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Pakistan Navy planning to buy 30 JF-17 Thunder Block-II.

None of India's concern unless you are our munshi.

it is a forum. pakistanis also share their point of views in Indian threads. so it is a valid question. without money how will come the honey !
None of India's concern unless you are our munshi.

Areesh I am totaly agreed with you:tup:

but I want a small question.....

Why people saying in indian session about toilet and other things whenever India do well (Like reached Mars) or going to purchase new weapon ? As per me, those also not concern for other people....

Well, by the way....... I called only jealousy....

On topic _ Good moved by Pakistan
it is a forum. pakistanis also share their point of views in Indian threads. so it is a valid question. without money how will come the honey !

How Pakistan would fund it is none of India's concern. What implications it would have for India if Pakistan really goes with this move is your concern. You guys should discuss more what is related to you.

Areesh I am totaly agreed with you:tup:

but I want a small question.....

Why people saying in indian session about toilet and other things whenever India do well (Like reached Mars) or going to purchase new weapon ? As per me, those also not concern for other people....

Well, by the way....... I called only jealousy....

On topic _ Good moved by Pakistan

Again whether India spends money on Mars mission or throws it in the gutter. It is not of any Pakistani's concern. Same applies here.
How Pakistan would fund it is none of India's concern. What implications it would have for India if Pakistan really goes with this move is your concern. You guys should discuss more what is related to you.

Again whether India spends money on Mars mission or throws it in the gutter. It is not of any Pakistani's concern. Same applies here.

of course, you are right. but the question is about the affordability. can PN with her handful of resources can afford it ? from a neutral perspective I would like to know.
it is a forum. pakistanis also share their point of views in Indian threads. so it is a valid question. without money how will come the honey !

Well my dear if you are really interested in this question, than there is an easy hint for you in the attached file below from the Reserve Bank of India Website study it & try to grasp the given 'DATA' it will help you to understand the idea 'how to have the honey without money'

Indian Gross Fiscal Deficit.JPG

link: http://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/Publications/PDFs/105T_SHE130914L.pdf


  • 105T_SHE130914L.pdf
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there is something call punching above the weight. I hope you get it.

I understand it is way above your understanding ....

Enjoy your troll attempt.. gudnight... :wave:
they have no infrastructure, no pilots, no depot level repairs and maintenance....

PN can easily maintain JF-17s as initial batch of pilots can come from PAF and PAF already have all infrastructure available to support JF-17s if PN buys them, later on PN can built their own repairs & maintenance facilities.

PM should approve this as PN has taken very good decision :pakistan: as it is much needed one too. It will reduce some burden on PAF to provide continuous support to PN which in full blown war will be difficult, specially in maritime strike role although PAF will remain committed to it. In long run around 2030 we may see 5th gen plane in PN too, one or two squadrons to support JF-17 squadrons if acquired
look buddy, have you ever heard about fiscal deficit in percentage term ? India's fiscal deficit in % terms are getting down. last year we had 4.8 % this year target is 4.1 and next year is 3. of course we have afford it. same thing can't be said about pakistan. no free cheques from US and saudis.

This year our fiscal deficit will most likely be 4.8%.
Is JF-17 really suited for Naval Duties?

Yes, as it can carry variety of Anti Ship weapons and will be better then P-3s in strike role as they can protect them selves whereas P-3s can't also all PN assets combined with JF-17s in NCW environment will be very potent force for IN in defensive role.
why not with these babies ?

Don't you need different hardports to carry anti-naval weapons, sea based radar systems, and on-board computer systems that link in with naval assets and tandem seats for the pilot and navigator?
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with better engine like RD-93MK JF-17 will be able to carry con-formal fuel tanks which will reduce range deficiency while retaining full weapons load. Too increase more range those birds can be refueled in mid air in our EEZ at least to avoid any major trouble as PAF can provide cover there.
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Don't you need different hardports to carry anti-naval weapons, sea based radar systems, and on-board computer systems that link in with naval assets and tandem seats for the pilot and navigator?
it can be yes why not sir china has long experience in it very easy to instal
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