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Pakistan Navy Missile Boat Contingent

In all seriousness how effective would a weapon like that be?
MECHs are the Future
More like When rather than IF
Bio suits are already being tested

If you follow anime it can fulfil multiple jobs of different combat systems
E.g Tanks , Longer Range Artillery, Air Crafts and Helicopters

But biggest restriction is the Power and Movement
So most probably we will see multiple different varients designed for land , air , navy & space

Innovation and investment in weapon system like these is the only way asian countries can catch up otherwise they will always be chasing and staying a generation behind
AI controlled Mechs can save human lifes its much easier to control and push these bots where we wouldnt send humans normally

We need a faster and better way for communication as well Radio is good but laser is much more better you can send much more data with less interference and less chances of being spied on these are the things which will change human society
Sir I do agree with you but do our country have these private contractors if yes then please name one
Bhutto’s act of nationalization of 70s killed the industrial growth and private sector, people call him intelligent leader I think he was sharp yet dumb as he could not asses the long range effects of his action or maybe he did not care.

MECHs are the Future
More like When rather than IF
Bio suits are already being tested

If you follow anime it can fulfil multiple jobs of different combat systems
E.g Tanks , Longer Range Artillery, Air Crafts and Helicopters

But biggest restriction is the Power and Movement
So most probably we will see multiple different varients designed for land , air , navy & space

Innovation and investment in weapon system like these is the only way asian countries can catch up otherwise they will always be chasing and staying a generation behind
AI controlled Mechs can save human lifes its much easier to control and push these bots where we wouldnt send humans normally

We need a faster and better way for communication as well Radio is good but laser is much more better you can send much more data with less interference and less chances of being spied on these are the things which will change human society
Except in Moonsoon season and bad weather the MB can be very cost effective.
MECHs are the Future
More like When rather than IF
Bio suits are already being tested

If you follow anime it can fulfil multiple jobs of different combat systems
E.g Tanks , Longer Range Artillery, Air Crafts and Helicopters

But biggest restriction is the Power and Movement
So most probably we will see multiple different varients designed for land , air , navy & space

Innovation and investment in weapon system like these is the only way asian countries can catch up otherwise they will always be chasing and staying a generation behind
AI controlled Mechs can save human lifes its much easier to control and push these bots where we wouldnt send humans normally

We need a faster and better way for communication as well Radio is good but laser is much more better you can send much more data with less interference and less chances of being spied on these are the things which will change human society
I see, so it boils down to the need of advancement in micro technology.
We could make x10 Azmat Class Missile Boats and get 10 from Indonesia
Standard simple Missile boat (x10)

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The reality is that while Azmat is the size of a FAC, It isnt fast. Its top speed is 30kt. It is loaded out more like a light corvette. But i think it is the ideal surface platform to expand the PN surface presence (with some modification):

1. The original gun on Azmat and Dehshat was a twin 25mm cannon. This was subsequently exchanged for what appears to be an Aselsan 25mm STOP or 30mm SMASH autocannon as part of the Himmat redesign. This could again be removed and replaced with a CIWS like 1130 or 730 as the main gun (similar to Type 022 corvette). Where the current ak630, pn should be replaced with an 8 cell fl3000n.

Another option would to replace both the AK630 and current main guns with Type 730 or 1130s and attach 6 HQ-10 for a total of 12 missiles and 360 degree gun and missile coverage.

2. Change electronics for a better radar. Something akin to the TRS-3D as on the Hamina (200km range).

These changes would add minimum cost to the vessel and would greatly enhance the capability of these ships. They would make excellent picket ships for PN given the significantly enhanced situational awareness and with 10 such ships, you could monitor all Pakistani territorial waters (with~5 ships with 5 in port) and their survivability in times of war would be significantly improved. It would greatly decrease the burden on the larger vessels for peacetime patrols and anti-piracy/narcotics operations. With 1-2 CIWS and two .50cal weapons stations, they certainly have enough non-missile firepower to deal with them.

3. (Optional) create an enlarged variant of the vessel to around 1000t and add a sonar, helipad (telescopic or no hangar) and torpedoes to serve as a standard corvette (similar to the k130 corvette, but smaller)

For FAC theynshould really focus on fully arming the MRTP-33 which currently lack missiles. When the Atmaca AShM becomes available, PN should press them back into the FAC role.
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