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Featured Pakistan Navy prevented Indian Submarine from entering into Pakistani waters on 16th October

Now India media is crying ...they caught our sub....surgical strike is must now! so the much awaited scenario is taking real shape.

Today, on twitter space session organized by Shahid Reza ... where an ex PN Captain explained why IN tried to sneak in our waters ...and he hinted some thing bigger on escalation ladder is coming.
I dont want to speak for the original member, but what he/she might be stating is that Subs that dont want to be detected stay submerged and don't snorkel. The purpose of this act might be more political. I also agree that snorkeling in this manner is not prudent. PN ASW systems likely dropped hydrophones and picked up as much as they could. So unless sub was forced to snorkel to avoid getting blown out, that act of snorkeling is a bit strange, unless it was deliberate.

If the vessel is in our EEZ normal action (in non-war scenario) is to engage and guide asset out or give permission for navigation through. This requires the vessel to show itself and state its purpose. However under International Maritime Navigation Law a vessel is allowed to traverse EEZ if its intention is purely navigation (from one point to another) and no one can stop that, nor is permission required. I have no way of confirming this, but my sense is that the sub snorkeled to allow it to navigate the EEZ, or conversely it was given a forceful knock to surface "or else" upon detection.

It likely did not get permission to navigate the EEZ so prob made a small ingress and then moved out, or was detected well into its act of ingress or act of traversing the EEZ (and probably surfaced to make a point, we did what we needed to and you should know it). So detection was not something big here (if sub had already surfaced), outside of the fact that ASW assets were there to begin with. Or if the sub was detected outside of EEZ and given a knock as soon as it came into or close to EEZ - that would be a solid win. Given the limited nature of information we cannot be certain how this played out and I for one will not have happy ears or extend false platitudes. Something is not right here and more information is needed to make a good assessment which we all our unlikely to get. I am certain many such ingresses do go completely undetected as the expanse of open sea in our EEZ is too large to effectively monitor. I doubt PN has hydrophone based sensor network deployed across the EEZ. That is a possibility and if so that would be awesome! Though again complete conjecture on this capability.

I think India is also sending a message. It is putting out there for the world and shipping channels the real threat it poses to Pakistani water navigation. It will leverage these very images to make shipping insurance impossible and difficult in a state of hot war or some pre-war tension. Which also speaks to the importance of PNSC, because few will venture these waters in the case of war outside of our owned flagged operations. This aggressive submarine patrolling speaks to the aggression of India. I for one would be comfortable if Pakistani subs were detected off Indias' coast every week. It is a psychological jolt to any nation of subs operating so close to its waters.

My other concern is Indian sub being used to make coastal drops of weapons and people especially in Baluchistan. That is my biggest concern here, which is why Pakistan needs to elucidate a policy of greater aggression and make our Coastal areas hot fire zones for non-detected / sub-surface vessels.
You have done a very sobering analysis and raised some very concerning points that have not been raised by other members. If this is truly the case, there appears to be a need for countering this aggression using counter aggression to make a point that vicinity of strategic Indian assets to Pakistani waters is not acceptable at all. Seas are even more sacrosanct than airspace in terms of the economic reliance we have on shipping. If we could shoot intruding IAF acs, there is no reason for us to not harrass enemy subs to no end to establish deterrence (even if these are close to our EEZ, as our coastal areas and mainland still are within the ranges of their missiles).
Why? Let it enter and then quitely take it out

Pak Navy once again detects, blocks Indian submarine from entering into Pakistani waters

Pak Navy once again detects, blocks Indian submarine from entering into Pakistani waters

October 19, 2021 --- Web Desk

RAWALPINDI (92 News) – Pakistan Navy with its unremitting vigilance and professional competence has once again detected and blocked the Indian submarine on Oct 16, 2021 from entering into Pakistani waters.

During the prevailing security milieu, a strict monitoring watch has been kept by Pakistan Navy to safeguard maritime frontiers of Pakistan. It is the third incident of its kind wherein, an Indian Naval Submarine has been prematurely detected and tracked by PN Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft.

The recent incident reflects the deplorable Indian machinations vis-à-vis commitment and resolve of Pakistan Navy to defend maritime frontiers of the Motherland.

Pak Navy once again detects, blocks Indian submarine from entering into Pakistani waters (92newshd.tv)

PN blocks Indian submarine’s attempt to enter Pakistani waters

file photo

The Pakistan Navy blocked the attempt by a submarine of the Indian navy to enter the waters of Pakistan, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said on Tuesday.

According to a statement issued by the military's media wing, the Indian submarine tried to enter Pakistani waters on October 16, but it was "prematurely detected and tracked" by the Pakistan Navy.

"It is the third incident of its kind wherein, an Indian submarine has been prematurely detected and tracked by Pakistan Navy's Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft," the statement added.

"During the prevailing security milieu, a strict monitoring watch has been kept by Pakistan Navy to safeguard the maritime frontiers of Pakistan," the ISPR maintained.

"The recent incident reflects the deplorable Indian machinations vis-à-vis commitment and resolve of Pakistan Navy to defend maritime frontiers of the Motherland," it added.

PN blocks Indian submarine’s attempt to enter Pakistani waters (tribune.com.pk)

Why the Indian sub will open ititself to periscope depth during the day close to an adversary's waters ??
Did any of you guys noticed the time when this Sub was detected and tracked.
It was close to the Midnight hour, the Indians weren't exactly in the area at that time for Lobster hunting.
And awesome performance by Pak Navy as at night in such vast ocean, its not easy to locate a surface vessel let alone a submerged one.
One can just imagine the psychological hit on the Indian Crew.

No doubt this a major blow to Indian naval capabilities. Decades of Indian Naval investments have gone down the drain. It will take decades to replace and rebuild new sub fleet.

Congrats to PN.
Hindustanis trying to act too smart and getting caught with their pants down.
Why the Indian sub will open ititself to periscope depth during the day close to an adversary's waters ??
Once a submarine realises they been ratted out, they surface to show they don't have any bad intentions.
That's normal procedure.
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