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Pakistan Navy Poster by Me...!!!


Sep 5, 2007
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Hi Guys & Gills!

Encouraged by your linking for my wallpapers which I made for 6th September celebration. Here is my tribute to Pakistan Navy. It is not a wallpapers like previously it is a poster like thing.

Actually wanted to make something like a movie poster... :lol:

Hope you will like and post your comments about it...

You can download full version from here

Have some work right now... will come back and check ur comments.


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Nice poster brother! but the only the thing is hence, its a joke the sailor looks a bit cross eyed lol ...
Nice poster brother! but the only the thing is hence, its a joke the sailor looks a bit cross eyed lol ...

Can you please elaborate a bit more bro what you are actually pointing to...

Thanks for remarks anyhow.
Yup the sailor is cross eyed.. he is focusing on his gun.
Yup the sailor is cross eyed.. he is focusing on his gun.

Now can you please tell me what is wrong in that so that i can fix it? I mean what is wrong in focusing on his gun...

Now can you please tell me what is wrong in that so that i can fix it? I mean what is wrong in focusing on his gun...

His eyes should not be on gun because this creates the impression that he is having problem with eyes in the first look. he should be looking forward beyond the gun.... I think this should work...

Waise great design... loved it.....
His eyes should not be on gun because this creates the impression that he is having problem with eyes in the first look. he should be looking forward beyond the gun.... I think this should work...

Waise great design... loved it.....

hmmm... thanks ro. Will try to fix it..means his eyes.
and add some mask in Sailor's pic..... and 1 thing more.... make 2 or 3 versions of this poster..... means add some more pics of ships and helicopters...........
hmmm... thanks ro. Will try to fix it..means his eyes.

And Shaheen one more suggestion... though I dont know how will you actually implement it.... or how will you design it.

If I am supposed to market Pakistan navy then I would prefer Pakistan flag some where. You know visual graphics speak more then words. When I show this to an American he actually needs to read it. Or imagine it in a big staduim with this poster and a poster of Pakistan navy with Pakistan flag in the background. I think the poster with flag will embibe more sentiments within people... and people of non Pakistani origin will be able to figure it out more easily....

This poster is damn good... Just some suggestions as being a small marketing specialist.:pakistan:
He is not crossed eyed but I think the picture is taken from some passing out parade or any such parade where soldiers give salami or salute looking on one side where the chief guest is standing with other officials.
Why does a sailor need a byonett ?
AFAIK, pak does not have an amphibious assult force.
Why does a sailor need a byonett ?
AFAIK, pak does not have an amphibious assult force.
If you mean Amphibious Assault Ships, then no, we don't have ships with large decks specifically for helicopter and boat assaults. However, the Special Service Group Navy is capable of launching off of ships in boats, as well as carrying heli-bourne assaults, and we do have ships that can be used to launch both. There are also the Pakistan Navy Marines, whose capabilities I am unaware of, but depending on the name, I'd say they're trained in amphibious warfare as well.

As for the bayonets, I don't know, heritage, perhaps.
On the other hand, I hear playing the flute really helps the seamen fight, at least in the Indian Navy.

Trying to hypnotize enemy, perhaps. To me, it seems a tough choice, bayonet... flute... bayonet... flute... I'll stick with the bayonet, but we appreciate the music.

PakShaheen79, great effort man. I like it. One thing, as you probably already know, the Navy does not fly Mirages, so I'd suggest you move them out of the picture (at first I thought they were LCAs, which would be blasphemy). Also, I'd like to see a close-up of PNS Zulfiqar, maybe the SSGN, the Marines and definitely the Pakistan flag.
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Ok Guys... Here its is ... I have FIXED the EYE OF SAILOR... I think now you can have more fun watching it. :)



For Complete version...
Pakistan Navy


Thanks for your suggesstions I did add a pic of Pakistani flag in background but was not satisfied with that... Will try another such poster in few days with different skyline then may be it work as you are imagining it. Thanks again.


Yeah I had that thing i mind but you have not any idea how much i am busy now a days and on top of that my mother is ill so mind is not focused totally. Pray for my mother please.
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