poverty.

Compassion and understanding must be shown to these posters.

Your planners have worked out all possible scenarios and responses will be like clockwork from the Pak establishment. Only your political class needs to mature up and build upon the gifts that this modi is giving Pak with regularity.

Sometimes, one wonders whether this modi is an ISI agent and working for Pak and Kashmir Freedom.

Just keep givng the indian empire the rope....
Why Pakistan always have a begging bowl, it goes from door to door for everything....
previously West, Arabs now China. But Chinese will teach them a lesson which even world will never forget. They are ready to lease the nation to China on Chinese terms but do not want to reconcile with India on their oown terms. Plz segregate Propaganda with facts.
from MNF status to Indus water treaty , the Indians are trying every this g possible to satisfy its local public , but all efforts are invain.
Try some thing else Indians.

This shows the limitations of Indian arm forces that they can't do any thing against Pakistan in military terms

Drama hai sara. A country that holds Bollywood is all drama. No practical action. Some supa puwa it is.
Why Pakistan always have a begging bowl, it goes from door to door for everything....
previously West, Arabs now China. But Chinese will teach them a lesson which even world will never forget. They are ready to lease the nation to China on Chinese terms but do not want to reconcile with India on their oown terms. Plz segregate Propaganda with facts.
Before poiting fingers On Pak China relations. I hope Indian would also look in to how their Government is trying every thing to seduce america.
Indian establiaent is resting in bed with america wearing a sexy nighty to seduce america after nuclear deal and their plans to counter China.
Indians were talking about three targets after the Uri incident. Could it be that the unilateral scrapping of the Indus Treaty and the attack on the Pakistani border post from Afghanistan the first two targets they were talking about? If so what could be the next target?

The third is the main target- Which is why you see this war mongering PR from Pakistani establishment and Army in the 1st place- after a long time India has been looking at long term solutions- n
Kashmir was never 90% Muslim. It was at best 75% till 1990 riots.
The Ungrateful comments refer to one of the most graceful water treaty in this world. No Country would have agreed to such terms with an enemy country. China will never do. Even US never does that.

And we did that with brotherhood wish, considering it happened in 1960's. Idiot Nehru thought selling India's right will buy peace with Pakistan. But what Pakistan did? With IWT in its kitty it proceeded to do war upon India. Sheer betrayal. And again in 1999 when Vajpayee was welcoming Pakistan with open hands and peace was in the valley.

Its called ungrateful. Second there is nothing called Pakistani area over there. Its an area legally signed by Kashmir Maharaja. The plebiscite was halted by the idiotic Pathan tribal invasion. And UN resolution clearly states Pakistan withdraw from LoC, and then after 2 years an plebiscite will be held. That ruling was in 1948 which was replaced by Shimla agreement of 1972. Everything is legal now. Ungrateful peoples.[/QUOTE I find some reality in this statement what do you guys say????
I watched on TV that indian PM Modi is consulting with his leagal team to break the 57 years old Indus water treaty with Pakistan.

Incase India violates Indus water treaty, Pakistan must once again seek help from our time tested all weather friend China to get water from the rivers originating in China: Indus, Barhamputtra, Yamna and Ganga. Today flowing into India from China.

Pakistan and China has to build some sort of tunnel/man made channel to transport river water flowing into India from China to Pakistan so Pakistan isn't made desert.

Approximately 36% of Indian rivers water flow in from China to India, this must be diverted towards Pakistan if Modi breaks the Indus water treaty.

Pakistani government must urgently consult with our friend, the Chinese government on this matter.

Before implementing our backup Chinese plan, Pakistan must try to get help from UN, World Bank, EU and USA, as its against humanity to deprive citizens of Pakistan their main water source.

Pakistan must intensify liberation of Kashmir if India violates Indus water treaty. Since 1990's government of Pakistan have backed off from Kashmir issue, but its time to activate this struggle again. Start with blowing away the fence at LOC.

PM Modi is more and more reminding me about Hitler. As he has evil soul.

Pakistan must declare war on India, as Pakistan has no other option. World opinion will be on Pakistani side if India deprive pakistani river water. Pakistan army must start preparing fora decisive war with India. Pakistan should start recruiting soldiers and purchase forPakistan army, with in mind that this time we are going for a decisive war with India. Build as many nukes as possible.

Pak army has to end indian occupation of Siachen, as this area is the biggest water resource in South Asia.

This news needs to be cross verified by telegraph UK, as quoted by this news site. It says China threatened india to stop its water if she voilates indus treaty with Pakistan.
Before poiting fingers On Pak China relations. I hope Indian would also look in to how their Government is trying every thing to seduce america.
Indian establiaent is resting in bed with america wearing a sexy nighty to seduce america after nuclear deal and their plans to counter China.
We work on relationship of buying and selling (purely trading) I hope you understand the difference with no attachments (like I am permitted to bomb wherever and when ever I want).
LOL grab the popcorn and watch the world come down on Modi if Indian government decides to scrap the IWT.

Not even uncle sam will back India on this. Try to stop water for million of hard working people is no way to fight terrorism. Not even Israel does that to the people of gaza and other surrounding territories.

international policy sucide by Modi if he looks to break a signed UN treaty
Easiest agreement to cancel will be that of notifying ballistic missile launches and not attacking each ither nuclear sites... modi should start with that
Easiest agreement to cancel will be that of notifying ballistic missile launches and not attacking each ither nuclear sites... modi should start with that
India already did that by declaring of not using the nuclear bomb first.
I watched on TV that indian PM Modi is consulting with his leagal team to break the 57 years old Indus water treaty with Pakistan.

Incase India violates Indus water treaty, Pakistan must once again seek help from our time tested all weather friend China to get water from the rivers originating in China: Indus, Barhamputtra, Yamna and Ganga. Today flowing into India from China.

Get some correct facts dude, when did Yamuna and Ganga started to flow from China ?? LOL :p:
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